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Results 27451-27460 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
2745131. (Adams Papers)
Eve with Foster at Mr. Jackson’s, He was out.
I received yours by the Bearer —As neither Captain Bell nor Captain Gist, can make out regular pay-rolls for their men; a months pay will be sufficient at this time to give them. If any officer is in want of pay, and not indebted to the country for Recruiting—Let him receive out of the Balance in your hands: but let them all know, that it will appear a little dark on their side, if they should...
mr Dexter will come to Boston tomorrow for the Trunks you must go with him to mr Crufts who when you pick out the Trunks will deliver them—I See that nobody here will attend to them if I do not—they are lodged at mr Thorndikes Store Custer lies very dangerously sick your GM MHi : Adams Papers.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I had the Honor of seeing you I have influenced a Relation (while in England) to discharge all my pecuniary obligations there, and am now at liberty to offer myself to you to serve in any capacity you may think me capable of. My profession is that of a Surgeon, but will exert myself with pleasure in any other line, to the utmost of my abilities. I...
I do myself the honor of transmitting herewith, a copy of the Act , passed last Saturday, by the General Assembly, entitled an Act concerning the Territory of Columbia and the City of Washington. It is not from a certified copy. I believe however correct. The Bill propos’d that the Willfull shou’d be under the same circumstances with the Minors &ca. but it was thought proper in that case to...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Carter and his thanks for the copy of Arator which he has been so kind as to send him. we are indebted to Col o Taylor for a great deal of valuable information given us in that volume on the subject of Agriculture; and whether we consider the question of slavery as a political or religious one, all differences of opinion are entitled to toleration,...
11 September 1801, Philadelphia. Has received JM’s letter of 10 June 1801 regarding the Wilmington Packet . Would prefer that JM draw the money to America and place it in the Bank of the United States or invest it in U.S. funds so it will earn interest. Requests JM’s answer “before my departure from this City to the Eastward.” RC ( DNA : RG 76, Netherlands, Misc. Claims, ca. 1793–1847). 1 p....
I have been daily expecting to communicate to you a regulation on the subject of tobacco, and an arrêt concerning all other articles of our commerce. Still however they are unfinished, tho’ I think they cannot be so many days. In the mean time I am favored with your letter of the 4th. inst. and congratulate you on your happy meeting with the ladies of your family and your safe arrival at...
Mr Chief Justice Morris who will have the honor of delivering this to your Excellency is now on his way to Westchester County. His principal Business thither is to establish the civil Authority of the State in that part of the County which has lately been relinquished by the British and to concert with the civil and military Officers and other principal Inhabitants of the County the most...
I recieved yesterday your letter of May 2. on the 3 d an anonymous writing had come to hand which bearing the date of Apr. 18 as now mentioned by you, is I presume the paper called for. being anonymous I knew not to whom to return it. this is now done on the presumption it is yours. I do not meddle in printing any thin g. my time of life requires rest of body and mind and that I should...