Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Thomas Mullett, 23 July 1787

To Thomas Mullett1

[New York] July 23, 1787. “The want of Some original papers which Mr. Brailsford2 was to have Sent me, puts it out of my power to proceed to a trial of his Cause with Wooldridge.… Mr. Wooldridge3 is willing, if I will let him out on Common bail, to give me a Bond in any Sum … that he will not go out of this State … and that he will not give any impedment or delay to the attachments now pending. I have no doubt that it is Mr. Brailsford’s interest to accept of this Arrangement; but … I have thought proper to Communicate the Matter to you to take your instructions as Attorney in fact to him.”

LS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1Mullett is listed in The New York Directory for 1789 as a merchant at 32 Broadway.

2Samuel Brailsford.

3Thomas Wooldrige.

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