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Results 27361-27370 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I wrote by the John Adams to mr Woodhouse of Marsalla, desiring him to send me a pipe of Marsalla wine. by an arrangement with mr Smith the Secretary of the Navy, I was authorised to desire mr Woodhouse to draw on you for paiment, with an assurance that your draught on the Navy department should be placed to the credit of your account with the US. this was done, and I inclosed to mr Woodhouse...
Having occasion to desire a pipe of the wine of Marsalla from mr John Woodhouse merchant of that place, mr Smith the Secretary of the Navy has authorised me to desire mr Woodhouse to draw on you for paiment, and your draught on the Navy department shall be placed to the credit of your account with the United States. mr Woodhouse will accordingly draw on you which I hope will be honored, and...
Your favor of the 6 th is r ecieved, and I am sorry to say I am not able to answer your chemical enquiries with satisfaction. the antient chemistry was in possession of the schools when I was a student in them, and when that was reformed by the nomenclature of Morveau , and the theories of Lavoisier , I had become too much engaged in public affairs and the practical business of life, to...
I have read and considered mr Holland ’s letter of Mar. 28. 1812. and Gen l Dearborn ’s statement of Mar. 29. 12 . and find them in a general correspondence with my recollection of the transactions respecting the establishment of iron works proposed to have been made by yourself on the lands of the Cherokees . I must add a qualification however as to a single fact. I retain a strong impression...
Your letter of Aug. 28 with the pamphlet accompanying it was not recieved until the 8 th instant. That our creator made the earth for the use of the living and not of the dead; that those who exist not, can have no use nor right in it, no authority or power over it; that one generation of men cannot foreclose or burthen it’s use to another, which comes to it in it’s own right, and by the same...
By Mr Jay I had the honor to receive your Lordships favor of the 9th of April, accompanying your treatise “on the intimate connection that subsists between agriculture and chemistry.” The work must be curious and interesting, and for your goodness in sending it to me, I pray your Lordship to accept the best thanks of your most Obedient and Obliged Hble Servant ALS (letterpress copy), DLC:GW ;...
I have duly recd. your letter of the 2d. instant: with the Resolutions of the Legislature of Georgia expressing unanimously the sentiments inspired by the extravagant terms of peace demanded by the Enemy, and the readiness of that State to make every sacrifice necessary to a vigorous prosecution of the war, till it can be brought to an honorable termination. Resolutions of such a character are...
I have recieved several respectable applications for the pardon of Jacob Ray now confined in the jail of this place under a conviction for forging bank notes. as the hope of his reformation would be among the weighty inducements to pardon, I wish to learn how far his former habits & course of life might justify such a hope. it is understood that he was born & raised in Lunenburg county...
The republication of the antient and valuable works now out of print, will certainly be an useful undertaking. but it is time for me to withdraw from my attention from all long-winded enterprises. they belong to the generation which is to carry them through, as little would I presume to prescribe to them the proper objects of their attention. these books have by their worth established their...
I have been honoured with Your Letter of the 13th and should be exceedingly happy if it were in my power to comply with Your requisition, but so far from this being the case, on account of the scantiness of our supplies of powder, I have been obliged to apply both to your State & to Connecticut to obtain a loan. Of this application you will probably have heard before this. On recurring to our...