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Results 27431-27460 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
In the year 1753. your father , mine , Col o Fry , D r Hopkins , Major Meriwether and mr Scott...
my Daughter Jane intended the enclosed to go by M r Eppes but he did not call as She is verry...
The great quantity of snow upon the Ground has obstructed the travelling So much, that the post...
When I had last the honour of addressing you, I did not think it probable that any event would...
It was unfortunate that your letter of Feb. 2. arrived here just as I had set out on a journey...
I. II. III. Notes 1. Sep. 1. (a) my
I take the liberty of sending the enclosed for your signature—If not presumptuous, (with...
I believe I may say with truth, that I have been your daily visitor through the dreary season of...
5 March 1811, Malta. “From many years residence in Tripoli, and the knowledge that Mr. Davis and...
5 March 1811, Malta. “During a residence of ten Years, in this Island, as Garrison Surgeon I have...
I am sorry to be delinquent in dischar g ing my note to you at the time it became due but it has...
My friend Tho s Hunt Surviving Partner of the late firm T. & R. Hunt , London — informs me Edm d...
I have the pleasure of informing you that the President , on the 2d Instant, was pleased to...
Herewith th r ough the politeness of Mr Quincy you will receive the Coins for your son. I regret...
You will no doubt receive from the President of the United States permission to return home, as...
When I wrote last to you, I was at a loss What to say to you, to console, and reconcile you to...
This Letter is devoted to one Subject. Since the Death of Judge Cushing there has been frequently...
Reposing a special Trust and Confidence in your Integrity, Prudence and Ability: I have appointed...
4 March 1811, Washington. “My excellent young friend Mr. John Skinner of Annapolis, (who I...
4 March 1811, Norfolk. “Perhaps there never was a period when speedy communication was more...
An absen absence of upwards of a month from this place has put it out of my power sooner to...
Your favor of Jan. 2. by some unusual course of the post was near a month before it reached this...
I hope you will Pardon me For Pestering you with Letters But Rely on your Tender Cear for your...
Your letter enclosing the additional observations on the subject of the Batture directed to me at...
Your very highly esteemed favour of the 25th: ult: came to hand this day. An acquisition of such...
Mr: Erving has not yet left Boston, but expects to go for Newport on the 5th instant, for the...
The nominations you Sent in to day—will not be finally acted on for want of time. By a rule of...
The first paragraph of your letter of the 24th. Ult. on the subject of Warden’s character &...
I left this place on the 27 th of January for Bedford from whence I did not get back till...
My letter of Feb. 9. from Poplar Forest informed you of the sale of my tob o and of the...