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Results 27331-27360 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have lately recd a letter from the secretary of the Board of War in which he complains that you...
¶ From Reasin Beall. Letter not found. 23 January 1815. “Relating to a contemplated removal of...
27333[April 7. Tuesday 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 7. Tuesday 1778. We travelled from Les Ormes, the splendid Seat of the Marquis D’Argenson,...
Letter not found. 15 June 1793. Acknowledged in JM to Norton, 12 Sept. 1793 , which also mentions...
I fear you will consider me as taking much too great a liberty in what I am now about to ask of...
Being Just inform’d of an opportunity of writing to you by the Way of Bilboa, I snatch my Pen, to...
Last night I received and read your lovely Letter of the 11th: As the three Cantabridgeans were...
Your favour covering a bill of lading has been duly recieved, as has also the package of books in...
My last to you was of the 2d. of August: since which’I have recieved yours of June 4. and Sep. 3....
M r Correa and mr Gilmer are here, and can stay three days only. these they wish to pass in...
Printed by Benjamin Franklin, Passy, Yale University Library The sole clue to the dating of this...
I am sorry I cannot supply you with all the pot-herbs wanted, we have not the sweet marjoram....
I received your private letter of the 10th inst. last night. The mode in which the laws are...
This morning at about eight o clock Mr. Le Roi came here and went with Pappa, brother Charles and...
Memorandums on a tour from Paris to Amsterdam, Strasburg and back to Paris.     1788. March. 3....
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Les offres Gracieuses et obligeantes que vous avez eu la...
Th: Jefferson asks permission of the Secretary at war to discharge what he believes to be a duty...
You will herewith receive duplicates of my letters to you under date the 28th. ultimo. I have now...
Your letter of the 27th instant was received by the last Post to Alexandria. I thank you for the...
The peircing cold air of this Month has made me quiver so that I could not quit the fire side...
MS : Minutes: Public Record Office Not content with his share in the Nova Scotia lands granted in...
Since the date of my message of January 17th. a letter of the 26th. of November has been recieved...
I have received Your Letter of Yesterday with the report of the Field Officers of the Virginia...
The Secretary of War having examined the Report of Colonel Timothy Pickering, Commissioner at a...
Letter not found : from Capt. John Stokes, 14 Feb. 1779. GW wrote Stokes on 15 Feb. : “I have...
1753. In the year 1753 a Committee of the Council of N York in a Report upon the Petition of Mr....
27357[Diary entry: 12 February 1769] (Washington Papers)
12. Ground still froze hard & no thaw; Morning cloudy with the Wind at No. Wt. as it contind. to...
The office of Secretary of State being now vacant, I do, in pursuance of the act passed on the...
7 December 1804, Richmond. “Having received through your politeness two letters from Mr. Monroe;...
J’aurois desiré pouvoir vous présenter mes hommages Comme ministre de L’a Republique française,...