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Results 27211-27240 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettez-moi d’avoir l’honneur de vous adresser le...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Amsterdam, January 26, 1778, in French: Although you...
27213General Orders, 26 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
A board of General Officers having recommended that a Sutler be appointed in each Brigade—whose...
I this Evening received a Letter from Lt Colo. Smith at Lancaster, advising me of the confinement...
I have received your Excellency’s favor of the 23d inst. My numbers are reduced so low, that I...
I am honoured with two Letters from your Excellency, both of the 20th Instant. I observe that...
I have received your two Letters of 20th and 25th Jany. the latter was communicated to the Forage...
I hope your Excellency will excuse the Delay in not answering your favors of the 12th & 13th...
I have the honor to inclose to your Excellency a Letter from Colo. Hazen to myself, by which you...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; ALS (draft) or copy: University of Virginia...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The letter I had the honnor of writing to you the 20th....
AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague La présente est une suite de celle que j’ai eu...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the honor to inform you that from Paris I reached...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I thank God I had a good Journey home, my wife had been very...
AL : American Philosophical Society The background of this note was Lee’s dispatch from England...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Vannes in Brittany, January 27, 1778, in French: Two...
27227General Orders, 27 January 1778 (Washington Papers)
Any Articles to be sent in to our prisoners in Philadelphia must be left with the Commissary of...
General Gates Deliver’d to me the Letter which I had Directed to him Last october, and of Which I...
Your Two Letters of the 24th Instant came to hand. Before The receipt of the first, I had written...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates, 27 Jan. 1778. On 10 Feb., GW wrote to Gates : “I...
I receiv’d your Excellencys Letter (yesterday) of the 8th Inst. desiring me to join my Brigade as...
I received your favor of the 22d Instant by Captain Alexander, to whom I have given an order to...
I had the honour of writing to your Excellency the 25th by Messenger Jones. Inclosed under Cover...
While I was sitting in Congress yesterday a Member came in & delivered me the inclosed paper just...
I last night received your favor of the 30th Ulto. It gave me great pleasure to hear that you...
I last night recd Mr Youngs letter of the 24th informing me of the unlucky accident that had...
I last night recd yours by Colo. Williams with several letters from Genl Lee. I am sorry that his...
I recd yours this Evening by Lieut. Patterson inclosing a letter from the Board of War directing...
AL (draft): Library of Congress I should have been flatter’d exceedingly by Mrs. Melmoth’s...
One day last week a number of british waggoners, who were carrying Cloathing &c. to some of their...