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Results 27431-27440 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The [New York] Daily Advertiser , October 1, 1787. The only evidence for the assumption that H wrote the “Caesar” letters in reply to the letters of “Cato,” presumably written by George Clinton, is a letter printed by Paul Leicester Ford ( Essays on the Constitution of the United States [Brooklyn, New York, 1892], 245). Ford states that this letter is in the George Clinton Papers, New York...
You had every right my dear brother to believe that I was very inattentive not to have answered your letter; but I could not relinquish the hopes that you would be tempted to ask the reason of my Silence, which would be a certain means of obtaining the second letter when perhaps had I answered the first, I should have lost all the fine things contained in the Latter. Indeed my dear, Sir if my...
You probably saw some time since some animadversions on certain expressions of Governor Clinton respecting the Convention. You may have seen a piece signed a Republican, attempting to bring the fact into question and endeavouring to controvert the conclusions drawn from it, if true. My answer you will find in the inclosed. I trouble you with it merely from that anxiety which is natural to...
While you Have Been Attending your Most Important Convention, debates were also Going on in france Respecting the Constitutional Rights, and Matters of that kind. Great Reforms are taking place at Court. The Parliaments are Remonstrating, and our provincial Assemblies Begin to pop out. Amidst Many things that were not Much to the purpose, some Good principles Have Been laid out, and altho our...
27435[Caesar No. II], [15 October 1787] (Hamilton Papers)
The [New York] Daily Advertiser , October 15, 1787. For a discussion of the arguments for and against H’s authorship of the “Caesar” letters, see “Caesar No. I,” September 28, 1787 . The second “Caesar” letter was written in reply to “Cato II” which was published in The New-York Journal, and Daily Patriotic Register , October 11, 1787.
Your favor without date came to my hand by the last Post. It is with unfeigned concern I perceive that a political dispute has arisen between Governor Clinton and yourself. For both of you I have the highest esteem and regard. But as you say it is insinuated by some of your political adversaries, and may obtain credit, “that you palmed yourself upon me, and was dismissed from my family;” and...
je suis arrivé ici apres bien des fatigues et des dangers; je me Repose et j’en ai grand Besoin. Rappelles vous, je vous prie, que vous m’aves promis Deux pièces Relatives à La nouvelle constitution; je les attends avec Le plus grand empressement et je vous scaurai gré de me faire passer tous les pamphlets qui seront imprimés sur ce sujet. mes Respects je vous prie à Madame hamilton. jai...
I have lately made a fresh application to Congress for a final settlement of my affairs on the ground of a contract made with that honorable body previous to my joining the American army. The particulars and the evidence of that contract are stated in a printed pamphlet a copy of which Mr. Hamilton informs me he has transmitted to your Excellency. I have been just informed that Congress intend...
The Federalist essays have been printed more frequently than any other work of Hamilton. They have, nevertheless, been reprinted in these volumes because no edition of his writings which omitted his most important contribution to political thought could be considered definitive. The essays written by John Jay and James Madison, however, have not been included. They are available in many...
To the People of the State of New York. After an unequivocal experience of the inefficacy of the subsisting Fœderal Government, you are called upon to deliberate on a new Constitution for the United States of America. The subject speaks its own importance; comprehending in its consequences, nothing less than the existence of the UNION, the safety and welfare of the parts of which it is...