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Results 27271-27300 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
You will immediately proceed to Philadelphia, with such of your assistants, as you shall think...
I am made happy by the receipt of your Letter of the 2nd Inst. and the other Dispatches...
I am favord with your Letter of the 29 January inclosing Copy of Maj. Villefranches Memorial to...
Since mine of yesterday I have received another letter from my confidential correspondent in New...
I inclose You an Extract of a Letter of the 26th which General Greene has just received from Mr...
I had the honor of informing you some time ago that I had written to the Board of treasury on the...
Though it is a great while since I have heard from you, I have not ceased to enquire after you,...
West Point, July 27, 1779. Discusses appointment of officers in Company of Sappers and Miners. Df...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] April 9, 1779 . Asks Du Portail to send an engineer to Wyoming,...
New Windsor [ New York ] March 1, 1781 . Is setting out for Rhode Island. Asks Du Portail to join...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] December 15, 1779 . Asks Du Portail to assist Major General Nathanael...
West Point, September 22, 1779. Instructs Du Portail to build barracks in the “different works.”...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] April 17, 1779 . Is pleased that Supreme Executive Council of...
Englishtown [ New Jersey ] June 30, 1778 . Orders Du Portail to Philadelphia to study city’s...
White Plains [ New York ] August 27, 1778 . Instructs Du Portail to examine fortifications of...
I inclose you an Extract of a Letter of the 26th which General Greene has just received from Mr...
[ Fredericksburg, New York ] November 24, 1778 . Instructs Du Portail to send request for cannon...
I have been favored with Colonel Hamilton’s letter, mentioning your arrival early on the 11th at...
Fredericksburg [ New York ] October 31, 1778 . Acknowledges receipt of plan for fortification of...
In my Letters of the 10th & 18th I transmitted all the intelligence I had obtained, respecting...
I am favour’d with your letter of yesterday also one from Colo Hamilton of the 19th instant. I...
Since mine of yesterday I have received another letter from my confidential correspondent in New...
Being absent from Head Qrs. on a visit to the several Outposts of the Army, when your favor of...
[ Morristown, New Jersey ] March 27, 1780 . Doubts Du Portail can arrive in the South in time to...
The only material intelligence which I have obtained from New York or respecting the Enemy since...
I have this day been favd. with yours of the 26th: ulto. informing me of your removal to Great...
I have just now received a letter from Col. Hamilton, mentioning your having changed your...
Monsieur Jefferson va faire imprimer des explications de toutes les médailles, pour les envoyer...
Monsieur Jefferson ayant reçu des ordres au sujet des médailles à faire seroit bien aise d’en...
Monsieur Jefferson a l’honneur d’envoyer à Monsieur Dupré les devises des médailles pour le...