Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to [Madame Durey de Meinières], 12 September 1783

To [Madame Durey de Meinières]

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Passy, Sept. 12. 83—

My Friend Made [Madame] Helvetius tells me that I do wrong to dine abroad, as it hurts my Health; and I much respect her Counsels: But I cannot resist the double Temptation you offer me of dining with you and with that amiable Family. So that if alive and well I shall certainly render my self on Sunday at the Pavilions of Chaillot, when I hope your Rhumatism will have left you, so as to permit your standing upright, that you may enjoy more Ease, and I more Pleasure in the greater Convenience of Embracing you. I hope also to find your good Husband well; for I respect and esteem you both, as all do who know you. Your English is better than you think it. I wish my French were equal to it.— My Heart however is good, and you have always a Place in it.

B Franklin

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