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Results 27391-27400 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
27391General Orders, 8 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
The General Officers are requested to meet ten ôClock tomorrow morning at Genl Varnum’s quarters to take into consideration the propriety of altering the present ration. The Commissary Genl proposes that instead of the rations heretofore allowed there shall be issued a pound and an half of flour one pound of beef or three quarters of a pound of salt pork and a certain quantity of spirits—Mr...
It gives me the highest Satisfaction to find by yours of the 18th of Januy that my Appointment to the command of a Brigade is agreable to you, and am much oblig’d to Genl Green for the charecter he has been pleas’d to give of me—Nothing in my power shall be wanting to Excite a proper spirit among the people, and shall to the Utmost of my Ability give the most effectual Opposition to any...
The communication between the City and country, in spite of every thing hitherto done still continuing, and threatning the most pernicious consequences; I am induced to beg you will exert every possible expedient to put a stoop to it. In order to this, to excite the zeal of the Militia under your command and make them more active in their duty, I would have you to let every thing actually...
I beg leave to refer Your Excellency to a Letter which I had the honour of writing to you yesterday & last Night. Your Excellency will receive herewith an Act of Congress of the 5th Inst. extending the furlough of Colo. Tho. Dyer and also an Act of the 3d Inst. & 5 Copies for obliging all Officers Military & Civil holding appointments under Congress to qualify themselves for acting in their...
I have been favoured with your Letters of the 24th. of Decmr. & 20th ulto. & thank you for the several articles of Intelligence contained in them. Altho it is devoutly to be wished that Soldiers could engaged for three years, or the war, yet I am perswaded it would not be consistent with good policy to attempt it at this time—consequently, that the plan of drafting for twelve months only, is a...
I have to request, that you will, immediately, make a return of the troops, under your command, belonging to the State of Massachusettes to the Assembly of that state. It is necessary this return should be very exact and particular, as it is intended for the information of the Assembly, in their arrangements towards completing their batalions. Among other things, you will specify, the time, or...
I have received your Excellys Letter inclosing a letter to governor Livingston which I have forwarded, I have received no flints. your letter was forwarded ⅌r a second Express—The Court martial Cannot Sit as the parties are not present, if your Excelly will please to order Colo. Moylan to attend or to Send his Charge & evidence the Court Shall be immediately order’d—I wait your Excellys...
I have to request, that you will, without loss of time, make a return of the troops under your command belonging to the state of Connecticut, to His Excellency Governor Trumball. It is necessary this return should be very exact and particular, as it is intended for the information of the assembly, in the measures they may think proper to take, towards completing their batalions. Among other...
On the 29th Ulto I received your favor of the 22d. I have not the least objection to Lt Colo. Smiths taking the command of your Regiment till you or Lt Colo. Forrest are in a condition to appear in the Field—This I shall be happy to hear of. I thank you much for your wishes for my honor & happiness, and you have mine very sincerely for your immediate & perfect recovery. I am Dr Sir with great...
I observe by a Return of military Stores made the 12th January that there were 5000 Muskets unfit for service in the Magazine at Albany. I most earnestly desire that you will use your utmost endeavours to have them put into repair by the opening of the next Campaign. I also observe by the same Return that there is a considerable deficiency of Bayonets, which you will endeavour to make up if...