Results 27301-27350 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
27301 Tartivot, —— Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Tartivot, 1 February … 1778-02-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society <February 1, 1778, in French: If Frenchmen emigrate to...
27302 Washington, George General Orders, 1 February 1778 1778-02-01 The Brigade Quarter-Masters are to call on the Assistt Quarter Master General at the Adjt Genl’s...
27303 Washington, George Angell, Israel From George Washington to Colonel Israel Angell, 1 … 1778-02-01 I am favoured with yours of yesterday. As it is my wish to cut off the intercourse with Phila. as...
27304 Bland, Theodorick Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Theodorick Bland, 1 … 1778-02-01 As My Regt was destitute of a Paymaster when I quitted Camp, from the Resignation of Mr Joseph...
27305 Washington, George Custis, John Parke From George Washington to John Parke Custis, 1 February … 1778-02-01 I will just write you a few lines in acknowledgment of your Letter of the 14th Ulto; which was...
27306 Washington, George Jameson, John From George Washington to Major John Jameson, 1 … 1778-02-01 The quantity of provision, Flour especially, that is carried into Philada is by all accounts so...
27307 Livingston, Henry Beekman Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Henry Beekman … 1778-02-01 The Enclosed I send you at the Request of Captain Samuel Sacket, and Captain Timothy Hughs of...
27308 Slaughter, George Washington, George To George Washington from George Slaughter, 1 February … 1778-02-01 The abrupt manner in which you was pleased to refuse me leave of absence: the difficulties and...
27309 Morris, Gouverneur Jay, John To John Jay from Gouverneur Morris, 1 February 1778 1778-02-01 Congress have sent me here in Conjunction with some other Gentlemen to regulate their Army and in...
27310 Schuyler, Philip Jay, John To John Jay from Philip Schuyler, 1 February 1778 1778-02-01 It is whispered here that an Expedition into Canada is to take place under the Command of the...
27311 Hancock, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Hancock, 2 February 1778 1778-02-02 Mr. Hancock’s Compliments to Mr. Adams. The Inclos’d Letter from the Baron De Kalb he Received...
27312 Washington, George Livingston, William George Washington to William Livingston, 2 February … 1778-02-02 [ Valley Forge ] February 2, 1778. Discusses detection of plot to assassinate Livingston. Df , in...
27313 Gérard, Conrad-Alexandre American Commissioners Gérard to the American Commissioners, 2 February 1778 1778-02-02 Translation reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American...
27314 Johnson, Henry American Commissioners Henry Johnson to the American Commissioners, 2 February … 1778-02-02 ALS : American Philosophical Society Yesterday I arrived here from England after effecting my...
27315 Navy Board for the Eastern Department American Commissioners The Navy Board for the Eastern Department to the … 1778-02-02 LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress Having presumed to draw a Bill on...
27316 Lee, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Lee, 2 February 1778 1778-02-02 AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Lee has the Honour of presenting his Compliments to...
27317 Washington, George General Orders, 2 February 1778 1778-02-02 A General Court Martial to sit tomorrow 9 oClock A.M. whereof Coll Wigglesworth is appointed...
27318 Bond, Thomas Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Bond, 2 February 1778 … 1778-02-02 Letter not found: from Thomas Bond, Jr., 2 Feb. 1778. On 3 Feb., GW wrote Bond : “In answer to...
27319 Jameson, John Washington, George To George Washington from Major John Jameson, 2 … 1778-02-02 I Recd your’s of Yesterday and shall executed your Commands as soon as possible, I have not been...
27320 Washington, George Livingston, William From George Washington to William Livingston, 2 … 1778-02-02 I have the honor to acknowlege the receipt of your favour of the 26 ulto. The recent detection of...
27321 Adams, John Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … From John Adams to Lafayette, 3 February 1778 1778-02-03 I had Yesterday the Honour of receiving, from the Hand of my worthy Friend General Knox, your...
27322 Washington, George Bond, Thomas George Washington to Thomas Bond, 3 February 1778 1778-02-03 Valley Forge, February 3, 1778 . Refuses Bond’s request that Bond’s father be permitted to visit...
27323 American Commissioners Dubbeldemuts, Franco The American Commissioners to Franco and Adrianus … 1778-02-03 Copy: Connecticut Historical Society Mr. Dorsius of Charlestown South Carolina is a Gentleman we...
27324 American Commissioners Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de The American Commissioners to Vergennes, 3 February … 1778-02-03 ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: National Archives We have just receivd...
27325 Franklin, Benjamin Mostowski, “Prince” Paul Michael From Benjamin Franklin to “Prince” Mostowski, 3 … 1778-02-03 AL (draft): American Philosophical Society M. Franklin sera chez lui Jeudi prochain vers midi,...
27326 Williams, Jonathan Jr. American Commissioners Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners … 1778-02-03 ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been for several Days down to the Ship and left her...
27327 Butot, Lucas Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Lucas Butot, 3 February 1778 1778-02-03 ALS : American Philosophical Society Zêlé pour la liberté j’apprends avec satisfaction les...
27328 Fournier, Simon-Pierre, le jeune Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Simon-Pierre Fournier le … 1778-02-03 ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay l’honneur de vous prévenir que votre caractere est prêt...
27329 Hartley, David Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from David Hartley, 3 February … 1778-02-03 Copy: Library of Congress The enclosed letters will explain themselves. Mr. Wren is a very worthy...
27330 Hartley, Samuel Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Hartley, 3 February … 1778-02-03 ALS : American Philosophical Society I am desired by my friend DH to forward you the enclosed...
27331 Santoux, —— Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Santoux, 3 February 1778 … 1778-02-03 ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, February 3, 1778, in French: I have seen in our...
27332 Washington, George General Orders, 3 February 1778 1778-02-03 A report having circulated that Mr Jones, Deputy Commissary General of Issues had granted a pass...
27333 Washington, George Bond, Thomas Jr. From George Washington to Thomas Bond, Jr., 3 February … 1778-02-03 In answer to your letter of yesterday I am sorry to inform you that however willing to oblige...
27334 Washington, George Boudinot, Elias From George Washington to Elias Boudinot, 3 February … 1778-02-03 A Letter from Congress will accompany this containing two resolutions relative to prisoners. You...
27335 Washington, George Laurens, Henry From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 3 February … 1778-02-03 On the Ulto I had the honor to receive your Favor of the 27th with the Copies alluded to. As the...
27336 Laurens, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Laurens, 3 February … 1778-02-03 My last trouble was under the 27th Ulto by Messenger Barry. Your Excellency’s favor of the 31st...
27337 Adams, John Laurens, Henry From John Adams to Henry Laurens, 4 February 1778 1778-02-04 I had this Moment the Honour of yours of the 15. Ultimo and I thank you for your Kindness to Mr....
27338 Melmoth, Courtney Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Courtney Melmoth, 4 … 1778-02-04 ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave in a few Lines, to intimate to you, and thro’...
27339 Washington, George General Orders, 4 February 1778 1778-02-04 At a General Court Martial whereof Coll Clark was President January 27th—Charles Smith a soldier...
27340 Blaine, Ephraim Washington, George To George Washington from Ephraim Blaine, 4 February … 1778-02-04 A Few Queries for the Consideration of His Excellency General Washington, & the Honorable the...
27341 Hazelwood, John Washington, George To George Washington from Commodore John Hazelwood, 4 … 1778-02-04 I have received a Letter from the Adjt General, wherein he informs me it’s Your Excellencys...
27342 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Henry Knox … 1778-02-04 I wrote to your Excellency from Springfield concerning the Cannon which were sent from Albany to...
27343 Washington, George Livingston, William From George Washington to William Livingston, 4 … 1778-02-04 Brig. Genl Count Pulaski informs me that there are three Troops of Jersey Horse who would enter...
27344 Washington, George Pulaski, Casimir From George Washington to Brigadier General Casimir … 1778-02-04 I have received your two Letters of 29th and 31st of last month; the forming any considerable...
27345 Pulaski, Casimir Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General Casimir … 1778-02-04 I join the letter from et prisoner, It wil determined mi answer. The Cavalry is Placed according...
27346 Hamilton, Alexander Hazelwood, John From Alexander Hamilton to Commodore John Hazelwood, 5 … 1778-02-05 It is his Excellency’s desire, that you have all the public boats below the falls, removed as...
27347 Franklin, Benjamin Hartley, David From Benjamin Franklin to David Hartley, 5 February … 1778-02-05 Transcript: Library of Congress I am exceedingly obliged by your interesting yourself so warmly...
27348 Izard, Ralph American Commissioners Ralph Izard to the American Commissioners, 5 February … 1778-02-05 ALS : American Philosophical Society When Congress did me the honour to send me a Commission, and...
27349 La Radière, Jean-Louis des Hayes de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from ——— de la Radière, 5 February … 1778-02-05 ALS : American Philosophical Society <Orbec, February 5, 1778, in French: I take the liberty of...
27350 Washington, George General Orders, 5 February 1778 1778-02-05 In Congress June 10th Resolved, That for the future the Quarter Master or other Person drawing...