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Results 27351-27400 of 184,431 sorted by author
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor to Suggest for the consideration of the President the propriety of opening a land-office, as authorised by act of 21. Feby. 1812, for the Sale of the public lands in the Shawnee Town District, Illinois Territory; and to submit for his information on the subject, a Statement prepared by the Commissioner of the Land-office, herewith enclosed—marked C....
I have long intended troubling you with a letter, but have been deterred for want of something that seemed worthy your perusal— I should have embraced the occasion presented by your friendly & esteemed favor of last summer handed me by M r Barnes of George Town , of carrying my intention into execution, had not the very delicate state of my health, with the requisite attention to official...
This will be handed you by Mr. Cramer, a gentleman of respectable commercial connections in St. Petersburg; who is prosecuting his travels in this country. Having had some acquaintance with his family connections, while at that place, some years ago, he called on me here, and expressing a particular desire to pay his respects to you, I have, at his request, given him this note of introduction....
Charleston, S.C., 6 May 1791. Offers himself as a candidate for the command of the United States revenue cutter for South Carolina and refers to the accompanying certificate for information respecting his character. ALS , DNA : RG 59, Applications and Recommendations for Public Office, 1797–1901. Archivists filed the letter under 1798. The enclosure, dated 6 May 1791 and written in Hugh George...
I sailed from New York about Fifteen Months back in the Febra Schooner belonging to Boston, bound to Terragona, and on our Passage was taken by a French Privateer and carried into Marseilles, where I lost the protection I got from the Custom House Philadelphi. The Consul at Marseilles having seen my Protection as soon as we were carried in and having Proofs of my being an American, gave me...
A few years since the Congress of the United States ceded to this State a part of the Lands within its Limits, on certain Conditions, one of which required, that the proceeds of the Sale of one hundred thousand Acres should be applied to the support of two Colleges to be established by the Legislature. In compliance with this requisition in the year 1807 East Tennessee College was...
Being a Virginian and having had the pleasure in my Earlier days of often Seeing and hearing you together with the interest which I feel in the present political contest in the South must be my apology for obtruding myself upon you in this manner The good and wise I know may be always safely approached by the humblest of their fellow Citizens when instruction is their object Accompanying this...
The Jefferson democratic Society of the City & County of Philadelphia, at a late Stated meeting, directed the undersigned, their Comme. of Correspondence to inform you of the great concern of the members, during your late indisposition, & their unfeigned pleasure at your recovery. It is not in the spirit of adulation—nor in the hope of reward, nor is it because you have been President of this...
(committee of the Jefferson Democratic Society of Philadelphia) The Jefferson Democratic Society of the City and County of Philadelphia, have deputed the undersigned, to convey to you the expression of their high regard for your character, their admiration of your talents, their gratitude for your public Services, and their earnest desires that you would accept the honorary Office of Patron of...
On my way to this place I met a Man from the Settlement on Cumberland River in North Carolina who had just come in by the way of Kentuckey. He informs that the minds of all the Western People are agitated on Account of the proposed cession of the Mississippi Navigation to Spain. Every person talks of it with i[n]d[i]gnation and reprobates it as a Measure of the greatest Injustice and Despotism...
Letter not found: from John Campbell, 18 May 1789. On 31 May GW wrote to Campbell : “I have received your very polite letter of the 18th.”
I received this morning your kind letter of the 11th. and return you my respectful & sincere acknowledgements for the friendly good wishes with which you have honored me: Coming as they do from an aged patriot so long and so eminently distinguished in the estimation of his country they can not be otherwise than extremely flattering to me. I shall soon be familiar with all the forms of this...
The enclosed papers were handed to me by M r William. C. Preston with a request that I Would deliver them to you on my way to Richmond. when I had hoped to have had the Pleasure of paying my respects to you Being detained however longer than I expected in the West I found it necessary to hasten on to Richmond and did not therefore come by the way of Monticello as I had expected to do. The...
I am happy to have the Satisfaction to Inform you that If I could by any means find a Safe Opportunity at Present I have in my power to remit you the Cash to pay those people that you was my Security too. As I only arrived here the 29th. of last Month, I beg you may not think it Strange you not Recd. the mony by this. I hope you’ll rest assured that when ever I can with any Safety Send it to...
Agreement between Alexander Hamilton on behalf of Nicholas Low & Abijah Hammond of the one part and John Campbell on the other part. The said John Campbell agrees to proceed forthwith to Scotland in the Kingdom of Great Britain there to endeavor to purchase and to ship from thence to the united States on account of the said Nicholas Low & Abijah Hammond the following articles, Eight Stocking...
[ New York, April 1, 1784. ] Hamilton engages to pay promissory note from John Campbell to Stephen Rapalje if Campbell defaults. D , in writing of H, signed by John Campbell and H, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Campbell was a merchant who lived at 31 Hanover Square, New York City. Rapalje was a New York merchant.
I have taken the liberty of enclosing you a proposal for a work which I expect to publish during the next Summer. I have progressed in this work, as far as the year Seventy Six, but for the period, subsequent to that, I find it extremely difficult to procure materials. I would be much gratified by your advice as to the best sources of information; an d if you have any thing, that would yield...
I avail myself of this method of making a proposition to you, respecting the publication of a complete Edition of your different writings, as far as they may be designed for the public; including the, “Notes on Virginia .” The work should be executed in Philadelphia , by the best publisher in the city, & in a stile, not inferiour to any prose work yet published in our country. Should the...
I feel sensibly my obligations for your attention to my letter. From looking over the list of your official Papers & other Writings I am induced to believe that I could Select what would amount to an Octavo Volume which I would be happy to have the honour of publishing. The “Reports,” While Secretary of State Messages to Congress & Summary View, These or such of them as you might select, I...
After reviewing the papers contained in the volumes you were pleased to lend me, I have concluded to decline their publication, principally from the reasons suggested in your letter , that they would at this day, be not interesting to the mass of readers. I return the volumes, with my sincere thanks for the loan of them. I am RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 29 Dec. 1811 and so recorded...
THE undersigned have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of the proceedings of a numerous meeting of the citizens of Kanawha County, held at the Court house on Saturday the 27th inst, pursuant to public notice, to which they beg leave to call your immediate and earnest attention. The undersigned represent the feelings of their fellow citizens of Kanawha, when they express the deep interest...
Letter not found: from Matthew Campbell, 4 Aug. 1772. On 7 Aug. GW wrote Campbell : “In reply to your Letter of the 4th.”
The Boy Brings the Boots Cost 57/6 Pensla Currency. They Came here only on Sunday evening Last by the Post. hope they will fitt & please Mr Custis I am sir your most humle Sert ALS , ViHi : Custis Papers. Matthew Campbell was a merchant in Alexandria who also acted at this time as an agent for Robert Adam.
Mr Adam being at the Mill I open’d yours to him immagining it to be about that Business of Colo. Fairfax’s When he went away he gave me the Trunk & Papers and told me Mr Dalton Mr Piper & myself were to Settle them and that I would use them when Call’d upon for that Purpose. When I came home I informd Mr Dalton I was Possessd of these Papers for the Purpose and that I should attend when they...
[ New York ] May 8, 1786 . Requests “the honor of seeing” Hamilton “in the course of this day.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
The improbability of its coming to your knowledge, through any other channel, the perhaps singular hardships, I lay under, by being a prisoner; Induces me to take the liberty of writing you, and Craving your attention for a moment. Permit me to inform you, that I left Georgia the 12th of this Month, Bound for New-York, with a view to reestablish my Health; And support my pretentions to...
I am under the necessity from my own feelings to inform your Exelency of the destressed situation of the Soldiers in my Regiment for want of Cloathing. When I martched from the State of Virga. to join the Army I received a Pare of Overalls for Each Soldier, made of Ozenbrigs which did not last them more than two or three Weeks, and also a shirt for Each Soldier which are intirely worn out and...
I take the Liberty to Inform you the Strength & Circumstance Of the 9th Virga Reigt in the Western Department as I now Command in the Absence of Col. John Gibson. The Strength of the Reigement at this Time is not More than Two Hundred men for within this Fifteen days I have discharged a Hundred men that was Entitled to their Discharges & Onley Enlisted for three years & their Times being...
On the 23d June, I was ordered by General Scott, to return from Camp Middle Brook, to the commonwealth of Virginia, & there to Superintend, & Inspect into the Conduct & proceedings of the Officers of the 8th Regimt & to Transmit an account of their Conduct & success in recruiting to Head Quarters, once a Month, Agreeable to those orders, I have proceeded, & on my arrival to Virginia, I have...
Having lately printed an American Edition of the Trial of Thomas Muir, please allow a copy thereof a place in Your Library. Mr Muir since he received his rigorous sentence, intimated indirectly to me a desire that a Copy of his Trial might be presented to You, but was disappointed in sending out one of the British Editions. It is peculiarly gratifying to me, to have it in my power to...
The Trustees of Washington Academy having received your letter dated 17th June have directed us to apply for a conveyance of the shares which you have been pleased to bestow on the Seminary over which they Superintend. Mr James Gold will present you with a form such as he may be advised is proper, and will take the necessary steps to have it proved and recorded. The Trustees wish on every...
Being personally quite unknown to you I have not ventured to make this application to so eminent a character without having consulted an American gentleman M r Gilmer who has the honour of being acquainted with you. and who encourages me to believe that you will not be unfavourably disposed towards my request— It is Sir that you would permit me a few months hence to give a young friend of mine...
Immediately after my coming home from Richmond , I applied to the Commanding officers of Washington and Sullivan counties in North Carolina, to know if they woud furnish any men to proceed with the Virginians against the Chickamoggas, which they appeared very willing to do and as many as are necessary. But upon enquiring if they woud put them under my command the commanding officer of...
Wilmington [ North Carolina ] September 5, 1791 . “We take the present favourable opportunity of replying to yours of the 11th. June by inclosing all the answers We conceived necessary to your queries.…” LS , RG 26, Lighthouse Letters Received, Early Lighthouse Letters, National Archives. These men were North Carolina commissioners to regulate shipping on the Cape Fear River.
I came to this place last night to receive General Gates’ directions how to dispose of the prisoners taken at King’s Mountain, in the State of South Carolina, upon the seventh instant. He has ordered them to be taken over to Montgomery county, where they are to be secured under proper guards. General Gates transmits to your Excellency a state of the proceedings of our little party to the...
Wilmington [ North Carolina ] April 18, 1791 . Ask for instructions concerning construction of the Cape Fear lighthouse. LS , RG 26, Lighthouse Letters Received, Early Lighthouse Letters, National Archives. The men who signed this letter were the North Carolina commissioners to regulate shipping on the Cape Fear River. North Carolina, which had begun construction of the Cape Fear lighthouse,...
The lively interest felt by every class of our Citizens, at this crisis of our public concerns, gives liberty to my pen to offer you a few of my sentiments with the rest of our fellow Citizens. I have been taught, in my Fathers house, to have the highest respect for your talents and integrity and my more mature years gave me reason to hope that on your filling the first or most Dignified...
Have I mistaken your political principles or have I rightly understood them as being truly federal upon the Basis of our Constitution and the government of our own choice. The People of the United States at the time of choseing their Convention-men for the formation of the Federal Constitution upon which government as been Administered must have had all the zeal of Freemen emancipated from the...
Quere 1st. When was the building commenced? Answer. About the 1st. June 1788. Qr. 2d. Is there any the least appearance of its suffering from the winter or winters it has sustained since it was built and in what parts? A. Not materially. Indeed the brick work not at all but the frames of the windows a little, the Lumber on the beach which was provided for the light house and not yet made use...
It has been Suggested to me that the office of Division Inspector will probably be filled in the Course of this ensuing Winter, I therefore take the liberty of Solliciting your favour in bestowing it on me, I can only promise that my Industry and utmost ability shall be exercised to discharge the duties of the office, in case you Honor me with that appointment & I trust by the Assistance of a...
Your letter to Lt Colo. Parker was yesterday recd. & opened by me as Comdt. of the 8th Regt I shall inform Lt. Little he is Considered as an officer belonging to the Regt., but of Junior rank Mr. Davidson Shall be informed the Contents of a Letter from the Pay M. Genl. which Accompanied yours— The Given name of Mr. Hill who has been Nominated as Chaplain is William. I have not Known him as...
I now beg Leave to remind Your Excellency of my procedure after having made my Escape from New York. An Officer who made his Escape at the same Time with myself, upon our Arrival at Head Quarters, and making our Report, it was settled in the following Manner Viz.—That the other Officer should retire to his respective Abode, and remain until called for, on my being asked whether I meant to...
In the Year 1807 the General Assembly of Tennessee established a College in the Vicinity of this Place and at the same time endowed it with the profits arising from the proceeds of the Sale of one half of the Land appropriated by an Act of Congress of the United States for the Support of Two Colleges one in East and the other in West Tennessee. If East Tennessee College had the Necessary...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Voici 4 exemplairs du mon choix. Si je ne me flatte d’avoir fait une traduction elegante, j’espere du moins d’avoir rendu néttement le sens des vos Lettres, et des vos opusculs. On m’assure qu’une nouvelle edition de vos œuvres est sur Le point de paroitre, si je ne me trompe, a Cambridge. Je vous prie, Monsieur, de m’assurer par le moyen de M. Songa, si...
Letter not found: from Jaques Campion, 26 Jan. 1787. On 24 Feb. GW wrote Campion : “Your letter of the 26th of Jany came duly to hand.”
It is with the utmost pain I make this request to your Excellency, as I suppose it must be disagreeable dismissing Officers from the service at this present time, I feel my self anxious to pertake of the service of the field, the Insuing Campaign, but my situation is such that it will not admit, without doing my private Intrest a very Capital Injury, therefore I Humbly request that your...
M r . del Campo fait bien ses compliments á M r . Jay, et a l’honneur de lui addresser plusieurs Paquets de Lettres qu’on vient de recevoir. Il est mortifie de devoir lui signifier que M r . le Comte, par l’Etat delicat de sa santé, et par D’autres obstacles n’a pas pu encore regler les Instructions dont il s’agit. M. del Campo has the honor to address his compliments to Mr. Jay, and to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le temoignage que je me rends au fond de mon Cœur, de n’avoir aucun reproche a me faire pandant le tems que j’ai eü L’honneur de vous appartenir, tant a l’egard de la probité, que de mon zéle a chercher en tout, les occasions de vous plaire, et de vous Servir utilement; me fait esperér, Monsieur, que vous voudrés bien m’honorer de vôtre protection pres des...
Translation of LS in Spanish: American Philosophical Society I received the collection of miscellaneous published works by Your Excellency along with your esteemed letter of June 5 and the advice to emigrants to the United States of America: all by the hand of my friend Mr. Carmichael. The various writings, published at different times, reveal a statesman full of foresight and vigilance for...
4 May 1801, Washington. Encloses letter of recommendation from governor of Virginia. Has others from John Clopton and John Beckley. Presumes JM is familiar with his family in Culpeper County. Seeks clerkship in a public office. In postscript, adds he will wait on JM the following day. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1801–9). 1 p.; docketed by Wagner. Enclosed Monroe to JM, 12 Mar. 1801 .