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Results 27211-27240 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Your letters constantly announcing an early return to us, have prevented my writing to you, and...
I am happy in having seen here M. Bureau Pusy. the relation in which he stands to two persons...
I have just recieved a letter from M. de la Fayette , inclosing me the copy of one to you from M....
I have to acknolege the reciept of your letters of Jan. 20. & Sep. 14. 1810. and, with the...
The interruption of our commerce with England , produced by our embargo & non-intercourse law, &...
How many hard struggles, my dear friend, would it save me, had I really parted with my last vice...
I send you three Notes on account of my bond each for 800 Ds as agreed. On Saturday I took the...
I now send you my bond with condition for the payment of One thousand & Twenty seven Dollars &...
In consequence of a wish expressed by your father in the last letter recd. from him, I mention to...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to Mr. Dupont & sends him Dr. Brown’s paper on the Salt...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Dupont and presuming he will know the residence of...
I recd. lately from your father a Copy of the Works of Mr. Turgot, for you, accompanying one...
On the reciept of your letter of the 11th. inst. mr Gallatin undertook to write to mr Gelston...
I am much obliged to you, Sir, for the communication of the draught of the Arret. I am sure there...
Monsieur Jefferson a l’honneur de souhaiter le bon jour à Monsieur du Pont, et de le prier...
Je vous renvoye, Monsieur votre Lettre et vous en remercie, et continue d’esperer que vous...
Mr. Jefferson has the honour of sending to Monsieur Dupont a copy of the Statement of purchases...
Mr. Jefferson has the honour of presenting his compliments to Monsieur Dupont le fils, and begs...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Dupont and incloses him a letter just recieved under...
Your kindness on a former occasion has emboldened me to trouble you again for a draught on Paris...
Having occasion to remit a sum of 250. Dollars to Stephen Cathalan of Marseilles, I take the...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to M. duPont is thankful to him for the accomodation of...
Mr. Dupont your father informed me he should have occasion to remit considerable sums of money...
I received with much pleasure your letter of the 8th from Philadelphia, & sincerely congratulate...
I have received your favour of the 20th, inclosing your remarks on the state of the...
The estimate you delivered me some time since of the Cannon wanted for the works of West Point,...
I am sorry to find by yours of the 20th that you have met with so many delays and disappointments...
I was this day in conference with a Commee of Congress upon the subject of your letter to me of...
The Marqs de la Fayette who arrived at this place on tuesday last, gave me the pleasure of...
I am directed by the Comander in Chief to transmitt to you the inclosed Copy of Charges made...