Results 27381-27390 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I send the bearer for a bushel and a half of timothy seed, which I will replace in your hands as soon as it can be purchased the ensuing hands season . I send you a larger supply of Asparagus beans. PoC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “M r Divers”; endorsed by TJ.
almonds apples Taliafer d o apricots cherries
I have recd. your letter of the 12th. and will not fail to put the one for Mr. Parker into the hands of Mr. Barlow who I am sure will take an interest in the object of it. I shall follow your good advice also, to engage his attention to the procuring a little outfit of the Rye for myself & my neighbors. As you may not possess the variety of Maize from India, called Sackatosh, or sweet corn, I...
Not having the honour of being known to Mr Granger, I have presumed to transmit the inclosed through your hands; & to beg you will let him know how far the writer is entitled to credit. In such a case, I know, that simple justice is all that even a friend could expect of you. Happily, in the present instance, I have no occasion to draw on your friendship, having no more interest in the object,...
I have just received the last packet of the Manuscript—but it appears as if I was doomed to be the sport and the victim of my faithful adherence to those principles which that work so admirably illustrates. I should not invade your merited repose and happiness, with any complaints of mine, were it not necessary to account to you for the suspension of the work even after it had been begun. I...
Your plaister has been here about 10 or 12 days only, having been upwards of a month in coming round from Baltimore .— I informed Harry when he was last down that he could take as much of it as he pleased, and understood from him that he intended to load up with it, but he afterwards informed our Clerk that he had other back loading & could not take any. I cannot find any oil of turpentine,...
I will without delay thank you for the ind letter of the 5th, which was not received till yesterday. It has been my intention to ask after your health for some time, & that of your dear Sisters; My heart feels much for her sore bereavement, as her day is so may her strength be. To that great being in whom she confides I commend her, with her afflicted Husband. May he be more to them than sons...
On monday last a report was brought to this place from Pensacola; that a fleet of 30 sail of British were off the Barancas, at the mouth of the bay. I felt extremely anxious to ascertain both the fact, and the sentiments with which such an event would be viewed by Govr. Folch: for altho’ it might prima facie, be presumed that it would be very grateful to him as a Spaniard, yet without a minute...
I hasten to relieve the anxiety of our Friends in Washington by informing you that your Daughter Carolina gave birth to a Son this Morning about 10 OClock—All that I can say of him at present is that he is a fine, fat, plump Boy with excellent lungs— C. is doing charmingly her trial was about two doubtful hours before Doctor White’s arrival, and two real ones after— Yours Very Affectionately...
I take the liberty of sending my servant for a few more Aspin trees, & for some cuttings of the Detroit Apple, and of the Spitsenburg — The season is I fear, almost too much advanced, but as I did not get back from the lower country until the day before yesterday, the evil has been unavoidable— I send a few of the Tuckahoe cherry which may possibly succeed— next spring I will send others, with...