John Jay Papers

To John Jay from Bernardo del Campo, 3 February 1782

From Bernardo del Campo

[Au Pardo ce 3e. Fevrier 1782.]

Mr. del Campo fait bien ses compliments á Mr. Jay, et a l’honneur de lui addresser plusieurs Paquets de Lettres qu’on vient de recevoir. Il est mortifie de devoir lui signifier que Mr. le Comte, par l’Etat delicat de sa santé, et par D’autres obstacles n’a pas pu encore regler les Instructions dont il s’agit.


[At the Pardo, 3rd February 1782]

M. del Campo has the honor to address his compliments to Mr. Jay, and to transmit him several bundles of letters which he has just received.1 He regrets that he is obliged to inform Mr. Jay that the Count, by reason of the delicate state of his health, and other difficulties, has not yet been able to arrange the instructions under consideration.

LbkCs, in French, embedded in JJ to the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 28 Apr. 1782, below, DNA: PCC, item 110, 2: 59–60 (EJ: 4206); CSmH (EJ: 3455); NNC: JJ Lbks. 1 and 6. Translation from RDC description begins Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States (6 vols.; Washington, D.C., 1889) description ends , 5: 353.

1For JJ’s description of and comments on the packet of letters, see his letters to the Secretary for Foreign Affairs of 6 Feb. and 28 Apr. 1782, both below. In the latter, JJ records his receipt of this letter on 5 Feb. 1782.

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