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Results 27401-27450 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
As the inclosed contains details relating to your private affairs it is judged most delicate to...
It is currently reported and believed, that his Excellency Governor CLINTON has, in public...
[ New York ] July 23, 1787 . “The want of Some original papers which Mr. Brailsford was to have...
New York, July 23, 1787. Advises Hamilton to accept the settlement which has been arranged in a...
I have delivered the paper you committed to me as it stood altered to Major Peirce from whose...
New York, August 6, 1787. Introduces “a son of Mr. Israel, who is going to Philadelphia to...
Col. Hamilton was in general agst. embarrassing the Govt. with minute restrictions. There was on...
Since my arrival here, I have written to my colleagues, informing them, that if either of them...
The inclosed is said to be the Copy of a letter circulating in your state. The history of its...
I recd your favor this day with the inclosed Copy of a letter said to be circulating in this...
I wrote to you some days since, that to request you to inform me when there was a prospect of...
Mon Cher Ami. L’amour pour la justice, autant que L’Amitié dont Vous m’avez honoré depuis dix ans...
Our friend Col Wadsworth has communicated to me a letter in which you made enquiries respecting a...
Mr. Hamilton said that he had been restrained from entering into the discussions by his dislike...
Col: Hamilton expressed himself with great earnestness and anxiety in favor of the motion. He...
Mr. Hamilton 2ded. the motion, but he said with a different view from Mr. Gerry. He did not...
Philadelphia, September 10, 1787. On this date, Hamilton seconded the following motion made by...
Mr. Hamilton concurred with Mr. Gerry as to the indecorum of not requiring the approbation of...
Mr. Hamilton . No Convention convinced of the necessity of the plan will refuse to give it effect...
Mr. Hamilton then moved to postpone art XXI in order to take up the following, containing the...
Col: Hamilton withdrew the remainder of the motion to postpone art XXII, observing that his...
Mr. Hamilton added his testimony to the fact that 2/3 in N. York had been ineffectual either...
Mr. Hamilton, in his absence from New York on public duty (with how much propriety and temper his...
Mr. Hamilton expressed his anxiety that every member should sign. A few characters of...
§ 6   A senator when impeached shall continue to exercise his office until conviction The People...
Philadelphia, September 17, 1787. Not only was Hamilton one of the signers of this document but...
The new constitution has in favour of its success these circumstances—a very great weight of...
[ New York ] September 21, 1787 . “You will recollect the cause of Hayton against van Kleeck put...
Philadelphia, September 24, 1787. “… I wish to know if the process against Mr. Livingston was...
Charleston, South Carolina, September 25, 1787. “Mr Mullett lately transmited me Copy of your...
The [New York] Daily Advertiser , October 1, 1787. The only evidence for the assumption that H...
You had every right my dear brother to believe that I was very inattentive not to have answered...
You probably saw some time since some animadversions on certain expressions of Governor Clinton...
While you Have Been Attending your Most Important Convention, debates were also Going on in...
27435[Caesar No. II], [15 October 1787] (Hamilton Papers)
The [New York] Daily Advertiser , October 15, 1787. For a discussion of the arguments for and...
Your favor without date came to my hand by the last Post. It is with unfeigned concern I perceive...
je suis arrivé ici apres bien des fatigues et des dangers; je me Repose et j’en ai grand Besoin....
I have lately made a fresh application to Congress for a final settlement of my affairs on the...
The Federalist essays have been printed more frequently than any other work of Hamilton. They...
To the People of the State of New York. After an unequivocal experience of the inefficacy of the...
I am much obliged to Your Excellency for the explicit manner in which you contradict the...
If Mr. Madison should be disengaged this Evening Mr. Hamilton would be obliged by an opportunity...
I thank you for the Pamphlet, and for the Gazette contained in your letter of the 30th. Ulto. For...
To the People of the State of New-York. THE three last numbers of this Paper have been dedicated...
[ New York, November 15, 1787. The catalogue description of this letter reads as follows:...
I have just received your Letter inclosing Baron Steubens Printed Paper In answer please to knew...
To the People of the State of New-York. It is sometimes asked, with an air of seeming triumph,...
To the People of the State of New-York. ASSUMING it therefore as an established truth that the...
I send you herewith a Series of political papers under the denomination of the Federalist...
To the People of the State of New-York. A Firm Union will be of the utmost moment to the peace...