Results 27371-27380 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; two copies: National Archives <Passy, July 29, 1778: We have received your letter of June 8 by Captain Barnes of the Dispatch , as well as the packets forwarded by the Massachusetts Council. We have given orders to Mr. Schweighauser to provide for the captain’s return voyage and have ordered our banker to give a month’s pay to him and his crew and...
Copy: Library of Congress I acquainted you in a former Letter, that there were great Misunderstandings between Capt. Landais and the other Officers of his ship. These Differences arose to such a Height, that the Captain once wrote me, he would quit the Command rather than continue with them. Some of them leaving the Ship, that Disturbance Seem’d to be quieted. But there has Since arisen...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the Letters you did me the honour of writing to me the 30th of July and 18th. of August last, by the Mercury Packet Boat and by a french Cutter, the other Dispatches Capt. Samson was entrusted with, came all Safe to hand; and I Should have dipatch’d him sooner, if I had not found it necessary to detain him in order to Send by him to Congress some Advices of...
I am truly sorry it is not within my power to give you any information on the subject of the enquiries in your letter of the 9 th . during the revolutionary war Col o Harrison ’s services were employed in the army, mine chiefly in the cabinet and very much within my own state, so that I never had an opportunity of acquaintance with Col o Harrison . at the close of the war I was sent to Europe...
22 March 1805, Department of State . “The President of the United States being desirous of availing the public of your services as a Judge of the Territory of Louisiana, I have the pleasure to inclose your Commission.” RC ( MoSHi ); letterbook copy of enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, Miscellaneous Permanent and Temporary Presidential Commissions). RC 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by JM. For...
Your commission as judge of Louisiana, according to it’s own terms, & those of the constitution was to expire at the end of the present session of the Senate. the nomination of a successor is then, by the constitution, as free, as it originally was. in exercising the duty of nomination to office, it has never been, nor can be admitted, that after a selection made of one of the competitors, all...
Your several letters not heretofore acknowledged have been received down to that of the 22d. day of february last. Your Bills amounting to Sixteen thousand Dollars in favor of Stephen Kingston and John Shaw, will be paid; but it is regretted that the draughts were made, particularly that for future contingencies, without the statement of your accounts, which had been enjoined. I hope you will...
I find, on conversation with the Secretary of state that your papers are before the Auditor , not the Comptroller as I had believed, that the Auditor has asked the opinion of the Secretary of State on certain points, which opinion being unfavorable to you, you wish a revisal of it. altho’ it be as yet interlocutory only yet as it will direct the final decision, I have proceeded to consider it....
You are hereby appointed a Commissioner of the provision Law in all the counties on the south side of James river, but restrained specially to the procuring houses for storing them, waggons, carts, horses, gear, drivers, boats and other vessels and their crew for transporting provisions, materials for making such barrels or other proper casks or boxes for containing the same, and pastures for...
In answer to the letter in which you bring the subject of your claims, arising whilst you were the Consul at Tunis, again before this department, I have to observe, that no new evidence has been received, since the letter to the Committee of claims, of which a copy is enclosed, was written; except the statements of Doctor Davis. These, as you will perceive, tend to prove the actual extortion...