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Results 27421-27450 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS : American Philosophical Society Yesterday Evening I had the pleasure to receive your Packet covering some Letters which shall be taken care of, I am much obliged to you for those for America for Mr Borrowes. Give me Leave to take this opportunity to thank you for your very obliging & polite Reception, and to assure you that I am with the greatest Respect & Esteem, Sir Your most obedt &...
I have it in Charge by Message from Mr Gadsden to apply to your Excellency on his Behalf to obtain his Exchange. Your Knowledge of Mr Gadsden, & Disposition to serve your Fellow Citizens, particularly Men of Mr Gadsden’s rank & Merit, who must feel very unhappy, & meet with many Insults while in the Hands of the Enemy, make it unnecessary to urge your Excellency on the Occasion—I would only...
Letter not found: from John Canon, 2 June 1790. In a letter to John Canon of 25 June 1790 , GW refers to a letter of “the 2. instant.”
Letter not found: from John Canon, 17 Mar. 1791. In a letter to John Canon, dated 9 April 1791, Tobias Lear refers to a letter Canon “wrote to the President of the United States on the 17. of last month.”
Letter not found: from John Canon, 29 Jan. 1789. On 22 Mar. GW wrote to Canon : “I have received your letter of the 29th of January.”
Letter not found: from John Canon, 10 Aug. 1791. In a letter of 7 Sept. to Canon, GW referred to Canon’s letter “of the 10 of August.”
Letter not found: from John Canon, 22 Jan. 1787. On 13 April GW wrote Canon : “I have recd your letter of 22d of Jany.”
I expect By this Time you have Received the balance of My Bond. and had it not been for the Present Troubles Which For Various Raisons such as mistake Bad Council and dread of my own safety both in person and Property I Have been led fare Astray To my grate mortifycation, I should have sent you a Considerable sum more, but your buisness so fare as it has been in my Hands shall be fairly...
I am directed by the Convention of the State of New York to transmit to your Excellency the enclosed Resolves, by which it will appear that we have made every exertion in favour of our Sister States which our present Situation will admit. But we are extreamly Sorry to find by a Letter received last Night from General Heath, that he is ordered over to the West Shore; by Reasons of which the...
As Committees from the Counties of orange Ulster & Dutches are to meet at New Windsor tomorrow for the Important Purpose of agreeing on the men proper to fill the great offices of Government, we take the Liberty of communicating to you our Sentiments on that Subject in full confidence that should they concur with your own, you will exert yourself in giving them Influence. Gen. Schuyler arrived...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, December 28, 1777, in French: I enclose a letter for you from a merchant of this city, and will forward your reply.>
Printed in The Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions , XLVIII , pt. 1 (1753), 350–8. Experiment 1. From the cieling, or any convenient part of a room, let two cork-balls, each about the bigness of a small pea, be suspended by linen threads of eight or nine inches in length, so as to be in contact with each other. Bring the excited glass tube under the balls, and they will be separated by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Favour of the 14th of March came to my Hands the 15th of May last, and gave me great pleasure. The first Experiment of Mr. Kinnersley’s which you mention, is, as you observe, a beautiful one to see; and I think, fully proves that the Fusion of Metals by Lightning is not a cold Fusion. I have myself, several times, melted small brass Wire by a Stroke...
ALS : The Royal Society Having procur’d some thin Glass Balls of about an Inch and a half in Diameter, with Stems, or Tubes of eight or nine Inches in length, I electrified them, some positively on the inside, and others negatively, after the manner of charging the Leyden Bottle, and sealed them hermetically. Soon after, I applied the naked Balls to my Electrometer, and could not discover the...
MS not found; reprinted from The Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions , LII (1761–62), 457–61. Mr. Delaval, in his curious electrical experiments, found that Portland stone, common tobacco-pipe, &c. would readily conduct the electrical fluid, when very hot, or when quite cold; but were non-conductors in an intermediate state. As no one, that I know of, has yet attempted to account for...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania <Wednesday evening, March 18, [1772 ], a note in the third person. His father, who is considerably worse than the previous Saturday, but because of laudanum in not quite so much pain, thanks Franklin for his kind inquiry.> The son and subsequently the biographer of BF ’s old friend; see the DNB under John Canton. Four days before John Canton’s death. BF...
Understanding from Mr Lee that it was your desire I should go to your Seat to take your Bust in the month of September, I have the honour of informing you that I am now at leisure & will sett off at any moment you may be pleased to appoint. The price of a Bust, the natural size in Italian Marble is $800. I need not assure you Sir, that if you do me the honour of permitting me to take your...
J’étois Sur le point de Vous écrire lorsque je me vis honoré de votre Lettre du 20 du Courant. Je Vous ai beaucoup d’obligation de la brochure Francoise, que Vous avez eu la bonté de m’envoier. Elle ne manquera pas de guerir bien de prejugés; mais aussi, a ce que j’ai deja remarqué, elle allarmera les Peuples Commerçans, qui craigneront quils ne Seront pas en etat de Soutenir la Concurrence...
J’ai la Satisfaction de communiquer à Votre Excell: que les Etats d’Overÿssel ont resolu hier nemine contradicente, de reconnoitre Votre Excell: comme Ministre des Etats Unis de l’Amerique Septentrionale. Dieu en Soit beni!
Votre Excellence Saura de Monsr. de Neufville que j’ai l’intention de placer encore 12 mille florins dans les fonds de l’Amerique. Peut etre que je Serai en etat dÿ ajouter encore 5 mille; mais cecÿ n’est pas encore decidé. Je prefere l’Emprunt, d’ont votre Excell: est chargé, a celui qui Se fait Sous la garantie de la France et de cette Republique, parce que je ne pretends pas etre Si...
I should already have had the pleasure of replying in person to your esteemed letter of the 9th of this month had the cold weather allowed me to embark this past Tuesday, as I had planned. I shall take the liberty of pursuing the thread of your letter in this one. If governor Pownall intended to alarm this republic and possibly other nations, it would have been more prudent not to publish the...
J’ai écrit amplement au Bourguemaitre Hooft touchant la Situation des affaires dans cette Province, avec priere de Vous en donner Communication. Les Villes ont pris de bonnes Resolutions. Mais je Suis encore incertain au Sujet des Nobles. Mecredi, a eu juger par les apparences et quelques informations, ils etoient peu disposés a reconnoitre L’independance. Mais il ÿ eu qui croient quils ont...
Aiant appris que le Congress vous a muni des memes pouvoirs qu’Il avoit confié au Collonel Laurens, dont la facheuse catastrophe me desole, et qu’entre autres votre mission a pour but une negociation pour L’Amerique Unie, je prens la liberté de Vous prier de m’en envoier le plustot possible les Conditions; un Parent m’aiant temoigné de l’inclination d’y placer 20,000 florins de Hollande. Si...
I received your letter of the 6th of April. The reasons cited by your excellency have convinced me that it would be impossible toemploy, in this country, my friend Valck in the service of Congress. Because of this, he decided to emigrate, and I can assure your excellency that we are losing an enlightened and worthy citizen. I will greatly miss him. Mr. Jan Hendrick Christiaan Heineken, son of...
It has been some time since one of my closest relations wrote me to ask if one of his nephews could be enlisted in the American army. He served as captain for the republic but was obligated to sell his company because of overspending. Moreover, he is respectable and from a good family. At first I responded that I believed it was impossible, given the number of officers in the American army, in...
Les Magistrats de Deventer ont pris Jeudi au Soir une Resolution dans les formes pour recevoir Votre Excellence en qualité de Ministre plenipotentiaire des 13 Etats Unis de L’Amerique. Vendredi au matin la requete des Citoiens de cette Ville a été presentée et les Magistrats ÿ ont repondus qu’ils avoient deja pris la Resolution mentionnée. La ville de Campen, a ce que j’ai été informé, est...
When I had the honor to see you last in Amsterdam, I took the liberty of lending you a letter and some papers that you wished to read that were sent to me by his Excellency Governor Trumbull. Since I would very much like to have them back, it would give me pleasure if you could return them (when you are finished with them) to Mr. Tegelaar, with whom I no longer have a role. Also my business...
I was on the verge of writing you when I had the honor of receiving your letter of the 20th instant. I am much obliged to you for the French pamphlet that you were good enough to send me. It will not fail to heal many prejudices; but, as I have previously remarked, it will alarm the commercial nations, which may fear that they may not be in a condition to withstand the competition of the...
J’aurois deja eu le plaisir de repondre de bouche a votre honnorée du 9 de ce mois Si la gelée m’avoit permis de m’embarquer Mardi passé, comme je l’avoir projetté. Je prendrai la liberté d’en Suivre le fil dans celle cÿ. Si Gouverneur Pownall peut avoir eu dessein d’allarmer cette Republique et peut etre d’autres Nations il eût été plus prudent de ne pas publier La brochure en François Sans...
I have the satisfaction to communicate to Your Excellency that the States of Overijssel resolved yesterday, nemine contradicente, to recognize Your Excellency as minister of the United States of North America. Blessed be God. RC ( Adams Papers ). Without opposition.