James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Joseph Anderson, [3 March] 1811

From Joseph Anderson

Senate Chamber 5 OClock PM [3 March 1811]


The nominations you Sent in to day—will not be finally acted on for want of time.1 By a rule of Senate, they must lie one day for consideration—an attempt has been made to Suspend the rule but without Success. If therefore—you consider those nominations of Suffic[i]ent importance—to require the attendance of Senate to morrow—we meet again at Six OClock—and I have taken leave to give you this information. With verry high respect

Jos: Anderson

RC (DLC). Date based on internal evidence (see n. 1).

1Anderson was referring to the nominations of Richard Forrest and George Davis (see Forrest to JM, 2 Mar. 1811, and n. 1).

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