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Results 27361-27370 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld fait bien des complimens à Monsieur franklyn, en le remerciant des bonnes nouvelles d’Amérique qu’il a bien voulu lui donner; il a l’honneur de lui envoier sa traduction à laquelle il a fait quelques corrections, dont deux assez longues qu’il a mises sur un papier à part; si Monsieur franklyn les approuve, et s’il veut renvoier le...
AL : Bibliothèque municipale, Mantes Mr. Franklin presents his Respects to M. le Duc de Rochefoucauld, with many Thanks for the Pains he has taken, and the Improvements he has made in the Translation. Mr. F. has only one Doubt, which is of the Word habilité in the 2d Article, put for the English Industry: He perceives that Industrie in French has not precisely the same Meaning. And If habilité...
ALS : Yale University Library I had the honour to address you on the 29 Ulto. on the business of Mr. Thomas Morris late Commercial Agent now deceast, and tho not as yet favoured with your answere, doubt not Your attention to those measures, Proper to command possession and a liberty of Inspection into those Books and papers now under Seals. The Ship La Brune under the direction and command of...
27364General Orders, 6 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial whereof Coll Clark was President January 27th Lieutt William Williams of 13th Virginia Regiment tried for repeatedly behaving unbecoming the Character of an officer and a Gentleman, 1st in buying a pair of Continental shoes from a soldier and thereby rendering the soldier unfit for service—2ndly for messing and frequently sleeping with the soldiers, taking their...
As the resources of this Country in point of fresh Provision are nearly exhausted, and the Army under my command is in consequence litterally reduced to a starving Condition—it becomes indispensibly necessary for us to avail ourselves as much as possible of our more distant Supplies, and not to suffer any part of them to be diverted into other Channels; which has I am told been heretofore in...
I must take the liberty of addressing you on a subject, which, though out of your sphere, I am fully persuaded, will have every possible attention in your power to give—It is the alarming situation of the Army on account of provision—Shall not undertake minutely to investigate the Causes of this, but there is the strongest reason to believe, that its existence cannot be of long duration,...
Your Favors of the 26 Ul t . & 1 st . Inst have reached me. M r Yates has delivered to me the Loan Office Bill— accept my Thanks for your Attention to it. The Council ^ of ^ Revision & the Indisposition of my Father forbid my being at a greater Distance from FishKill at present. God knows how long the latter Reason may exist or in what Manner cease. Of all Evils those of the domestic kind give...
France. Feb. 6. 1778. United Netherlands. Oct. 8. 1782. Sweden. Apr. 3, 1783. MS ( DLC ); entirely in TJ’s hand; arranged in parallel columns with digest of French and Netherlands’ treaties on recto and of Swedish on verso of eight leaves. In text as here presented, digests are arranged in sequence. Actually, this was Article 13 of the treaty as signed, though Articles 11 and 12 were suppressed...
I have received the honor of yours of the 2d Instant pr Captain Hopkins of Colo. Moylans Light Dragoons. shall afford him every assistance in my power. Brigadier General Learned called upon me a day or two since and requested that I would transmit your Excellency the enclosed Certificates, and represent his present state of Health. In the Campaign of 1775 by a violent fall he received a breach...
[ Valley Forge ] February 7, 1778 . Discusses Army’s need for meat. Instructs Champion to purchase all that is available. Has directed Major General Israel Putnam to use salt provisions available but to send on all cattle. Df , in writing of H and Robert Hanson Harrison, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Champion was deputy commissary general of purchases.