Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Victor Marie du Pont, 7 June 1803

To Victor Marie du Pont

Washington June 7. 1803

Dear Sir

Your kindness on a former occasion has emboldened me to trouble you again for a draught on Paris of the value of 200. Dollars, for which sum I inclose you a check on the New York branch bank. my apology is that it shall be the last time for the present year, and that I am really so helpless in things of this kind that like other helpless beings I throw myself on the charity of the benevolent. Accept my best wishes & respectful salutations.

Th: Jefferson

RC (DeGH); addressed: “M. Victor Dupont New York”; franked and postmarked; endorsed by du Pont. PrC (DLC); endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. Recorded in SJL with notation “200. D.”

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