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Results 27241-27270 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
You will proceed forthwith to Boston in the State of Massachusettes Bay. You will examine into...
I am to request you will give instruction to your assistants attached to the different works—to...
Notwithstanding the occasion we should have for your services in this quarter should any active...
Congress has by an act of the 2d inst. directed me to order an Engineer to proceed to south...
My Visit to the French Army at Rhode Island has been delayed by important business & must...
I inclose to you, the arrangement of the Army—If there is any place more proper than the one I...
I thank you most cordially for your Congratulations on the News of Peace—The terms are extremely...
I have been favored with your Letter of the 25th of May, accompanied by your observations...
I have received your favor of the 16th instant. The case of Mr Reckless I have referred to the...
I have received your favor by Capt. Segond—and have informed that Gentleman that I have the same...
His Excellency being just setting off on a tour to Albany & the upper posts, when your Letter by...
You will proceed as speedily as convenient to the Highlands and examine the several...
At present I can do no more than snatch a moment to acknowledge (by Monsr Le Compte de laval, who...
General Duportail, Commandant of the Corps of Engineers, having signified his desire of obtaining...
I have received your Letter of the 16th inst., and this day have laid it before Congress, their...
A body of troops is ordered to rendesvous at Wyoming on the Susquehanna. There will be some works...
The subject you have written upon, is equally perplexing and incomprehensible to my...
You will be pleased to make an arrangement of the officers who have presented themselves for...
As you are perfectly acquainted with the plan which has been concerted with His Excellency the...
Some unexpected events have determined me suddenly to set out for Rhode Island. I depart...
I have been favored with your Letter of the 29th of April—By your Letter of the 16th I certainly...
The only material intelligence which I have obtained from New York or respecting the Enemy since...
Genl Laumoy and Colo. Gouvion did me Justice in mentioning the Regret I feel at your intention of...
In answer to your letter of the 24th I beg leave to inform you, that as no immediate operation...
I have perused the memorial which you delivered relative to the defence of the North River at...
I have this day been favd with yours of the 26th ulto informing me of your removal to Great Egg...
In my Letters of the 10th & 18th I transmitted All the intelligence I had obtained, respecting...
Being absent from Head Qrs on a visit to the several Outposts of the Army, when your favor of the...
I have just now received a letter from Col. Hamilton, mentioning your having changed your...
I have been favored with Colonel Hamilton’s letter, mentioning your arrival early on the 11th at...