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Results 27431-27440 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
In the year 1753. your father , mine , Col o Fry , D r Hopkins , Major Meriwether and mr Scott purchased of Philip Mayo a tract of 400. a s
my Daughter Jane intended the enclosed to go by M r Eppes but he did not call as She is verry Desirous it should go & I dont know how Particularly to Address it I have taken the liberty to Enclosed Enclose to you for which I hope you will Excuse me all my Family desire health & happiness to you in which they are Joined, RC ( MHi ); one word illegible; endorsed by TJ as received 13 Mar. 1811...
The great quantity of snow upon the Ground has obstructed the travelling So much, that the post did not get in last week, and your Letter which Should have come by that Mail, did not arrive untill yesterday. The Nomination and appointment of mr Adams, had been announced in the public papers, and in Some private Letters, before I received yours— Supposing that his absence would be an...
When I had last the honour of addressing you, I did not think it probable that any event would speedily occur which would render it proper for me again to intrude upon your attention: nor am I certain at the present moment that any will occur which will absolutely require the interference of the chief magistrate of the Union: but so great is our distance from the seat of government, and so...
It was unfortunate that your letter of Feb. 2. arrived here just as I had set out on a journey which kept me from home upwards of a month. I found it here on my return on the 2 d of March , the day before Congress were of course to close their session. I have taken time deliberately to make the examination desired. it’s result will be found in the paper now inclosed, together with the copies...
I. II. III. Notes 1. Sep. 1. (a) my
I take the liberty of sending the enclosed for your signature—If not presumptuous, (with permission) w d wish to dedicate them to you—as these now selected for publication with many others were preached in your presence & during your administration. To return it as soon as possible will be esteemed a favour— as I wish to present it also to M r Madison and the several Heads of Departments. And...
I believe I may say with truth, that I have been your daily visitor through the dreary season of winter, and altho not visible to you, I have sometimes seated myself by your fire side, and held sweet converse with you; and not unfrequently regretted that it was not my good fortune to have been situated near your dwelling; then would your cheering countenance have enlivened the confinement I...
5 March 1811, Malta. “From many years residence in Tripoli, and the knowledge that Mr. Davis and Mr. Payne have of my acquaintance with all the affairs of that Regency, I am in consequence of which left by the latter Gentleman (who is obliged by ill health to go from hence to his Native Air) as charged with the affairs of America, untill the pleasure of the Government of the U. S. is known.”...
5 March 1811, Malta. “During a residence of ten Years, in this Island, as Garrison Surgeon I have had frequent opportunities of knowing & attending professionally, many of your Excellencys Countrymen.… The purport of my writing to your Excellency, at this time is to acquaint of Mr. Payne’s state of health.” For some time Payne has been in “a most dangerous state, of nervous instability,...