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Results 27211-27260 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Your favor of the 4 th did not arrive here till yesterday, owing to the late rains which have...
Your favor of the 10 th was recieved yesterday. I should be unwilling that any use should be made...
Though your Letters give me great Pleasure, I Should regret the Receipt even of your favour of...
Since my Acknowledgment of the Reciept of your Letter I have perused it with Care & great...
Domestic affliction will, I hope, be admitted as an apology for my not having written to you for...
The interruption of our intercourse with France , for some time past, has prevented my writing to...
I feel much concern that suggestions stated in your letter of the 5 th inst. should, at this...
I am induced, by a sense of duty, to inclose for your perusal, a copy of my defence with regard...
I Sent yesterday to the Post Office one of Mr Hancocks Century Sermons under cover to you and I...
It is with great reluctance that I intrude upon your valuable time, but the occasion seems to...
13 April 1811, New York. “As the annexation of the hanseatic towns to the French Empire may have...
Permit me to request your name as a Subscriber to a work which will be of essential service to...
Some Gentlemen in this Town have lately caused to be printed a Sermon of Mr Hancock the Father of...
I recd. at the same time your two letters of the 1st. & 5th. It was found that the appt. of a...
The zenith Sector which I used on the southern boundary of the United States, is principally...
12 April 1811, Lancaster. Transmits “an exemplified copy of an Act of the General Assembly of the...
Dr Thomas Jefferson Esq r In account with Morris & Dunnington Cr 1811 March 25 th To Balance due...
With this is a Copy of the letter I had the honour to write to you on the 14th November, since...
Having seen in the Aurora of the 5th. inst: & since copied into other Gazettes, an explanation...
I rec’d yours of the 4 h Ins t & observt the Contents which will be Sattisfactory & If you Should...
We received yesterday your favors of the 1 st and 4 th Ins t and have made the several...
It is with real reluctance I trouble you with small commissions, which I know ought not to be...
Yesterday Mr Pope of The House of Boardman and Pope, No. 37. India Wharf, was so obliging as to...
You observe in your letter of 24 September last, that my Son George was losing much of his french...
10 April 1811, St. Louis. Has frequently been asked by “small parties of Showonees resideing...
10 April 1811. “Mr Gallatin will do himself the honor to dine with Mr Madison on Tuesday next [16...
10 April 1811, Naples. Has produced a mathematical work that will astonish the geometers, as it...
You will perhaps be somewhat surprized at being addressed by a person entirely unknown to your...
I have your favors by the last mail and will attend to them with much pleasure. If any thing...
I am much obliged by your favour of 28th March. Is it a proof that Manilius has not been read by...
The former leaf you may insert in your Silva if you please. If you do not, please to return it to...
9 April 1811, Hartford, Connecticut. “The friends of the government have for some time past,...
When you were in Virga last you strongly recommended to me to purchase Mr Waugh’s Land. I believe...
In a former letter I promised a list of the books quoted & possessed by me, & of those quoted but...
Books quoted & possessed by me. Books quoted but not possessed by me. Civil law. Ferriere Valin...
A day or two before I had the pleasure to receive your last valued favor of the 3rd of February,...
Your Letter of december No 6—/17 came Safe to hand yesterday, the last No was 8. So that two...
The Public Mind Seems decided that Gerry and Gray are elected, and a Majority of Senators their...
Accident has recently put me in possession of some facts which may possibly be interesting to...
I have been long wishing for an opportunity, by someone going to Philadelphia in the stage, to...
The departure of the Ship Horace, the same in which you sailed, for St Petersburg, was as sudden...
Your favors of Mar. 18. and Apr. 1. have been duly recieved. The extract from Armstrong’s letter...
Since I left Monticello , I have spoken to two of the gentlemen, counted on, to aid us in Duane’s...
When you mentioned that your supplies of butter might stand in discharge of my order for bran, &...
We hand you annex’d your Acco t Current balanced by $6264.72 in our favor—We also inclose you a...
Your favors of Mar. 18. and Apr. 1. have been duly recieved. the extract from Armstrong’s letter...
Not having time to obtain information from the Secretary of State , so soon as required, I have...
ON Saturday, the twenty-sixth of October, 1782 I arrived in the night, at the Hotel de Valois,...
I have but just received your very Sisterly Letter, by Mrs Adams, handed me this morning. I...
I recieved your Letter & the Grains of sweet Corn; for which I return you Thanks. We have, here,...