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Results 27451-27460 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
AL : American Philosophical Society Mde. Brillon a l’honneur de souhaitter le bonjour a son chér papa, et de lui faire dire que d’aprés la pérmission qu’il a bien voulu lui donnér mardi derniér, elle l’a engagé a disnér le samedi 14 fevriér chés mr. Wattellét ainsi que mr. son fils; elle prie mr. franklin le fils de vouloir bien lui faire un mot de réponse, et de méttre l’engagement du 14 sur...
27452General Orders, 12 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial whereof Coll Wigglesworth was President Feby 6th 1778. Captn Zane tried upon appeal to a General Court Martial, for acting in a cowardly manner when sent with a scouting party on 12th of December last in ordering his men to retreat when he had a considerable advantage over the Enemy, again found guilty of the charge being a breach of 13th Article 13th Section of the...
In my Last I informed you, of Mr Henry’s Purchase of my Estate in King & Queen; He is very anxious as well as Myself, to have the proper Titles made to Him, in order to his Payment of the Purchase Money. I directed Mr Hill to call upon Mr Wythe to draw the proper Conveyance between you and Me, according to your Directions to Me, conveyed in a Letter of yours some time last Fall. Mr Hill has...
The good People of the State of Pennsylvania living in the vicinity of Philadelphia & near the Delaware River having sufferd much by the Enemy carrying off their property without allowing them any Compensation, thereby distressing the Inhabitants—supplying their own Army & enabling them to protract the cruel & unjust war that they are now waging against these States—And whereas by recent...
I enclose You a Letter just now rec’d from Govr Clinton as I dont Care to give a Discharge to the Person alluded to without your Approbation The Other Soldier meant is in Coll Cortlandts Regiment and Brother to the Bearer—I would only Beg leave to add that Colonel R. Livingstons Iron Works are of Great Public Utility. I have the Honour to be with the Greatest Resspect Your Excellencies most...
The Congress, so long ago as the 30th November last, directed me to have an enquiry into the Causes of the losses of Fort Mifflin upon the Delaware, and Fort Montgomery upon Hudsons River—The peculiar Situation of the Army has hindered me from attending to this matter before this time. As most of the principal Officers, up the North River, were immediately concerned in the defence of Fort...
I have the honor of yours of the 7th instant, which is fully answered by mine of the 10th. When the Winter Quarters of the Army were arranged, it was agreed between Genl Armstrong and myself, that the Militia of this State should cover the Country between the Schuylkill and Delaware, in order to prevent the incursions of small parties of the Enemy, and to cut off the intercourse between the...
The assembly are preparing a Tax Bill & Debates run high on the Question whether unimproved located Lands shall be taxed. They have ordered a separate Bill for that Purpose to be prepared, and seem determined that it shall proceed pari Passu with the other. I hope you will seriously determine to serve your Country, at least in a legislative Capacity. Class yourself with those great Men of...
present Dudley Digges David Jameson & } Esquires John Blair James Madison jr The Express sent with a Letter written by the Board Yesterday to the president of the Council at Rosewell being returned & unable to Cross York river by the Wind; and sundry other Matters of Importance presenting for the Consideration of the Council, a Letter was written to the Governor by Express informing him...
27460[February 1778] (Adams Papers)
Captain Samuel Tucker, Commander of the Frigate Boston, met me, at Mr. Norton Quincy’s, where We dined, and after Dinner I sent my Baggage, and walked myself with Captain Tucker, Mr. Griffin a Midshipman, and my eldest Son, John Quincy Adams, between 10 and 11. Years of Age, down to the Moon Head, where lay the Bostons Barge. The Wind was very high, and the Sea very rough, but by Means of a...