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Results 27421-27430 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
You will probably have heard before this reaches you, of my appointment as Consul to Lisbon . I have not yet received the Commission, and hope that the hurry after the close of the Session may cause it to be delayed, until I shall have time to hear from you in reply to this letter: as it would be with extreme reluctance that I should decline accepting of an appointment, obtained by your kindly...
On my return from a journey of 5 weeks to Bedford I found here the two letters now inclosed, which tho’ directed to me, belong in their matter to you. I never before heard of either writer and therefore leave them to stand on their own ground. I congratulate you on the close of your campaign . altho it has not conquered your difficulties, it leaves you more at leisure to examine consider &...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Porter and his thanks for the specimen of Gypsum he has been so good as to send him— he recollects that when mr Ellicot returned from some survey on lake Erie , he brought specimens of exactly the same appearance found on or near that lake. it is to be hoped then that the vein has some extent. he wishes the inland navigation thro’ which it must pass...
I now make frequent journies to Bedford , and make long stays there , having a good house and accomodations there. I am just returned thence, after an absence of five weeks, and find here your letter of Jan. 30 . I had left this on the 27 th . to this you must sometimes ascribe the not recieving timely answers from me, & sometimes to my the repugnance with which I go to my writing table. my...
The Hague, September 17, 1782—Wrote to secretary Livingston—“You will naturally inquire, whether the neutral powers will continue their neutrality? or whether the neutral confederacy will be broken? No certain answer can be given to those questions. We must content ourselves with probabilities, which are indeed strong for the continuance of the neutrality.—Who indeed should break it? The...
I should feel my own reproach, in acknowledging at this date yours of Decr. 4. if I did not feel at the same time an apology, which I am sure your friendly candor will admit, in the peculiar pressure of public duties, during the interval. I have not however been unmindful of the object of your letter, and should have even have [ sic ] taken steps towards it, but for my ignorance of the...
I do myself the honor to inclose you a letter which has been Signd by four of the delegation from Tennessee. In explanation of the introductory part of the letter, it may perhaps be necessary to inform you—that Under the two preceeding Administrations—I had Several Occasions in Conjunction with my Colleagues—to adress the Presidents, Under instructions, from the State Legislature of Tennessee,...
I have long & seriously reflected on the present state of things, and on my personal situation. This has for some time been sufficiently unpleasant; and nothing but a sense of public duty and attachment to yourself could have induced me to retain it to this day. But I am convinced that in neither respect can I be any longer useful under existing circumstances. In a government organised like...
7 March 1811, Pittsburgh. “I am an unfortunate pilgrim hunted from one part of the U S to the other.… Every person appear[s] to know me, yet no person will confess it.… My nearest blood connections treat me as a slave, and … the[y] say I am disordered in my mind.” This has been the case for more than four years. Has been told there is an “enormous sum of money” offered for him but cannot find...
I had thought that the copies of the Nautical Almanac which you had been so kind as to furnish me with some time ago, had included the present year, till I had occasion to use one, and found myself mistaken. having no other medium of obtaining it at present this moment, I have indulged myself with the hope that your friendship would permit me to ask the favor of you to send me that of the...