Results 27371-27380 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
27371 Franklin, Benjamin Hodgson, William From Benjamin Franklin to William Hodgson, 14 February … 1780-02-14 Copy: Library of Congress I have this Moment received your favour of Jany. 28. I had written to...
27372 Editorial Note: The Consular Convention of 1788 The Consular Convention of 1788 was the last of nine treaties to be signed by authority of the...
27373 Westfall, Newton E. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Newton E. Westfall, 2 December … 1807-12-02 Seeing that by the death of Thomas T. Davis Esquire first Judge of this Territory, it has become...
27374 Price, Chandler Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Chandler Price, 25 June 1806 1806-06-25 The bearer hereof Mr Alexander Stewart is well known to us—He is a Citizen of the United States....
27375 Hamilton, Alexander Jay, John To John Jay from Alexander Hamilton, 6 May 1794 1794-05-06 I send you herewith sundry papers and documents, in which you will find material information with...
27376 Robertson, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Robertson, 21 August … 1786-08-21 I take the freedom to beg your Excellency’s assistance. I had the misfortune to Loose my father...
27377 Adams, John Quincy [February 1783] 1783-02-01 This morning Mr. Schiebe left this place to go to Marstrand where he intends to stay some days. I...
27378 Curson, Richard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Curson, 13 April 1784 1784-04-13 Your Favor of the 3rd. Current was handed me by your friend, Col. Mercer, enclosing Thirty Two...
27379 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander From George Washington to Alexander Hamilton, 27 April … 1794-04-27 I cannot, under all the circumstances of the case, satisfy myself, that I am at liberty to go...
27380 Enclosure: Statement of the Application of Monies Drawn … 1794-12-26 Monies Drawn. The following sums have been drawn from the said appropriation by warrants on the...