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Results 27421-27470 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania As you have Testified so particularly a desire, in being...
Your favor of the 3d. is duly received. I have not suffered for want of the carriage: and even...
I have a commission to be executed in Philadelphia which would be the better at least of being...
Since my last I have seen a carriage (Chariot) with oblong octagon lights in the hind quarters &...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 20th. informing me that the carriage made for me is now...
The conversation I had the pleasure of holding with you a few days ago, having given rise to a...
I recieved by our last post your favor of Aug. 31. and immediately wrote to mr Barnes, who was...
It was under the idea that you meant to go to England only that I gave you a letter only to that...
On my return to this place I found my chariot arrived in perfect good order. it is in every...
Your favor of May 29. is duly recieved. I think with you the difference in price between Marocco...
PrC ( DLC ); blurred; letterpressed to second page of enclosing letter. Word interlined....
No good opportunity ’till now, afforded by Mr Craik, has offered to return the Pamphlets you were...
I was yesterday gratified with the reciept of your favor of [Dec.] 27. which gave me the first...
I have to acknolege the receipt of your two favors of July 30. and Aug. 16. and to thank you for...
Your favor of Apr. 17. went on to Monticello, & arriving after I had left it, followed me to this...
Your favor of Apr. 3 finds me on a short visit to this [place] for the purpose of making some [ …...
Capt. Bush will deliver you 20,000 dollars on Acct of the Gratuity of 100 dollars each allowed by...
Your letter of Aug. 20. has truly surprised me. in this it is said that for certain services...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 4th. inst. The books you mention had come to hand and been...
I am to acknowledge the receipt of the letter & Pamphlet, which you have been pleased to forward...
Captain Harrison informs me, his Provision will fall short in a few days. It is impossible for...
I have recd. your two favors of the 30 & 31. ulto. and am much obliged by the kind & confidential...
The recess of Congress now permits me to resume the subject of my circular letter of Aug. 12....
I recieved in due time your friendly favor of June 18 . and profited of the information it...
I have duly recieved your favor of April 30. together with the volume of laws accompanying it:...
You will doubtless have long ago learned that the office which was the subject of your two favors...
[ New York, September 26, 1790. Hamilton’s frank appears on an envelope which is addressed to...
Your account being allowed and certified by the District Judge must be forwarded to the Auditor...
§ To Pierpont Edwards. 27 February 1806, Department of State. “The President being desirous of...
My time has been for some Weeks past so much occupied with preparing business for the...
I have received the letter you did me the honour to write me, on the twenty Seventh of last...
I was yesterday favd with yours of the 24th I should have been glad if the arrangements made for...
In Consequence of the late unhappy Irregularities of some of the Continental Troops in Phila....
The thousand Barrels of salted provisions which the Contract obliges you to furnish, I concive to...
The Inclosed Copy of a Resolution of Congress entered into the 2d Instant will discover to you...
This will be delivered you by Saml & John two of our friends of the Stock bridge Indians who have...
I have recd. Sir, yours of the 1st. instant, inclosing a letter from Mr. Giles to the Visitors of...
Mr. Eppes of Eppington purchased from you on my account a horse at the price of 200. D. payable...
By a Vessel which left this City ten or twelve days ago I sent you Grafts of several kinds of...
List of Trees, Shrubs &c. had of Jno. Bartram to supply the place of those of his Catalogue of...
Letter not found: to John Christian Ehlers, 4 Nov. 1792. GW wrote Anthony Whitting on this date :...
Letter not found: to John Christian Ehlers, c.7 Nov. 1792. In his letter to Anthony Whitting of...
Your letter by Doctor Lyons has been safely delivered me. Mr. Short on his arrival here from...
In the short time which I had the pleasure of being with you here, I forgot to ask the favor of...
I have to ask your permission to become a subscriber to your ‘ New York public sale report ’ and...
On the reciept of your favor of Feb. 26 . I had enquiry made at the clerk’s office of the Supreme...
Having been appointed by two different, and very numerous meetings of the inhabitants of this...
For the New-York Daily Gazette. To the Electors of the City and County of New York. Fellow...
For the New-York Journal, &c. Mr. Greenleaf, You are requested to publish this address in your...
To the Independent and Patriotic Electors of the State of NewYork. It is not long since we...