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Results 27331-27380 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, February 3, 1778, in French: I have seen in our...
27332General Orders, 3 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
A report having circulated that Mr Jones, Deputy Commissary General of Issues had granted a pass...
In answer to your letter of yesterday I am sorry to inform you that however willing to oblige...
A Letter from Congress will accompany this containing two resolutions relative to prisoners. You...
On the Ulto I had the honor to receive your Favor of the 27th with the Copies alluded to. As the...
My last trouble was under the 27th Ulto by Messenger Barry. Your Excellency’s favor of the 31st...
I had this Moment the Honour of yours of the 15. Ultimo and I thank you for your Kindness to Mr....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave in a few Lines, to intimate to you, and thro’...
27339General Orders, 4 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial whereof Coll Clark was President January 27th—Charles Smith a soldier...
A Few Queries for the Consideration of His Excellency General Washington, & the Honorable the...
I have received a Letter from the Adjt General, wherein he informs me it’s Your Excellencys...
I wrote to your Excellency from Springfield concerning the Cannon which were sent from Albany to...
Brig. Genl Count Pulaski informs me that there are three Troops of Jersey Horse who would enter...
I have received your two Letters of 29th and 31st of last month; the forming any considerable...
I join the letter from et prisoner, It wil determined mi answer. The Cavalry is Placed according...
It is his Excellency’s desire, that you have all the public boats below the falls, removed as...
Transcript: Library of Congress I am exceedingly obliged by your interesting yourself so warmly...
ALS : American Philosophical Society When Congress did me the honour to send me a Commission, and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Orbec, February 5, 1778, in French: I take the liberty of...
27350General Orders, 5 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
In Congress June 10th Resolved, That for the future the Quarter Master or other Person drawing...
My unacquaintance at coming to this place, with the Complexion of Congress & exertions of that...
By Advices lately received from Rhode Island, transmitting to me a Copy of a Letter from General...
In compliance with your Excellencys desire I have perused the Articles of War with Attention—As...
I am sorry to inform your Excellency that our Legislature have not made any Provision for filling...
Since the Commencment of Hostilities in America, we have on our parts observed as far as I have...
I had, Yesterday the Pleasure of receiving your Letter of the 22d of January, and beg Leave to...
I have received, this Morning, by several Hands and at other Times during the last Week, Several...
DS : National Archives; copies in French and English: Massachusetts Historical Society, National...
DS : National Archives; copies in French and English: Massachusetts Historical Society, Harvard...
Copy: Library of Congress We hereby request That you would pay Such Bills as shall be drawn on...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld fait bien des complimens à...
AL : Bibliothèque municipale, Mantes Mr. Franklin presents his Respects to M. le Duc de...
ALS : Yale University Library I had the honour to address you on the 29 Ulto. on the business of...
27364General Orders, 6 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial whereof Coll Clark was President January 27th Lieutt William Williams...
As the resources of this Country in point of fresh Provision are nearly exhausted, and the Army...
I must take the liberty of addressing you on a subject, which, though out of your sphere, I am...
Your Favors of the 26 Ul t . & 1 st . Inst have reached me. M r Yates has delivered to me the...
France. Feb. 6. 1778. United Netherlands. Oct. 8. 1782. Sweden. Apr. 3, 1783. MS ( DLC );...
I have received the honor of yours of the 2d Instant pr Captain Hopkins of Colo. Moylans Light...
[ Valley Forge ] February 7, 1778 . Discusses Army’s need for meat. Instructs Champion to...
ALS : Library of Congress J’ay l’honneur de prévenir Votre excellence que je dois mettre a la...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne me rappelle point Monsieur que vous m’ayez fait...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Chateau de Glaye, near La Ferté-Bernard, Maine, February 7,...
27374General Orders, 7 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Brigade Major of the day will in future take the names of the officers who mount guards, the...
The occasional deficiences in the Article of provisions, which we have often severely felt, seem...
The present situation of the army is the most melancholy that can be conceived. Our supplies in...
The Committee appointed on the 27th of August 1777 to collect evidence of the State of the Army...
I had the honour of presenting in due course Your Excellency’s favours of 31st Ulto & 3d Inst. to...
With the utmost Exartion I have Complyd with your Excellancies Direction to me of Jany 8th unless...
Council had the honour to write to your Excellency on the fifteenth day of last month, in the...