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Results 27421-27450 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
27421 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 8 March 1811 1811-03-08 You will probably have heard before this reaches you, of my appointment as Consul to Lisbon . I...
27422 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 8 March 1811 1811-03-08 On my return from a journey of 5 weeks to Bedford I found here the two letters now inclosed,...
27423 Jefferson, Thomas Porter, Peter B. Thomas Jefferson to Peter B. Porter, 8 March 1811 1811-03-08 Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Porter and his thanks for the specimen of Gypsum he...
27424 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 8 March 1811 1811-03-08 I now make frequent journies to Bedford , and make long stays there , having a good house and...
27425 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 7 March 1811 1811-03-07 The Hague, September 17, 1782—Wrote to secretary Livingston—“You will naturally inquire, whether...
27426 Madison, James Jackson, John G. From James Madison to John G. Jackson, 7 March 1811 1811-03-07 I should feel my own reproach, in acknowledging at this date yours of Decr. 4. if I did not feel...
27427 Anderson, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Anderson, 7 March 1811 1811-03-07 I do myself the honor to inclose you a letter which has been Signd by four of the delegation from...
27428 Gallatin, Albert Madison, James To James Madison from Albert Gallatin, [ca. 7 March] … 1811-03-07 I have long & seriously reflected on the present state of things, and on my personal situation....
27429 Morrow, John, Jr. Madison, James To James Madison from John Morrow, Jr., 7 March 1811 … 1811-03-07 7 March 1811, Pittsburgh. “I am an unfortunate pilgrim hunted from one part of the U S to the...
27430 Jefferson, Thomas Patterson, Robert Thomas Jefferson to Robert Patterson, 7 March 1811 1811-03-07 I had thought that the copies of the Nautical Almanac which you had been so kind as to furnish me...
27431 Jefferson, Thomas Stith, Mary Thomas Jefferson to Mary Stith, 7 March 1811 1811-03-07 In the year 1753. your father , mine , Col o Fry , D r Hopkins , Major Meriwether and mr Scott...
27432 Threlkeld, John Jefferson, Thomas John Threlkeld to Thomas Jefferson, 7 March 1811 1811-03-07 my Daughter Jane intended the enclosed to go by M r Eppes but he did not call as She is verry...
27433 Adams, Abigail Smith Johnson, Catherine Nuth From Abigail Smith Adams to Catherine Nuth Johnson, 6 … 1811-03-06 The great quantity of snow upon the Ground has obstructed the travelling So much, that the post...
27434 Toulmin, Harry Madison, James To James Madison from Harry Toulmin, 6 March 1811 1811-03-06 When I had last the honour of addressing you, I did not think it probable that any event would...
27435 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Ezekiel Thomas Jefferson to Ezekiel Bacon, 6 March 1811 1811-03-06 It was unfortunate that your letter of Feb. 2. arrived here just as I had set out on a journey...
27436 Jefferson, Thomas Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Memorandum on … 1811-03-06 I. II. III. Notes 1. Sep. 1. (a) my
27437 Elliott, Robert Jefferson, Thomas Robert Elliott to Thomas Jefferson, 6 March 1811 1811-03-06 I take the liberty of sending the enclosed for your signature—If not presumptuous, (with...
27438 Adams, Abigail Smith Cushing, Hannah Phillips From Abigail Smith Adams to Hannah Phillips Cushing, 5 … 1811-03-05 I believe I may say with truth, that I have been your daily visitor through the dreary season of...
27439 McDonogh, Bryan Madison, James To James Madison from Bryan McDonogh, 5 March 1811 … 1811-03-05 5 March 1811, Malta. “From many years residence in Tripoli, and the knowledge that Mr. Davis and...
27440 Thomas, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Thomas, 5 March 1811 … 1811-03-05 5 March 1811, Malta. “During a residence of ten Years, in this Island, as Garrison Surgeon I have...
27441 Harvie, John Jefferson, Thomas John Harvie to Thomas Jefferson, 5 March 1811 1811-03-05 I am sorry to be delinquent in dischar g ing my note to you at the time it became due but it has...
27442 Selby, Skeffington Jefferson, Thomas Skeffington Selby to Thomas Jefferson, 5 March 1811 1811-03-05 My friend Tho s Hunt Surviving Partner of the late firm T. & R. Hunt , London — informs me Edm d...
27443 Warden, David Bailie Jefferson, Thomas David Bailie Warden to Thomas Jefferson, 5 March 1811 1811-03-05 I have the pleasure of informing you that the President , on the 2d Instant, was pleased to...
27444 Rush, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Rush, 4 March 1811 1811-03-04 Herewith th r ough the politeness of Mr Quincy you will receive the Coins for your son. I regret...
27445 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John Quincy From Abigail Smith Adams to John Quincy Adams, 4 March … 1811-03-04 You will no doubt receive from the President of the United States permission to return home, as...
27446 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson From Abigail Smith Adams to Louisa Catherine Johnson … 1811-03-04 When I wrote last to you, I was at a loss What to say to you, to console, and reconcile you to...
27447 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy From John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 4 March 1811 1811-03-04 This Letter is devoted to one Subject. Since the Death of Judge Cushing there has been frequently...
27448 Madison, James Smith, William Steuben From James Madison to William Steuben Smith, 4 March … 1811-03-04 Reposing a special Trust and Confidence in your Integrity, Prudence and Ability: I have appointed...
27449 Smith, Samuel Madison, James To James Madison from Samuel Smith, 4 March 1811 … 1811-03-04 4 March 1811, Washington. “My excellent young friend Mr. John Skinner of Annapolis, (who I...
27450 Tatham, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Tatham, 4 March 1811 … 1811-03-04 4 March 1811, Norfolk. “Perhaps there never was a period when speedy communication was more...