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Results 27231-27240 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I receiv’d your Excellencys Letter (yesterday) of the 8th Inst. desiring me to join my Brigade as soon as possible. I apprehend your Excellency has not been fully acquainted with the Business I was Charged with by Genl Gates. which has been, & still will be attended with so many Difficulties as will necessarily detain me at this Post till the Embarkation of Genl Burgoyne. I was Honour’d with...
I received your favor of the 22d Instant by Captain Alexander, to whom I have given an order to take several pieces of Cannon with a proper supply of Ammunition, that he, in conjunction with the other Gentleman of the Navy, may endeavour to interrupt the Enemy’s Shipping in their Passage up and down the river. Having never found an opportunity of conveying the Letter, which you some time ago...
I had the honour of writing to your Excellency the 25th by Messenger Jones. Inclosed under Cover with this Your Excellency will receive an Act of Congress of the 21st Inst. relative to the treatment of prisoners of War, prefaced by a recital of an Act of the 19th formerly transmitted—also a number of Copies to be disposed of as Your Excellency shall judge proper. I have the honour to be &ca....
While I was sitting in Congress yesterday a Member came in & delivered me the inclosed paper just in its present State except the broken Seals, the Gentleman’s declaration as he was putting the thing into my hand, that he had picked it up on the Stairs, was a sufficient alarm—I passed my Eye cursorily over the pages, put them into my pocket & intimated to the House, that it was an anonymous...
I last night received your favor of the 30th Ulto. It gave me great pleasure to hear that you were released from your confined situation and permitted so many indulgencies. You may rest assured that I feel myself very much interested in your welfare, and that every exertion has been used on my part to effect your Exchange. This I have not been able to accomplish, However from the Letters which...
I last night recd Mr Youngs letter of the 24th informing me of the unlucky accident that had befallen the Virginia Cloathing. I have consulted the Brigadiers what is best to be done in their present situation, and they think that the Cloths and linens proper for the Officers should be dried as quick as possible and sent here to be made up. The coarse Cloths and linens proper for soldiers, to...
I last night recd yours by Colo. Williams with several letters from Genl Lee. I am sorry that his request for a passport for Mrs Battier had not been immediately granted upon the first request in Jersey, you have one inclosed and I am persuaded you will do every thing in your power to accommodate a lady so warmly recommended by the General. I am not without hopes that he will be able to wait...
I recd yours this Evening by Lieut. Patterson inclosing a letter from the Board of War directing you to seize the Persons, Carriages &ca that have lately arrived at Lancaster with Cloathing for the British Prisoners and secure the same untill you receive further directions from me or from the Board. As this order was founded upon a misapprehension of facts, I desire that they may be released...
AL (draft): Library of Congress I should have been flatter’d exceedingly by Mrs. Melmoth’s showing the least Inclination for one of those Portraits, when Mrs. Izard accepted the other, and should have presented it to her with the greatest Pleasure. She did not appear to desire it and I did not presume it of Value enough to be offer’d. Her Quarrel with me on that Account is pleasing: The...
One day last week a number of british waggoners, who were carrying Cloathing &c. to some of their soldiers in our power, had the honor of being introduced to a goal, for attempting to pass counterfeit money. These waggoners with a number of Serjeants of the enemy, were sent out by Genl: Howe, and permitted to pass by Genl: Washington’s leave. When they arrived at Lancaster, they din’d or took...