John W. Campbell to Thomas Jefferson, 20 December 1811
From John W. Campbell
Petersburg 20th Dec: 1811
Dear Sir!
After reviewing the papers contained in the volumes you were pleased to lend me, I have concluded to decline their publication, principally from the reasons suggested in your letter, that they would at this day, be not interesting to the mass of readers.
I return the volumes, with my sincere thanks for the loan of them.
I am
Dear Sir With the highest respect & esteem yr. mo: obdt Sert
John W. Campbell
RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 29 Dec. 1811 and so recorded in SJL.
For the papers authored by TJ and now returned to him, see TJ to Campbell, 1 Oct. 1809, and note. TJ’s letter of 3 Sept. 1809 warned him that reprinting these writings might not return a profit.