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Results 27451-27500 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
27451 Jefferson, Thomas Jones, Skelton Thomas Jefferson to Skelton Jones, 4 March 1811 1811-03-04 An absen absence of upwards of a month from this place has put it out of my power sooner to...
27452 Jefferson, Thomas Page, Mary Thomas Jefferson to Mary Page, 4 March 1811 1811-03-04 Your favor of Jan. 2. by some unusual course of the post was near a month before it reached this...
27453 Richardson, Dudley Jefferson, Thomas Dudley Richardson to Thomas Jefferson, 4 March 1811 1811-03-04 I hope you will Pardon me For Pestering you with Letters But Rely on your Tender Cear for your...
27454 Rodney, Caesar A. Jefferson, Thomas Caesar A. Rodney to Thomas Jefferson, 4 March 1811 1811-03-04 Your letter enclosing the additional observations on the subject of the Batture directed to me at...
27455 Adams, Thomas Boylston Meredith, William From Thomas Boylston Adams to William Meredith, 3 March … 1811-03-03 Your very highly esteemed favour of the 25th: ult: came to hand this day. An acquisition of such...
27456 Adams, Thomas Boylston Adams, John Quincy From Thomas Boylston Adams to John Quincy Adams, 3 … 1811-03-03 Mr: Erving has not yet left Boston, but expects to go for Newport on the 5th instant, for the...
27457 Anderson, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Anderson, [3 March] 1811 1811-03-03 The nominations you Sent in to day—will not be finally acted on for want of time. By a rule of...
27458 Armstrong, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Armstrong, 3 March 1811 1811-03-03 The first paragraph of your letter of the 24th. Ult. on the subject of Warden’s character &...
27459 Jefferson, Thomas Hay, George Thomas Jefferson to George Hay, 3 March 1811 1811-03-03 I left this place on the 27 th of January for Bedford from whence I did not get back till...
27460 Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, George Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 3 March 1811 1811-03-03 My letter of Feb. 9. from Poplar Forest informed you of the sale of my tob o and of the...
27461 Jefferson, Thomas Minor, Peter Thomas Jefferson to Peter Minor, 3 March 1811 1811-03-03 I received, just as I was preparing for a journey to Bedford , your letter of Jan. 15. informing...
27462 Adams, Abigail Smith Cushing, Hannah Phillips From Abigail Smith Adams to Hannah Phillips Cushing, 2 … 1811-03-02 How often I have in imagination I have visited you this Dreary season. I know not, but not a day...
27463 Madison, James Ingersoll, Charles Jared From James Madison to Charles Jared Ingersoll, 2 March … 1811-03-02 I have recd your letter of the 26. Ult: referring to a pamphlet previously sent me; and for which...
27464 Forrest, Richard Madison, James To James Madison from Richard Forrest, [2 March] 1811 1811-03-02 Judge Anderson seems to think that, some doubts exist respecting the situation of my nomination....
27465 McKee, Samuel Madison, James To James Madison from Samuel McKee, 2 March 1811 … 1811-03-02 2 March 1811, Washington. Solicits an appointment as secretary or judge in one of the territories...
27466 Thoüin, André Jefferson, Thomas André Thoüin to Thomas Jefferson, 2 March 1811 1811-03-02 J’ai l’honneur de vous donner avis que je vous adresse du port de l’orient , par un Navire...
27467 Du Pont de Nemours, Eleuthère Irénée Jefferson, Thomas Eleuthère I. du Pont de Nemours to Thomas Jefferson, 1 … 1811-03-01 you have probably Seen in some of the federal papers an article pretended to be the extract of...
27468 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 1 March 1811 1811-03-01 Lest your failing to forward a note in time to renew yours in the bank should occasion you some...
27469 Kosciuszko, Tadeusz Jefferson, Thomas Tadeusz Kosciuszko to Thomas Jefferson, 1 March 1811 1811-03-01 Il est vrai que j’ai eu rarement tres rarement l’honneur de ricivoir de vos lettres, qui même...
27470 Wash, Robert Jefferson, Thomas Robert Wash to Thomas Jefferson, 1 March 1811 1811-03-01 I have taken the liberty of enclosing you, a rude Map of the surrounding Country. The number &...
27471 Madison, James To James Madison from an Unidentified Correspondent … 1811-02-01 February 1811. Forwards to JM “parts of a letter written to a friend on the 27. of July last...
27472 Jefferson, Thomas Perry, Reuben Thomas Jefferson’s Conveyance of James Hubbard to … 1811-02-01 This deed poll and bipartite made between Thomas Jefferson of the county of Albemarle of the one...
27473 Morris & Dunnington Notes on Shipping Costs for Flour, [February 1811] 1811-02-01 1 bl Sfine flour Sold at $9. 1 bl Sfine flour 6 bus @ 6/9 6 75 freight & provisions, 1.50 tol l &...
27474 Humphreys, David Adams, John To John Adams from David Humphreys, 28 February 1811 1811-02-28 I think we agree in sentiment, that the wealth & prosperity of a Country depend essentially on...
27475 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 28 February 1811 1811-02-28 The Hague, September 12, 1782—wrote to Mr. Livingston: “Your letters express a desire that I...
27476 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Abigail Smith Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1811-02-28 your Letter of Novbr 16th was an unexpected pleasure, for after yours of october the 13th, I had...
27477 Adams, Abigail Smith Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw From Abigail Smith Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw … 1811-02-28 I received your Letters by the Mail of yesterday, and by the return of it to day I write to give...
27478 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail Smith From John Quincy Adams to Abigail Smith Adams, 28 … 1811-02-28 We assisted last week, at the public examination of the Institute of the order of St: Catherine,...
27479 Madison, James House of Representatives From James Madison to the House of Representatives, 28 … 1811-02-28 Having examined and considered the Bill entitled “An act for the relief of Richard Turvin,...
27480 Madison, James Congress From James Madison to Congress, 28 February 1811 … 1811-02-28 28 February 1811. Transmits a report of the secretary of state relative to deficiencies in the...
27481 Livingston, Edward United States Circuit Court, Virginia District Thomas Jefferson’s General Plea in Livingston v. … 1811-02-28 Jefferson } ads Plea—“Not guilty.” Livingston And the said Thomas, according to the Statute in...
27482 Jefferson, Thomas United States Circuit Court, Virginia District Thomas Jefferson’s Plea in Livingston v. Jefferson on … 1811-02-28 And the said Thomas according to the Statute in Such case made and provided, and by leave of the...
27483 Jefferson, Thomas United States Circuit Court, Virginia District Thomas Jefferson’s Plea in Livingston v. Jefferson on … 1811-02-28 Jefferson—dft } ads In trespass.— Livingston plt. And the said defendant by George Hay William...
27484 Jefferson, Thomas United States Circuit Court, Virginia District Thomas Jefferson’s Plea in Livingston v. Jefferson on … 1811-02-28 And the said Thomas according to the Statute in such case made and provided, and by leave of the...
27485 Jefferson, Thomas United States Circuit Court, Virginia District Thomas Jefferson’s Plea in Livingston v. Jefferson on … 1811-02-28 And the said Thomas, according to the statute in such case made and provided, and by leave of the...
27486 Jefferson, Thomas United States Circuit Court, Virginia District Thomas Jefferson’s Plea in Livingston v. Jefferson on … 1811-02-28 And the said Thomas, according to the statute in such case made &c and provided and by leave of...
27487 Jefferson, Thomas United States Circuit Court, Virginia District Thomas Jefferson’s Motion to Dismiss Livingston v. … 1811-02-28 Jefferson } Demurrer In Bar. ads Livingston And the said Thomas by his attorney comes & defends...
27488 Adams, John Sharp, Richard From John Adams to Richard Sharp, 27 February 1811 1811-02-27 Through the favor of Mr Russel Sturgis I have received the original and a Duplicate of your kind...
27489 Adams, John Waterhouse, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Waterhouse, 27 February … 1811-02-27 As I read the Essays of The elegant Botanist as when they appeared in the Monthly Anthology, with...
27490 Smith, Robert Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Smith, 27 February 1811 1811-02-27 The Secretary of State respectfully represents to the President, that agreeably to the several...
27491 Williams, Jonathan Madison, James To James Madison from Jonathan Williams, 27 February … 1811-02-27 The momentary, although faint, hope that the Military Academy Bill will be called up, induces me...
27492 Toulmin, Harry Madison, James To James Madison from Harry Toulmin, 27 February 1811 … 1811-02-27 27 February 1811, Fort Stoddert. Acknowledges having received JM’s letter of 22 Dec. [not found]...
27493 Adams, Abigail Smith De Windt, Caroline Amelia Smith From Abigail Smith Adams to Caroline Amelia Smith De … 1811-02-26 Your Letter, my dear Caroline, gave me pleasure. As all your’s are calculated to enliven the...
27494 Adams, Abigail Smith Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw From Abigail Smith Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw … 1811-02-26 I received your Letter by the Mail of yesterday, and by the return of it to day I write you a few...
27495 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy From John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 26 February 1811 1811-02-26 A Battery of Great Guns, has been erected in Philadelphia in the Beginning of this Year, under...
27496 Gallatin, Albert Madison, James To James Madison from Albert Gallatin, 26 February 1811 1811-02-26 As the Charter of the Bank of the United States will expire on the 3d of March, it became...
27497 Griffin, Thomas Lightfoot Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Lightfoot Griffin, 26 … 1811-02-26 Mr. Thomas Lightfoot Griffin by way of subjunction to his Letter of the 20th. Inst. addressed to...
27498 Ingersoll, Charles Jared Madison, James To James Madison from Charles Jared Ingersoll, 26 … 1811-02-26 Some weeks ago I took the liberty to trouble you with a pamphlet lately published, without...
27499 Mitchill, Samuel Latham Madison, James To James Madison from Samuel Latham Mitchill, 26 … 1811-02-26 Saml L Mitchill ventures to submit to the President, the petition of Capt John OBrien who is now...
27500 Warden, David Bailie Madison, James To James Madison from David Bailie Warden, 26 February … 1811-02-26 I beg leave to offer you the following explanation concerning my conduct as Agent of Prize...