Results 27381-27390 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
On the 22d of the month I received the letter you did me the honour to write me on the 16th.—“The Sett of Papers the object of which is to prove that our present Policy is highly pernicious to the best Interests of the Cultivators of the Soil,” is not yet arrived.” It would not be difficult to prove, that the Policy of this Country is erroneous in Several particulars. We have an uncertain a...
27382[Diary entry: 29 July 1785] (Washington Papers)
Friday 29th. Thermometer at 78 in the Morng.—80 at Noon and 78 at Night. A Squall of Wind and a little fine Rain came on about 6 oclock in the Morning; both of which were soon over: but the former continued pretty fresh from No. West until the Evening, when it became Calm. Cut the Weeds, wild grass &ca. which had intermixed with the Clover that I sowed at the home house and at Muddy hole—this...
I recd yours of the 13th instant dated at Schohary, giving me an account of events in that quarter since your arrival there. I am very glad to hear of the success of your two scouting parties, and I hope that these checks, tho’ small, and the appearance of a force upon the Frontier, will give spirit to our friends, discourage the disaffected, and establish the confidence and friendship of...
I have the honor to inclose you a Bill of Lading for two pipes of arruda Wine of the last Vintage, shipped by the Brig Neptune Captn Calvin Delano for New York. It is a very fine Wine & I think will prove satisfactory with a year or two’s age. I have sent two samples & shall request the Collector of New York, $D: Gelston Esquire to send the samples on to Washington. Should they please you...
Your Letter of the 25th Ulto has reached my hands since the date of my last about this day Week. nothing material has happened since that time—We are strengthning ourselves in this Post, as the Enemy also are in theirs. They have moved some of their Ships up the North River opposite to their own Lines, & a little below ours; whether with a view to cover their own Flanks, or at a proper time to...
On the other side is a copy of my letter to you of this date under cover to Arthur Young Esqr. of Bradford Hall, near Bury in Suffolk. The articles which I have written to him for are, 2 ploughs, with spare shares & coulters; & a mould to form others on. A little of the best kind of cabbage seeds for field culture. 20 lb. of best Turnip seeds. 10 bushels of Sainfoin seeds. 8 Do of the winter...
I have received your Favours of the 7th and 14th instant. However desirable the Plan you mention may be, there are insuperable Obstacles to our undertaking it at present, or any other which would require a Transportation of a Magazine of provisions. Mr Duer has no Doubt informed you upon how precarious a Footing our Subsistence stands, even in a Country full of Supplies. We are as quiet here...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer le Rapport de Mrs. Andry & Thouret Sur les Aimans de M. L’abbé Le Noble, conformément a la Demande que vous avez bienvoulu m’en faire le 24 du mois dernier.— La Société R. de Médecine, à laquelle j’ai présentéce Billet que Vous m’avez adressé à ce Sujet, a été on-ne-peut-pas-plus flattée du Désir que Vous témoignez avoir de...
26 December 1812, Buffalo, New York. “It is with extreme regret that I am Thus compeled To address you for my Liberty. It is not Sir that I dispise the Servis nor is it the Least Spark of fear in me for I have shared in all the Toils and dangers of this Frontier. But Sir it is on account of a Letter that I have recently received informing me of the distresed Situation of my pore wife and five...
22 October 1803, Barcelona . “I did myself the Honor of addressing you on the 15th. [not found] and to which I beg leave to refer. Enclosed I beg leave to hand you the Depositions of Mr Stirling, accompanied by a Bill of Sale for the Ship Pomona, as extracted from the Books of the Notary at War; also a Certificate of the Character and Standing of Mr S: Signed by the most respectable Merchants...