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Results 27421-27470 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
(I) and (II) Copy: Library of Congress Having written to M. Le Comte de Vergennes the 27. of last...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Unsigned but in Randolph’s hand. Cover addressed by Randolph to “The...
Mr Frondeville President of the Parliament of Normandy has transmitted me the enclosed Letter,...
Enclosed I have the Honour of presenting to you a List of the Vacancies which are to be filled up...
27425[Diary entry: 20 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
20. Reach’d Richmond abt. 11 Oclock. Dind at Mr. Richd. Adam’s. Went to Col. Archy Carys abt. 7...
Les nouvelles que Votre Excellence m’a fait parvenir par l’Aide de camp de M. de Rochambeau, sont...
I am honored with your letter of the 17th: instant and take the first opportunity of...
ALS (draft): Library of Congress; LS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Deane, who best knew...
I hasten to transmit to you copy of a Decree issu ed by this government on the 3d. Inst, adopting...
From the following Extract of a Letter I received from General Washington, and which I inclose...
The Delay which must result from collecting the Returns of all the dispersed Corps which you...
27432[Diary entry: 12 December 1771] (Washington Papers)
12. Rain in the Night, and this Morning, but clear warm and pleasant afterwards with but little...
I have recieved a letter , which I presume I may consider as coming from yourself, proposing that...
I enclose herewith the following papers 1. An Order in my favour on the U. S. Branch Bank Boston,...
I recd yours of Yesterday. You know very well that by the Rules of the Army which have been and...
I have the honor respectfully to submit to your consideration, certain general ideas, which may...
I recd by the last Mail your note fixing the time for your return. The Wash has put herself into...
Excuse the liberty of a Stranger, but feeling a disposition to meet Your Views—from the public...
I should deem myself lost to the best Emotions of the human heart, did I not seize with Avidity...
On Saturday last I sent you a letter of which the foregoing is a copy, to which I have as yet...
Since mine of May 8th I have not had any thing material to communicate to your Excellency. Mr...
By the Inclosed Resolution of Congress, Your Excellency will perceive there is an Intention of...
I have the satisfaction, my dear Sir, to acknowledge the receipt of your kind favors of the 5th...
St. Eustatius, 11 May 1793. He acknowledges receipt of his consular commission for this island...
ALS (draft): American Philosophical Society I am much oblig’d by the Confidence you place in me...
Your letter to Mr Eppes arrived yesterday from City Point where I imagine from the date it had...
§ To Tobias Lear. 11 July 1806, Department of State. “Mr. George Davis, who has been appointed...
27448[Diary entry: 29 December 1798] (Washington Papers)
29. Rain in the Night—a thick fog, & thawing in the morning—Mer. at 34. In the afternoon wind...
You will probably have learned before this reaches you that the act of last Session for the...
I am extreamly obliged to you for your Favour of the 20th. of June. The last Fall, I had a great...
2745131. (Adams Papers)
Eve with Foster at Mr. Jackson’s, He was out.
I received yours by the Bearer —As neither Captain Bell nor Captain Gist, can make out regular...
mr Dexter will come to Boston tomorrow for the Trunks you must go with him to mr Crufts who when...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I had the Honor of seeing you I have influenced a...
I do myself the honor of transmitting herewith, a copy of the Act , passed last Saturday, by the...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Carter and his thanks for the copy of Arator which...
11 September 1801, Philadelphia. Has received JM’s letter of 10 June 1801 regarding the...
I have been daily expecting to communicate to you a regulation on the subject of tobacco, and an...
Mr Chief Justice Morris who will have the honor of delivering this to your Excellency is now on...
I recieved yesterday your letter of May 2. on the 3 d an anonymous writing had come to hand which...
27461[Diary entry: 9 June 1774] (Washington Papers)
9. Dined at the Raleigh and spent the Evening there also.
Headquarters near Fredericksburg [ New York ] October 28, 1778 . Certificate of color of cloth...
27463[Diary entry: 4 August 1772] (Washington Papers)
4. Finished Sowing the uppermost Cut with wheat in the Neck—the Cut next Abn. Adams’s 64 Bls.
I am sorry to find that the liberty I granted to the light dragoons of impressing horses near the...
Letter not found. 15 April 1794. Acknowledged in JM’s letter to his father of 25 Apr. 1794 ....
George Tucker accepts, as you know, and will be in place early in April. Emmet accepts and will...
I mentioned to you in my letter by mr Nicholas that I should be able by this post to fix a day...
It had totally escaped my recollection that, in reading the “Embassy of Mr. Monroe”, you would...
I enclose three letters from the Supervisor of South Carolina which relate in part to a bill of...
I received your favor of Feb. 29. the day after I had written a public letter to the...