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Results 27361-27370 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Mr. Hamilton in a very animated and powerful speech, expressed great uneasiness that any opposition should be made to this bill, particularly as this state was individually interested therein. He felt greater regret from a conviction in his own mind, on this occasion, that the bill should be objected to, as there was not a single law in existence in this state, in direct contravention of the...
New York, April 23, 1787. Asks Hamilton’s assistance in securing a disputed legacy left to her by her husband. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Mary Bryant was the widow of Dr. William Bryant of Trenton, New Jersey.
Mr. Hamilton observing his name in several nominations thinks it his duty to inform such of his fellow citizens as might incline to honor him with their choice at the approaching election, that the adjournment of the legislature to meet at Poughkepsie, which happened on Saturday last renders it impracticable for him to serve them as a member of that body for the ensuing year. The [New York]...
New York, April 24, 1787. “I wish you Could so Much advance the Settlement of My affairs as to Make Me Receive of the Trustees of Bayards Estate a Sum Sufficient to Provide for My Urgent Expences during your Absence and Reimburse you what you so Obliginly have Sent to Me.…” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Catherine Bayard was the widow of Samuel Bayard.
Yonkers, New York, April 29, 1787. Requests that Hamilton take legal steps to secure the payment of money owed Van Cortlandt. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
[ New York, April, 1787 ] “Mrs. Bayard Widow of Mr Samuel Bayard deceased has applied to me to arrange with you some provision for her in persuance of the Will of her husband representing her situation as distressed in the extreme, and assuring me that she is willing to do whatever I shall advise towards a fair adjustment of matters between you and her.…” Copy, Hamilton Papers, Library of...
[ New York, May 2, 1787. On May 3, 1787, Hamilton wrote to Jay : “I this morning received your letter of yesterday.” Letter not found. ]
I this morning received your letter of yesterday. I have seen with pain the progress of the transactions, which have excited irritations between Mr. Livingston and yourself, and as my dispositions to both, in whatever I have had to do with the matter, have been friendly, I should with reluctance do any thing, that might affect either, further than a regard to truth and propriety should make it...
The People of the State of New York To Egbert and Alexander Hamilton Drs. For our expences in attending the Convention at Annapolis in September last £113 . . 1.4 including the journey thither and back New York to Wit. Egbert Benson and Alexander Hamilton severally make oath and first the said Egbert Benson saith that of the above mentioned sum he did disburse Thirty six pounds three shillings...
Charleston, South Carolina, May 12, 1787. Requests Hamilton to collect a debt owed More by “Mr. John Tayleur formerly Merchant in this Place, now keeping a Jeweller’s Shop in Queen Street near the Coffee house in New York.” LS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. More was a Charleston physician.