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Results 27251-27260 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
His Excellency being just setting off on a tour to Albany & the upper posts, when your Letter by Majr L’Enfant arrived, he directs me to thank you for the Respects you are pleased to express for him, and for your tenders of Service—At the same time to inform you, that the object of the Barons Commission is not of such nature, as in his Opinion, required the Assistance of an Engineer; but that...
You will proceed as speedily as convenient to the Highlands and examine the several fortifications carrying on there for the defence of the North River. When you have done this you will make me a full report of their state and progress, with your opinion of any alterations or additions which may appear to you necessary in improvement of the present plan. In doing this, you will of course...
At present I can do no more than snatch a moment to acknowledge (by Monsr Le Compte de laval, who is going immediately to Paris & gave me the honor of a call as he travelled from Charles town to New York) the receipt of your letter of the 24th of Decr—to thank you for your kind remembrance of me—& to assure you that it will always give me great pleasure to hear from, or to see you in America....
General Duportail, Commandant of the Corps of Engineers, having signified his desire of obtaining leave to go to France, for the arrangement of his domestic Affairs—It is with the greatest satisfaction I embrace this oppertunity of testifying the sense which I entertain of his distinguished Talents & Services. His judgment in Council, and well conducted valour in the field, claim the highest...
I have received your Letter of the 16th inst., and this day have laid it before Congress, their determinations, which I hope will be speedy, & agreeable to your wishes, shall be transmitted to you as soon as they come to hand. I am Dr sir DLC : Papers of George Washington.
A body of troops is ordered to rendesvous at Wyoming on the Susquehanna. There will be some works to be carried on in that quarter which will require an Engineer. You will readily conceive the nature of frontier fortification and will be pleased to send a Gentlemen in your department whom you judge proper for the purpose. He had best proceed in the first instance towards Sunbury where he will...
The subject you have written upon, is equally perplexing and incomprehensible to my understanding—I will talk more fully to you there on when we meet at two O clock. In the meanwhile I am—Dr Sir, with much estm & Regd Yr most obt Sert DLC : Papers of George Washington.
You will be pleased to make an arrangement of the officers who have presented themselves for appointments in the companies of Sappers and Miners, which I will transmit to the Board of War to obtain their commissions —The numerous drafts that have [been] made from the line for different purpose⟨s,⟩ would make it inconvenient at this time to take out others for the purpose of forming these...
As you are perfectly acquainted with the plan which has been concerted with His Excellency the Count De Rochambeau at Weathersfield: I need not enter into a detail of particulars. but have only to request therefore, that you will be pleased to make the Estimates of the Articles in Your Department necessary for the operation, and that the previous Arrangements for the seige, as far as they are...
Some unexpected events have determined me suddenly to set out for Rhode Island. I depart tomorrow—and dispatch you this to request you will join me there as soon as possible. Your information and advice will be very important to our plans. My stay at Rhode Island will be very short. Accept the assurances of the esteem & regard with which I am Dr Sir Yr Most Obed. servt. Df , in Alexander...