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Results 27441-27490 of 184,431 sorted by author
I should already have had the pleasure of replying in person to your esteemed letter of the 9th of this month had the cold weather allowed me to embark this past Tuesday, as I had planned. I shall take the liberty of pursuing the thread of your letter in this one. If governor Pownall intended to alarm this republic and possibly other nations, it would have been more prudent not to publish the...
J’ai écrit amplement au Bourguemaitre Hooft touchant la Situation des affaires dans cette Province, avec priere de Vous en donner Communication. Les Villes ont pris de bonnes Resolutions. Mais je Suis encore incertain au Sujet des Nobles. Mecredi, a eu juger par les apparences et quelques informations, ils etoient peu disposés a reconnoitre L’independance. Mais il ÿ eu qui croient quils ont...
Aiant appris que le Congress vous a muni des memes pouvoirs qu’Il avoit confié au Collonel Laurens, dont la facheuse catastrophe me desole, et qu’entre autres votre mission a pour but une negociation pour L’Amerique Unie, je prens la liberté de Vous prier de m’en envoier le plustot possible les Conditions; un Parent m’aiant temoigné de l’inclination d’y placer 20,000 florins de Hollande. Si...
I received your letter of the 6th of April. The reasons cited by your excellency have convinced me that it would be impossible toemploy, in this country, my friend Valck in the service of Congress. Because of this, he decided to emigrate, and I can assure your excellency that we are losing an enlightened and worthy citizen. I will greatly miss him. Mr. Jan Hendrick Christiaan Heineken, son of...
It has been some time since one of my closest relations wrote me to ask if one of his nephews could be enlisted in the American army. He served as captain for the republic but was obligated to sell his company because of overspending. Moreover, he is respectable and from a good family. At first I responded that I believed it was impossible, given the number of officers in the American army, in...
Les Magistrats de Deventer ont pris Jeudi au Soir une Resolution dans les formes pour recevoir Votre Excellence en qualité de Ministre plenipotentiaire des 13 Etats Unis de L’Amerique. Vendredi au matin la requete des Citoiens de cette Ville a été presentée et les Magistrats ÿ ont repondus qu’ils avoient deja pris la Resolution mentionnée. La ville de Campen, a ce que j’ai été informé, est...
When I had the honor to see you last in Amsterdam, I took the liberty of lending you a letter and some papers that you wished to read that were sent to me by his Excellency Governor Trumbull. Since I would very much like to have them back, it would give me pleasure if you could return them (when you are finished with them) to Mr. Tegelaar, with whom I no longer have a role. Also my business...
I was on the verge of writing you when I had the honor of receiving your letter of the 20th instant. I am much obliged to you for the French pamphlet that you were good enough to send me. It will not fail to heal many prejudices; but, as I have previously remarked, it will alarm the commercial nations, which may fear that they may not be in a condition to withstand the competition of the...
J’aurois deja eu le plaisir de repondre de bouche a votre honnorée du 9 de ce mois Si la gelée m’avoit permis de m’embarquer Mardi passé, comme je l’avoir projetté. Je prendrai la liberté d’en Suivre le fil dans celle cÿ. Si Gouverneur Pownall peut avoir eu dessein d’allarmer cette Republique et peut etre d’autres Nations il eût été plus prudent de ne pas publier La brochure en François Sans...
I have the satisfaction to communicate to Your Excellency that the States of Overijssel resolved yesterday, nemine contradicente, to recognize Your Excellency as minister of the United States of North America. Blessed be God. RC ( Adams Papers ). Without opposition.
Une Societé patriotique etablie a Enkhuizen Ville de la Province de Hollande et beaucoup interessée a la peche du hareng, m’aiant prié d’accompagner d’une Lettre un petit present de cette denrée Hollandoise, qu’Elle prend la liberté d’offrir a Votre Excellence, je n’ai pu me refuser a cette demande, d’autant moins, que c’est a l’influence que les Membres de cette Societé respectable ont eûe...
Your Excellency will know, through Mr. de Neufville, that I intend to place 12 thousand florins in the American funds. Perhaps I will be in a position to add an additional 5 thousand, but we will see. I prefer a loan, made chargeable to your Excellency, rather than a loan made under the guarantee of France and of this republic. I say this because I will not pretend to be as ridiculous as my...
I wrote to Burgomaster Hooft, fully explaining the situation here in this province, and asked him to write to you. The cities made good resolutions. But I am still uncertain about the nobility. Wednesday, by all appearances and some information, they were hardly disposed to recognize independence. But some believed that they received orders from The Hague on Wednesday evening, and at the very...
J’ai recu votre honorée du 6 Avril. Les raisons alleguées par votre Excell: me convainquent de l’impossibilité d’emploier mon Ami Valk, dans ce Païs, au Service du Congress. Il a resolu en consequence de transmigrer, et je puis assurer Votre Excell: que nous perdons en Lui un tres digne et tres éclairé Citoien. Je le regrette beaucoup. Monsr. Jan Hendr: Ch: Heineken, fils d’un brave...
As we, together with other inhabitants of this Common wealth in earlier times declared free, and more and more inspired with the spirit of freedom, may boast of having co,operated to the Just acknow legement of the freedom of America long unjustly opprest, by petitions to the representatives in the government of our City—An event at which the wellmeaning part of the Netherlands highly rejoice...
Il ÿ quelque tems qu’un de mes plus proches parens S’addressa a moi pour me consulter, S’il n’ÿ auroit pas moien de placer dans l’armée Americaine un de Ses Neveux, qui a Servi la Republique en qualité de Capitaine, mais qui pour avoir depensé un peu trop d’argent, a été obligé de vendre Sa Compagnie, du reste, de bonne conduite et d’une famille tres distinguée. J’ai dabord repondu que je...
Having learned that Congress has given you the same powers it had given Colonel Laurens, whose sad fate grieves me, and that one of your mission’s objectives is to raise a loan for the United States, I take the liberty of asking you to please send me its terms as soon as possible; a relative of mine having voiced interest in investing 20,000 Dutch florins in the project. If you seek a...
L’orsque j’eus l’honneur de Vous voir dernierement a Amsterdam j’ai pris la liberté de Vous preter une Lettre et quelques papiers que Son Excell: le Gouverneur Trumbull m’avoit envoiés, et que Vous Souhaitiez de lire. Comme je Serois charmé de les avoir de retour Vous me fairiez plaisir de les remettre (quand Vous n’en aurez plus besoin) a Monsr. Tegelaar, de qui Vous apprendrez que mon role...
On Thursday evening, the Deventer magistrates passed the resolution necessary for your Excellency’s recognition as minister plenipotentiary of the thirteen United States of America. The citizens of this city presented their petition Friday morning and the magistrates responded that they had already passed the resolution. Kampen, I was informed, was very well disposed. It was linking its...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai eu l’honneur de recevoir le paquet que Vous m’avez expedié le 26 Sept.; mais je Vous Supplie d’avoir la bonté de m’envoier a l’avenir de telles Depeches Sous quelque addresse, Soit de Mr. Dumas, ou de quelqu’autre; du moins de ne plus les Signer de votre nom ouvertement Sur l’enveloppe, puisque cela ne peut qu’exciter la curiosité de ceux, par les...
Translations: Public Record Office, National Archives; incomplete ALS : American Philosophical Society; incomplete copies: National Archives, Connecticut State Library, Massachusetts Historical Society (two) I took the liberty to write you a Letter dated Zwol April 28. this year, and I was about writting you a second to inquire if you had received the first, when I found myself honoured with a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copies: Connecticut State Library; Massachusetts Historical Society (two); National Archives Comme j’ai été le premier, ou pour mieux dire, le seul de tous les Membres de notre Etat, qui ait osé se declarer ouvertement pour la cause Ameriquaine, et cela dans un tems ou elle étoit bien problematique encore, je m’empresse a ne pas étre le dernier a Vous...
Je me suis presenté hier avec Mr. van Staphorst à vôtre Hotel avec intention de vous présenter mes homages, et pour Vous prier de m’accorder des Lettres de recommandation à vos Amis en Amerique, en faveur de mon Ami Mr. François Adrien van der Kemp, victime très remarquable de la persécution existante en Hollande, qui se propose de s’établir avec Sa Femme et ses Enfants parmis vos dignes et...
Le Chevr: Capello est venu pour avoir L’honneur de voir Monsieur de Jestenon Ministre Plenipotentiaire des Etats Unis de L’Amerique Septentrionale et lui faire part, qu’il a eu hier Mardi 27 de ce mois se premieres audiences du Roi, de la Reine, et de la Famille Royale en qualité d’Ambassadeur de La Republique de Venise. RC ( DLC ). For a graphic characterization of Capello, see Carmichael to...
Inclosd we send the Accot Sales of thy 12 Hhds Tobacco ⅌ the Hanbury we assure thee that no care or endeavou⟨r⟩s of ours have been wanting to make the most thereof It gives us a real Concern that we are not favourd wth a larger part of thy Consignments we flatter ourselves that we can make as much of thy Crops as Carys or any other House if thee will give us the opportunity we will endeavour...
We have now before us thy favor of 5th May the contents of which are duly noticed—The Insurce on the 10 Hhds Tobacco belonging to J. P. Custis on board the Hanbury shall be made —inclos’d is our Letter to him left open for thy perusal to which refer respecting the state of his Account under our care —If at any time thee should have Tobacco to spare, we should be oblig’d to thee for thy...
We have the pleasure to advise the receipt of thy favor of 25th July and note the contents—We remark thy observation respecting the Balance of thy Account being £7.10.0, and that had thee thought of our Debit against ⟨thee⟩ at the time thee was disposing of thy Tobacco, thee should have order’d one Hhd on board the Hanbury in discharge of it, this we should have been oblig’d to thee for, but...
We hope ours ⅌ Capt. Walker got to hand of whh please to ⟨ mutilated ⟩ Inclosd are the Sales of thy 17 Hhds DPC ⅌ ⟨the Anna⟩ to assure thee that We have taken every method that We could think of to make the most of them & had they not been out of Condition we should have got a much better price for them. hope the next We have will be of a fine s[c]ent & quality & that We shall have the...
Inclos’d we send Thy Acct Currt the Receipt of wch please to advise & that it proves right or if otherwise to point out the Error, & it shall be immediately rectified —We Congratulate Thee & all our Friends in America upon the Repeal of the Stampt Act We used our b⟨est en⟩deavours to prevent the Act passing when first it was in agitation & have ever since it passed spar’d no endeavours to...
This serves to advise the arrival of the Hanbury Capt. James Esten, after a favor⟨abl⟩e passage of about 5 Weeks, by him we observe we are favor’d with 8 Hhds Tobacco from our friend J.P. Custis, in the Sale of which our best endeavors shall be exerted for his Interest—The Ship came up to her Moorings yesterday, and we are preparing to Land her Cargo the begining of the next Week—The prices of...
We have the pleasure of thy favrs of June 23 & 28, and to receive 12 Hds Tobo of J. P. Custis’s by Capt. Esten of wch we are endeavouring to make the most. the Insurance orderd upon the said Tobacco was saved. The Accot Current thee requests to be furnished wth was sent by Necks & hope is got to hand & found right. The Sales of J. P. Custis’s 12 Hds Tobo ⅌ the Fauquier last Year sent ⅌ the...
We have not had the pleasure of one line or any Consignments from thee for some time past which we are sorry for. By Capt. Esten or the Bearer if thee sends us some of thy Crops, & they turn out fine, we doubt not of sendg such sales as will be a pleasure to us to forward & satisfaction to thee to receive. We are with Esteem, Thy Assured Friends LS , ViHi : Custis Papers. The letter was...
Thy favr of July 25 is before us & the Contents duly attended to. No Care or endeavours of ours is wanting to make the most of the Estates 8 Hhds Tobo ⅌ the Hanbury we are sorry that so small a share of its favrs falls to our Lot & so much to Messrs Carys & Compy we are informd that 60 Hhds belonging to the Estate is now on board Boyes consignd to that House we intend ere long to send our...
wrote thee ⅌ the Randolph to wch refer since that we have not had the pleasure of one line from thee: and it gives us concern the not having one Hd Tobacco from thee for some Years past, hope it will not be the case again this Year & that ⅌ Capt. Esten we shall receive some fine Tobacco from thee & then we doubt not of geting as good price for it. We are yet without any proof of the Speakers...
Thy favr of Sepr 20 is before us & in answer thereto have to advise that no Care or endeavrs of ours shall be wanting to render satisfactory Sales of the 12 Hds Tobo now on board the Fauquier at Portsmo. We are drawing out our friends Accots Currt to send in the Spring & due Credits given to D. P. Custis’s Estate as directed by thee. As we have not yet been concern’d in the Hemp & flax Trade...
We wrote thee by Capt. Necks wth thy Accot Current. it will be a Satisfaction to us to hear that it is got to hand & pro⟨v⟩es right. Inclosd we send the Sale of thy 12 Hds Tobacco ⅌ the Fauquier. we can truly say that no care has been wanting in us to make the most thereof. We hope by Capt. Esten or by Capt. Necks to be favourd wth a larger Share of thy Consignments—Our Market is rather heavy...
We have the pleasure to advise the Receipt of thy favor of 4th Novemr last, and to acquaint thee, that thy Bill to J. Gibson for £100 has been duly Honor’d, & is plac’d to the Debit of J.P. Custis’s Account. We now forward Accounts Sales for his 9 Hhds Tobacco received ⅌ the Hanbury which is under cover of a Letter address’d to him inclos’d herein —we flatter ourselves they will prove...
We Wrote thee the 20 Octobr last ⅌ Capt. Johnson to which refer since then we have not reced any of thy favours—The Estates 8 Hhds Tobo ⅌ the Hanbury are not yet dispos’d of as the buyers do not come up to the price we think them worth, however hope that after Xmass the Market will be brisker —As the Bearer Capt. Esten will in all probability be an early Ship in the Country we flatter...
Inclos’d we send the Sales of thy 8 Hhds Tobacco ⅌ the Hanbury, Nt proceeds £114. ⟨ Mutilated ⟩, hope they will meet with thy approbation, of which it will give us pleasure to be inform’d. We have just had the satisfaction of receiving our friend Geo: Washingtons favor of 5th May The Insurance therein directed on 10 Hhds of thy Tobacco by Capt. Esten, shall be duly made, and no endeavours of...
Inclos’d we send thy Account Current to the 1st of August last the recet of which please to acknowledge & that it proves right, or if otherwise to point out the Error, and it shall be rectified. We have the pleasure to advise the receipt of 9 Hhds Tobacco per Capt. Esten belonging to Master Custis, which we are using our best endeavors to make the most of, and shall forward the Sales as soon...
We had the pleasure of writing Thee the 21st of May last, ⅌ the Lunn & Lloyd Capn Necks, which We hope will come safe to hand, since which, We have received Thy favor of the 21st June, advising of Thy bill on Us in favor of Peyton Randolph for £250, which has not yet appear’d, when it does it shall meet due honor, & agreeable to Thy directions shall be plac’d to the debit of the Estate of...
We have the pleasure to advise the safe arrival of Capt. Esten. no care shall be wanting in us to make the most of thy 8 Hhds Tobacco. it gives us concern that we are not favourd wth a larger share of thy Consignments we flatter our Selves that our Account Sales are as good as Messrs Carys & Co. by the return of Capt. Esten next Spring let us partake of an equal share & an impartial division...
We are favour’d with Thine of June 12th, informing Us of Thy Marriage with our friend Martha Custis, upon which circumstance we heartily congratulate You both, & wish You a great d⟨ea⟩l of happyness. We observe Thy directions in regard to our addressing our Letters in relation to Coll Custis’s Estate, which we shall do accordingly. We are sorry the Sales of the 28 Hhds Tobacco ⅌ the King of...
Letter not found: from Capel & Osgood Hanbury, 15 Sept. 1760. On 3 April 1761 GW wrote to Capel & Osgood Hanbury : “Your favour of the 15th Septr . . . now lyes before me.”
Letter not found: from Capel and Osgood Hanbury, 1 Dec. 1762. On 26 April 1763 GW wrote to Capel and Osgood Hanbury : “Your favours of the . . . first of December now lye before me.”
It gives us a real concern that we are not favourd wth any part of thy Crops ⅌ the Hanbury this Summer—we assure thee that all possible Care should be taken by us to make the most of it & we flatter ourselvs that we can & do render as good Accots Sales as any Mercht at this Port for Tobacco of the same quality sold at the same time —as we have not had a line from thee shall not now add farther...
We wrote thee ⅌ the Fauquier wth thy Accot Currt: it will bring pleasure to us to hear it gets to hand, and proves r⟨ig⟩ht. We have got a Copy of the Condemnation of the Joseph from France, and the loss is now adjusting wth the Underwriters. We hope ⅌ the first opportunity to be favour’d wth some Consignments from thee, and if it be fine Tobacco it will give us a double pleasure as we doubt...
We did ourselves the pleasure of writg Thee the 25th October last ⅌ the Hanbury Capn Esten, since which we have not received any of Thy favors, which we are sorry for, being always glad to hear of Thy welfare. The principal occasion of this is to advise that we have sent Captain Necks in a new Ship call’d the Lunn & Lloyd for the accomodation of our friends, whom we earnestly solicit will give...
We wrote thee ⅌ Captn Esten who we hope by this time is safe arrived in Virginia and likely to meet a quick dispatch —Thy bill on Accot of J.P. Custis for £100 is accepted. We have sold only one of the Estates 8 Hhds Tobacco ⅌ the Hanbury vizt at 3d.—hope ere long to be enabled to make up and forward the Sales of that Ships Cargo, and intend soon to send our friends Accots Cur[ren]t—We wish to...
We have the pleasure to advise the safe arrival of Capt. Esten thy 12 Hds Tobacco by him shall be taken all possible care of. We are not yet ennabled to compleat the Sales of the 12 Hds ⅌ the America owing the meanness of the quality and Badness of the scent of some of it & indeed that 12 Hds were in general so bad that the Buyers would not believe that it was the right Crops of thy marks—It...