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Results 27401-27410 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Genl Armstrong, when in France, sent me over some Seeds; &, among them, about 2 Quarts of most remarkably fine Rye , of a Species entirely unknown here. With my usual Desire to disperse what I obtain in this Way, I distributed, in very small Portions, the whole of what I had, except about half a Pint. I planted my Modicum in single Grains, in Drills; &, after some Growth, I found that each...
I have writen written to you about six weeks ago to inform you that I would want my money the 20th of March in which I earnestly solicted solicited as an answer by return of post and not hearing from you since am obligated to trouble you again I assure Sir If I had any other source to supply my wants at present I would not call on you at present your compliance will ever oblige— RC ( MHi
Yours of the 8 th came to hand last night. I had not before heard of your appointment to Lisbon , but sincerely congratulate you on it. it is one of three of the most lucrative consulships of the US. and the most agreeable of the three. it will suit you the better as the our language is so familiarly spoken there. I am really sorry for the circumstances which embarras your acceptance, but they...
I have reserved specially for yourself the following observations. the proposition of mr Gibson’s going to Lisbon in your stead even for a time, should not be made. nobody respects mr Gibson more than I do, nor is better-satisfied that he would, under all situations, do what is right. but the temper of this country towards England is at this time very high. the Senate are always averse to the...
M r Burwell is this moment arrived here, and our post in the instant of it’s departure. the inclosed letter happens to have been ready written and I am extremely anxious to have it delivered into the hands of M. Tracy without the possibility of it’s being opened by the government. mr Burwell thinks if I inclose it to you by this post it may get to N. York before you will have sailed. I...
It is so long Since I received a Letter from you or any of the Family that I am not a little anxious to hear. I have attributed it to the great fall of Snow which has obstructed prevented the Southern post getting in Regular Succession—and we have learnt that the Northern Roads are still more obstructed—yet I have Sent every Post to the office in hopes to hear. I have written You Several...
I arrived here on the evening of the 8t, & yesterday received from Mr Hamilton your letter of Feby 1st; to the five letters which it inclosed the most exact attention shall be paid. If affairs in Florida have not progressed according to the reasonable views & expectations of government, this may be owing in part or principally to the encouragement which Folch has received to deviate from his...
10 March 1811, Pittsburgh. Considers himself “a persecuted Man,” having had “futile, and vexatious Charges” brought against him in a court-martial at Pittsburgh. Claims that three members of the court were his “decided enemies” and had given testimony on the charges. Writes not to influence JM’s judgment but in the hope that JM will review the testimony of the majority of the court and do...
I have it now in my power to send you some plants of the true Hudson Strawberry, and some good gooseberry plants, and anxiously wish to know by what means or rout I can convey them to you, this being a very proper period for sending them. I earnestly request the favor of your sending me a list of any plants and seeds, which would be acceptable to you and add to your collection; but least lest...
I thank you for your letter of Feb. 16. and the communication of that you had forwarded to the President . in his hands it may be turned to public account: in mine it is only evidence of your zeal for the general good. having served my tour of duty my occupations are now in quite a different line, more suited to my age, my interests and inclinations. having served my tour of duty, I leave...