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Results 27421-27450 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copies: Harvard University Library, National Archives (two) I had the honor of writeing to you from Nantes the 27th ulto. The affair of Quiberon (which I did not then know of) is now in every Brokers mouth. Strange! that nothing can remain Secret. Should I find that Force likely to depart within a few days I will Avail myself of its protection, especially...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Silas Deane had been trying to get his son Jesse to France since at least the summer of 1777, and became more insistent to his brother Barnabas after learning in October of his wife’s death. Barnabas eventually arranged for Jesse to sail from Boston; the two went there together, apparently, and Barnabas discovered that John Adams and his son were on the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Cologne, February 10, 1778, in French: I have waited for a chance to convince you of my zeal for your service, and now hear that you have cordially received a young man from Aixla-Chapelle. God has endowed me with few of this world’s goods, but has trained me in jurisprudence, arithmetic and accounting; if you have any employment for me, I will furnish my...
27424General Orders, 10 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Regimental Pay-Masters who have not yet received the pay of their respective Regiments for november last to call on the Pay-Master General next wednesday morning & receive the same. The Meeting of the General Officers mentioned in orders of 8th instant is postponed ’till tomorrow ten ôClock in the forenoon, when it is desired they will attend at the place therein mentioned. In case any...
The Memorial of the Officers of Artillery now in Service at the Park of Artillery Humbly Sheweth—That it is with pain we address your Excellency upon the disagreeable Subject before us; Your Excellency’s Ears have been so often wounded of late With Complaints that we wou’d rather sooth & Suppress our present Uneasiness than to trouble you with them at this time: But to remain silent We...
I have been favd with yours of the 27th and 31st ulto —The Officers and Men, belonging to the Artillery under the command of Major Stevens, had been sent back previous to the Rect of yours of the 27th—I have always found great inconveniences in keeping small parties detatched from their Corps. You must have heard that the Officers who had the British Cloathing in charge would not proceed...
A Gang of Villians employed by Mr Howe for the purpose of Stealing & otherways procuring horses, made their appearance in the vicinity of this Town, Apart of the Gang were apprehended by order of the Civil Majestrate, as I conceived they came within the Cognizance of Martial Law. I waited on the Marquis de la fayette Majr Genl, who was of the same oppinion. He immediately Issued the Inclosed...
I received yesterday the favor of your Letter of the 5th Instant. In answer to what ever it contains concerning General Burgoyn’s Army and the measures adopted relative to it, I have only to inform you, that this is a matter in which I have never had the least direction. It lies wholly with Congress, and the proposals you make, on this head, must be submitted to them; I have accordingly...
The Day after I saw you last I was so unfortunate as to be taken exceedingly ill which has since untill now Incapacitated me from doing any Kind of Business—For the advantage of a Change of Diet and the attendance of my Surgeon who is also Sick in this Neighbourhood I was desirous of retiring here and applied to General Poor for leave who returned me for answer “That he had no Objection to my...
Your favor of the 19th Ulto by Colo. Armand came to my hands a few days ago. rest assured my good Sir, that that Gentn mis-conceives the matter exceedingly if he thinks my conduct towards him is influenced in the smallest degree by motives of resentment, arising from misrepresentn. I have ever looked upon him as a spirited Officer, and every thing that was in my power to do for him...
I send Your Excellency one of my Lancemen he is completely equiped—I find people here who are willing to serve—if you approve of it my General, I will advance them money for The Governor is here and promises to give me an answer as soon as a Council shall have been held, which will happen in a few days—Whatever is to be done for us I hope will be done without delay, our time is short, and I...
I find myself under the Necessity of Applying for my Commission as Engineer, which I Neglected when Opportunity Offered with more Conveniance than at present while in New York, after the Evacuation your Excellency had such a Multiplicity of Buisiness on hand and of more Importance, and still Omitted Applying, untill being seperated and find a great III Conveniance attends my not haveing it. By...
I am much obliged by your favor received last Evening, and shall take every necessary precaution to obviate any design formed against this Post—but I am induced to think the Information was groundless, as we have now seve⟨n⟩ Prisoners taken on the Evening of the 7th, part of them taken by the mouth of Derby Creek going up with Provision, & the others above that, coming down from Philadelphia...
It is matter of no small grief to me, to find such an unconquerable desire in the Officers of this Army to be absent from Camp, as every day exhibits; and my feelings upon the occasion are not a little wounded by perceiving that this passion is more prevalent among my country men, than in any other Troops in the whole Army—Mulenberg is now gone—you think it the hardest case imaginable that you...
I have been honored with your favors of the 15th and 22d ulto with the several public Acts referred to, inclosed. I most sincerely wish that , for compleating your quota of Men, may be found adequate to the purpose, but I very much doubt it. I have ordered two proper Officers, from every Regiment belonging to your State, to repair to Lancaster, and take their recruiting instructions from you....
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society Yours of the 6th. came to hand in Course; as Mr. W. Lee will be with you before the receipt of this we refer you to him for what has been done as to the Late Mr. Morris’s Papers &c. In regard to the Ship purchased by you, Commanded by Capt. J. Green which you Offer to assign over to the Public account we are content that you do it and Charge the amount to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have to inform you that Capt. Jenkins is just arrived from Nantucket. His last Accounts from Boston were the 25 Decr., at which time nothing material had happened. He left nantucket 6 Jan. He reports that Gen. Lee was exchanged for Gen. Prescot, the army were in high Spirits, and in want of nothing. Gen. Washington had no Intention of going into Winter...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Marseilles, February 11, 1778, in English: Letters from unknown persons must arouse your skepticism; please inquire about me, therefore, from the bearer. I have commercial proposals of great importance to lay before you in person, and am ready to come to Paris as agent for a powerful merchant in Denmark, who has at his disposal a secure harbour,...
27439General Orders, 11 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
Representation having been made by the Captains of the Pennsylvania line against the promotion of Michael Ryan Esquire to the Majority of a Regiment as irregular, he is suspended from doing duty in that rank ’till the matter can be adjusted by a proper board of officers. At a division Court-Martial whereof Lt Coll Sprout was President Feby 9th Captn Israel Davis of Coll Wigglesworth’s Regiment...
Letter not found: from Gen. John Burgoyne, 11 Feb. 1778. In his letter to Burgoyne of 11 Mar. 1778 , GW referred to “your very obliging Letter of the 11th of February.”
The travelling is so bad that we wish you wou’d not attempt to meet us, while it continues. We shall employ ourselves in that part of our business which can be done without your personal attendance. We have been considering General Howe’s letter which you was pleased to lay before us yesterday, and seem agreed and confirmed in the opinion that he hath some latent meaning in those parts of it...
I must again trouble you with an account of my Inability, on account of my Numbers which is Redused to between Sixty and a hundred, I have informed the Presidend of the State of my Situation, but have not Yet Recd any Relief, or answer. I have in Conjunction with Major Jamosons party of Horse—Rendered the gratest part of the Mills Near the City intirely useless. one John Dennis of Bucks County...
Copies: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères, Massachusetts Historical Society; transcript: Library of Congress A thousand Thanks for your so readily engaging in the Means of relieving our poor Captives, and the Pains you have taken, and the Advances you have made for that purpose. I received your kind Letter of the 3d Instant, and send you enclosed a Bill for £100. I much approve of...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; ALS (draft): Library of Congress; copy and transcript: Library of Congress I wrote the above some Time before I receiv’d yours, acquainting me with your speedy and safe Return, which gave me Pleasure. I doubted after I had written it, whether it would be well to send it. For as your proud Nation despises us exceedingly, and demands and...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld n’auroit pas actuellement le loisir de traduire la lettre d’ Amicus; et d’ailleurs il n’a pas les connoissances de banque nécessaires pour être sur de la bien traduire. Si donc Monsieur franklyn jugeoit à propos de la faire publier en françois, le Duc de la Rochefoucauld se chargeroit volontiers de la faire passer au Rédacteur du...
AL : Bibliothèque municipale, Mantes Mr. Franklin did not wish to give M. le Duc the Trouble of translating the Letter sign’d Amicus . He put it into his Hands, rather to have his Opinion of it, as it contains Observations on the French Funds, which M.F. does not understand. He thanks M. le Duc for sending him the Judgment of so able a Statesman as M. Turgot, which he returns enclos’d, as...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have had the honour to received a letter for you from Georg michel Bishoff in Sonnenberg. I took the first opportunity of the post to Send it to you. I wish have a better occassion to assure you of my care and you would well be persuaded that I am not in wrong, If I call me Gentleman Your humble and most obedient Servant Addressed: A Messieurs / Messieurs...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will informe You of my Arrival here this Day with only the Duke De Shasell and Brigg two Friends of our Convoy, the other ships not being ready, but I am in hopes the greatest part of them will Joyn us here in the course of this Week; on my Joyning the Fleet I Salluted the Commodore and Imediately Waited on him with my French Captn: to whome he gave...
LS : American Philosophical Society Le Navire le Chester, et sa Cargaison, dont la proprieté sans aucune restriction ou dubieté quelquonque appartenoit aux Negocians Hollandois, aiant eté pris par un Corsaire Americain, et conduit à Charlestown, Les proprietaires ont pris La Liberté de s’addresser le 30me. d’octobre a vous Messieurs, et aiant eté Honorés d’une Reponse Claire et satisfaisante...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je suis chargé de vous demander, mon cher Maitre, ce qui vous a fait manquer a la parole que vous aviez donnée de diner hier 11e chez Mesdes. les Princesses de Sapieha et de Sangusko où nous vous attendimes jusqu’a trois heures et un quart; et quand vous comptez pouvoir reparer cela et consoler ces Dames que vous avez désolées, et qui sont charmantes. Voicy...