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Results 27361-27370 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The day before yesterday I returned hither from Leesburg. There I was confronted with Mr. Henry, and for three days we lay along side of each other, with our best cannon in action. It was a diverting scene, taken in the whole. My client Chas. Carter must have been defeated, if a single point of four had gone against him; and to obtain one, every thing was tried in the way of assertion,...
According to [advices] in my letter of the 6th. inst. I now inclose to you the bill of lading for 28. packages & 1. doz. chairs by the sloop Sally capt. Potter, which sails tomorrow morning. be so good as to forward them, when recieved, by the Milton boats. No. 28. will perhaps require new wrapping, being hinges done up in paper, as they were not thought of till all the other packages were...
On my return after an absence of three weeks from home, I found here your favor of the 6 th inst. I concur with you entirely in favor of hospitals, and think the religion of a place more justly tested by the number of it’s hospitals than of it’s churches. I return you the Note inclosed in your letter , and sincerely sympathise with your misfortunes, which the evils of the times have suffered...
§ From Sylvanus Bourne. 8 July 1805, Amsterdam. “I had the honor to address you on the 6th Inst on the interesting letter from you of the 23 May & I have no doubt you will be convinced that I made no misrepresentation to you in the Case in question. Should you need a confirmation Mr. Biass of Baltimore will be ready I shou[l]d presume to give it as in a letter to me since my last arrival here...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu Mon Illustre Docteur le pacquet Sur les ballons que vous avez eûe la bonté de m’envoyer je les examinerai et en ferai l’usage que vous désirez. Je vous envoye un pacquet que Je comptois vous porter depuis Long-tems mais que la rigueur de la Saison m’a empêché de vous aller remettre Mais bien malgré moi Je vous assurre. Je compte m’en dédommager au...
5 July 1812. Expresses gratitude for the opportunity to send the enclosed letters to his children with the U.S. minister’s dispatches to JM, since only diplomatic correspondence is sure to reach its destination. Hopes for JM’s continued interest in his sons, who are good and useful men. Intends to join his sons in the U.S. as soon as possible. Tr ( DeGH ). 1 p. In French.
I take the liberty to enclose to you a Copy of a Memorial which I have the honor of presenting this day to Congress—Give me leave to submit it to the Friend and Patron of the fine Arts as well as to the President of the United States. I have the honor to be with the greatest respect Sir Your most obedient and most humble Servant LS , DLC:GW . The son of a Roman goldsmith, sculptor Giuseppe...
This package has been in the hands of the Banditti on the Road from Mexico DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Your favour of the 8th. inst. could only be recieved on my return here, and I have this morning been considering of it’s contents. I think with you that it will be interesting to recieve from different countries the details it enumerates. Some of these I am already in a regular course of recieving. Others when once well executed, will scarcely need to be repeated. As to these I already possess...
As every advance in the arts which may You take a lively interest in every discovery which may be of use to america will give you pleasure, I I will communicate to you a discovery which one I have made, and on which I have just finished