Results 27301-27350 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society <February 1, 1778, in French: If Frenchmen emigrate to America, I am asked to tell you about two young men from a respectable family who want to spend some years there. They are only sixteen and eighteen but have been trained in agriculture and the lumber trade; they can write a little and have some arithmetic, as well as “l’Esprit de Sagesse et baucoup de...
27302General Orders, 1 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
The Brigade Quarter-Masters are to call on the Assistt Quarter Master General at the Adjt Genl’s Office tomorrow morning at ten oClock for their proportion of 320 camp kettles. Resolved, That the Commissaries General of Purchases & Issues and their respective deputies for neglect of duty or other offences in their respective offices shall be subject to military Arrest and trial by Order of the...
I am favoured with yours of yesterday. As it is my wish to cut off the intercourse with Phila. as effectually as possible, I desire that no passes may be granted by you to any persons upon any pretence whatsoever; and that you will do all in your power to apprehend those who attempt to go into the City with marketting. There is no way so likely to put a total stop to this practice as making an...
As My Regt was destitute of a Paymaster when I quitted Camp, from the Resignation of Mr Joseph Egglestone who Resigned with Yr Excellencys Permission, I have taken the Liberty, to propose Mr Duncan Rose, who is now on his way to Camp & has promised me that he will make what haste he can to arrive there soon, to fill that post; he is a Gentn whose firm attachment to the American Interest, whose...
I will just write you a few lines in acknowledgment of your Letter of the 14th Ulto; which was detaind by the Posts not being able to cross Susquehanna, till the Evening before last. I congratualte you upon the birth of another daughter, & Nelly’s good health; & heartily wish the last may continue, & the other be a blessing to you. The money received for your Land was, I think, well applied,...
The quantity of provision, Flour especially, that is carried into Philada is by all accounts so great that the British Army is well supplied with almost every Article. The Committee of Congress now here having expressed a desire that this pernicious intercourse may be cut off as effectually as possible, I know of no other way to prevent the supply of Flour but disabling the Mills as we have...
The Enclosed I send you at the Request of Captain Samuel Sacket, and Captain Timothy Hughs of Colonel James Livingston’s Regiment and as I have no Reasonable Objection against the proposed Exchange, have refered them to Your Excellency, Only Observeing, that if it meets with Your Approbation and Colonel James Livingston is perfectly Satisfied with these proposals which I Shall Acquaint him...
The abrupt manner in which you was pleased to refuse me leave of absence: the difficulties and hardships that an American Officer inevitably labours under; the ridicule, that I shall probably incur from the unthinking, for my apparent mutability of temper, would I Apprehend, deter the generality of mankind from an Application Similar to this: but the attachment I have to your Excellency, for...
Congress have sent me here in Conjunction with some other Gentlemen to regulate their Army and in Truth not a little Regulation hath become necessary. Our Quarter Master and Commissary Departments are in the most lamentable Situation. Opportunities have been neglected last Campaign which were truly Golden ones but omnipotent Fatality had it seems determined that the american Capital should...
It is whispered here that an Expedition into Canada is to take place under the Command of the Marquis Fayette, Gen l . Conway & Gen: Starke with 3000 Men. Entre nous I may venture my Opinion, which Is that the body is Insufficient should they be able to penetrate Into Canada, which I much doubt, as nothing (as far as I can learn) has been prepared: the men are In want of the proper Cloathing...
Mr. Hancock’s Compliments to Mr. Adams. The Inclos’d Letter from the Baron De Kalb he Received under Cover. Mr. Hancock would have been exceedingly Glad to have Seen Mr. Adams at his house at any time when he has been in Town, and had Mr. Hancock have known when he was in Town he should have Sent to him; if Mr. Adams should Come to Town on Wednesday next, and it would be agreeable to him to...
[ Valley Forge ] February 2, 1778. Discusses detection of plot to assassinate Livingston. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Translation reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution . . . (revised ed.; 6 vols., Washington, D.C., 1857), I , 472 I have acquainted his majesty’s ministers with the fresh demand respecting the 11th and 12th articles of the treaty of commerce. The king having approved these two articles, agreeable to your unanimous wishes, they can not be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Yesterday I arrived here from England after effecting my escape from Mill Prison. I have in Company Capt: Eleazer Johnson of the Dalton. I am going on to Dunkirk as fast as possible. Shall be Obliged to your Honours if you’d let me know whether it will be necessary for me to come to Paris. I shall wait at Dunkirk for your answer. I shall not now endeavour...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress Having presumed to draw a Bill on you in favour of Mr. William Dennie a merchant of this Town for one hundred pounds Sterling, it becomes necessary to Appologize for this Step by Explaining the reasons of our Conduct, which otherways must Appear very extraordinary, as we have neither the Express Orders of Congress for it or have...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Lee has the Honour of presenting his Compliments to Doctor Franklin and shall be obliged to him for the loan of the two last Boston papers he has, which shall be returned in an hour and also for the last English papers. Mr. Lee would be glad to know if any determination is come to, relative to supplying him with the necessary funds, for his appointment...
27317General Orders, 2 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
A General Court Martial to sit tomorrow 9 oClock A.M. whereof Coll Wigglesworth is appointed President a Captain from each Brigade will compose the Court. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Brig. Gen. George Weedon’s orderly book notes that the general court-martial was to take place at the bakehouse, and it also includes these additional orders: “The broken and worn out Axes are to be collected and...
Letter not found: from Thomas Bond, Jr., 2 Feb. 1778. On 3 Feb., GW wrote Bond : “In answer to your letter of yesterday.”
I Recd your’s of Yesterday and shall executed your Commands as soon as possible, I have not been able to see Genl Lacey these several days The Militia on this and the ridge Roads have abandoned their Posts since Saturday and are not yet replaced I shall go in search of Genl Lacey tomorrow and fix on a day to do the business you have Ordered. The Mills on Pennipack and Frankfort have furnished...
I have the honor to acknowlege the receipt of your favour of the 26 ulto. The recent detection of the wicked design you mention gives me the most sensible pleasure, and I earnestly hope you may be alike successful in discovering and disappointing every attempt, that may be projected against you, either by your open or concealed enemies. It is a tax, however, severe, which all those must pay,...
I had Yesterday the Honour of receiving, from the Hand of my worthy Friend General Knox, your kind Letter to me, together with five others, which, with Submission to the Fortune of War, shall be conveyed and deliverd as you desire. I am happy in this opportunity to convey Intelligence from you to your Friends, and think myself greatly honoured and obliged by your Politeness and Attention to...
Valley Forge, February 3, 1778 . Refuses Bond’s request that Bond’s father be permitted to visit in territory held by enemy. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Thomas Bond was the son of Dr. Thomas Bond, a Philadelphia physician who had helped to found the Pennsylvania Hospital.
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society Mr. Dorsius of Charlestown South Carolina is a Gentleman we would recommend to you as one much employed, and of Confidence, and one very proper to act for you in your Affair at that Place. Should Mr. Dorsius be engaged in other Business, or should he or his Friends be so interested in that Privateer which made Prize of your Vessel (which is possible) that...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: National Archives We have just receivd information that Mr. Thomas Morris, at Nantes, one of the commercial Agents of Congress, is at the point of death; and that his Papers, on that event, will be taken possession of by the Officers of the Crown. As some of these Papers may very materially concern the public business, we beg an Order...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society M. Franklin sera chez lui Jeudi prochain vers midi, quand il recevra avec beaucoup de Plaisir l’Honneur du Vis. M. Franklin will be at home on Thursday at Noon, ready to wait on Prince Mostowski, if he should then do him the Honour of calling on him as proposed. Paul Michael (Pawel Michal) Mostowski (1721–81) was a self-styled prince. In Poland he had...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been for several Days down to the Ship and left her at St. Nazare. I have done with both the French Ships. I beg you will please to apply for an order to wait in Quiberon ’till all the Ships join else I am afraid the Brune will be left. Poor Mr. Morris has finished his affairs in this world. I am much concerned at being absent, but every care was...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Zêlé pour la liberté j’apprends avec satisfaction les progrès que fonts les braves Ameriquains pour la leur et pour ÿ cöoporé autant qu’il m’est possible je prends la respectueuse liberté d’envoÿer à votre Excellence le memoire inclús. Daignez le parcourir, et le trouvant utile m’honorer de vos hautes ordres. Etant prêt d’en donner le secret a votre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay l’honneur de vous prévenir que votre caractere est prêt a partir. Je vous prie de me marquer par quelle voyes vous voulés que je vous l’expedie. Cela contient Deux caisses contenant une fonte de Petit Romain, Romain, Italique, Cadrats, Espaces cy . . . Pézant . . . . . 274 l. ½ a 34s. . . . 465 l.t. 16 La demie . . . . . . . . . . 17. Deux caisses...
Copy: Library of Congress The enclosed letters will explain themselves. Mr. Wren is a very worthy man (I believe a dissenting Minister) at Portmouth who has devoted his attention in the most charitable manner towards the relief of the prisoners at Forton. When Mr. Thornton went to Forton I advanced him £50 according to your desire. If you approve the Continuance of his plan I can easily...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am desired by my friend DH to forward you the enclosed Letter which I do thro’ the hands of my Banker Mr. Veron. Should you have occation to write our mutual friend under Cover you may address your Letter to my House under the firm of Messrs. Eyre & Hartley Negts. London. There is no doubt of its coming safe to my hand and you may rely upon my care and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, February 3, 1778, in French: I have seen in our journals that you recommend tobacco ash against dropsy. Please tell me for what sort of dropsy, how the ash is prepared and administered, what kind of tobacco is used, and whether it is burned in the open or in a closed container. The region in which I practice has a large incidence of dropsy, both...
27332General Orders, 3 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
A report having circulated that Mr Jones, Deputy Commissary General of Issues had granted a pass to a woman to carry thirty pounds of butter into Philadelphia; The matter was fully inquired into and appears to be without foundation. Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Thomas Jones, who submitted regular returns to GW of stores in the middle department (see DNA:PCC , item 192), served as deputy...
In answer to your letter of yesterday I am sorry to inform you that however willing to oblige your father and yourself, I do not think I can with propriety comply with your request. I cannot suppose your father would mean to make the least ill-use of the privilege he wishes for; but every indulgence of this kind becomes a precedent for others, and you will easily be sensible that it must be...
A Letter from Congress will accompany this containing two resolutions relative to prisoners. You will perceive by them that Congress go upon the presumption of our furnishing our prisoners in the Enemy’s hands wholly and intirely with provisions. Their fixing no rule for liquidating and accounting for the rations heretofore supplied by the Enemy, is a proof that they do not intend them to...
On the Ulto I had the honor to receive your Favor of the 27th with the Copies alluded to. As the proceedings of Congress in this instance seem to imply, that our Unfortunate people in the hands of the Enemy are to be victualled by us, I have only to wish that the Supplies may be constant & plentiful. I have transmitted your Letter to Mr Boudinot who is out of Camp, and have requested his most...
My last trouble was under the 27th Ulto by Messenger Barry. Your Excellency’s favor of the 31st together with Genl Foremans memorial came to hand last night, I presented it to Congress & the Subject matter will be taken under consideration this Morning. Inclosed your Excellency will find an Act of Congress for appointing a Major Genl under Your Excellency’s direction to proceed with Marquis...
I had this Moment the Honour of yours of the 15. Ultimo and I thank you for your Kindness to Mr. Thaxter of whom I had not before heard, Since he left this Place. The Act of Congress inclosed in your Letter, I will take with me to Europe, for which Country I hope to embark in five Days in the Boston Frigate, not without Regret at having been delayed So long. I shall make out Six Copies of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave in a few Lines, to intimate to you, and thro’ your means to Mr. Dean and Mr. Lee, the nature and extent of those Services which I am so anxious to be retained for. I would chearfully undertake the replies of those inundations of Letters which issue from all sorts of application for offices, and, I think, I could perform this branch to your...
27339General Orders, 4 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
At a General Court Martial whereof Coll Clark was President January 27th—Charles Smith a soldier in 1st New Jersey Regiment tried for desertion & inlisting again as a substitute & acquitted—The General approving orders him to be immediately released. The most pernicious consequences having arisen from suffering persons, women in particular to pass and repass from Philadelphia to camp under...
A Few Queries for the Consideration of His Excellency General Washington, & the Honorable the Committee of Congress now sitting at Moore Hall. 1st  As this is the Season for procuring the Stall’d Beef, and a time we shall be Necessiated to Issue Pork, would allowing the Soldiery 1½ lb. Bread or Flour & ¾ lb. Beef or Pork be a sufficient ration untill there is an appearence of a more Plentiful...
I have received a Letter from the Adjt General, wherein he informs me it’s Your Excellencys express orders, that I shou’d send forward to Camp those few Troops Your Excellency was so kind to spare me for the use of our Fleet. I shall comply with the request assoon as possible—I expect our Pay Master in a few days, & assoon as we can pay them for the time they have been with us, they shall be...
I wrote to your Excellency from Springfield concerning the Cannon which were sent from Albany to Farmington in Connecticut, and that I had determin’d to wait your further directions about them, as I suppos’d Genl Gates must have had some particular object in view by ordering them to that place. The greater part of the Cannon that arriv’d at Portsmouth have been brought to this Town by Water,...
Brig. Genl Count Pulaski informs me that there are three Troops of Jersey Horse who would enter into the Continental Service for a short time if they could obtain your Excellency’s consent—They will be a very great releif to our Horse if they can be spared and will answer another very valuable purpose. We find that our common Dragoons are not proof agt the Bribes offered to them by the people...
I have received your two Letters of 29th and 31st of last month; the forming any considerable Deposit of Forage at Trenton, while you have so small a Force to protect it does not appear to me advisable, as the Enemy may with the greatest facility destroy it. My approbation of Capt. Craigs appointment was signified in my last Letter; I cannot at any rate consent to your giving Mr Zelienski the...
I join the letter from et prisoner, It wil determined mi answer. The Cavalry is Placed according to Instruction from Colonel Bidel. I remain hier with the detachement of Lenceurs. I mean If Your Excely approved of to March toward Borlington in this time. Our Magazin wil be form sufficient for to furnish the Whole Cavalry fifteen Days by Soch Time we shal biguin the Gnrl Exercise I Report...
It is his Excellency’s desire, that you have all the public boats below the falls, removed as expeditiously as possible to Coryells ferry, or higher, as you may think necessary for their safety. Their present situation exposes them to being destroyed or taken without much difficulty, and we should feel the loss of them. I am Sir   Your most Obd Serv ALS , George Washington Papers, Library of...
Transcript: Library of Congress I am exceedingly obliged by your interesting yourself so warmly in behalf of those unhappy people. I understand you advanc’d money: Your bills on that account will be punctually paid. As yet I have heard of none. Understanding that a certain Person promised to make proposals for healing a certain Breach, I postpon’d and delayed a material Operation till I should...
ALS : American Philosophical Society When Congress did me the honour to send me a Commission, and Instructions for the Court of Tuscany, they did not inform me to whom I was to apply for money to bear my expenses. I therefore think it proper to apply to you, to know if you have any money belonging to them in your hands, and if it is agreeable to you for that purpose to give me a Letter of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Orbec, February 5, 1778, in French: I take the liberty of requesting you to forward this letter to M. de la Radière, my son. He and three fellow officers of engineers joined your army. We have written him often to give him news of the family, but his most recent letter last September says that he has had no word, and asks that you take care of his mail. I...
27350General Orders, 5 February 1778 (Washington Papers)
In Congress June 10th Resolved, That for the future the Quarter Master or other Person drawing provision for any Regiment Corps or Detachment shall on the last day of every month make out an abstract of the number of retain’d rations due to each officer respectively and also the number of each part of a ration due to each regiment corps or detachment and deliver the same to the respective...