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Results 27201-27250 of 184,431 sorted by author
I Received the favour of yours of the 3d Instant by Mr Custis which I feel myself highly honoured...
I Received yours by Major Jennifer at Annapolis and have given Orders to my Deputy to look out...
I have taken the Liberty to Inclose you a Letter for Sr Robert Eden in which we Inclosed one for...
South Quay, 25 Feb. 1781 . “Agreeable to the within information,” Calvert has seized the trunk...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai eu l’honneur il y [ a ] Six Semaines d’envoyer á vôtre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’apprends de Mr. lambert, Banquier á paris, que pour être...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçue le 28 de decembre par penny post la lettre que...
I understand that there is a Bill With the Committee of Foreign Relations and that it is Expected...
This will be handed you by Mons r Calvo , Professor of the french language. His object in waiting...
Mon Notaire, Monsieur, doit vous adresser un acte double de serment et procuration destiné pour...
Au Chateau de Villers aux Erables, par Montdidier , 9 June 1788 . Acknowledges TJ’s letter [of 29...
J’ay reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que Vous m’avés fait l’honneur de m’écrire, dont je Vous suis très...
Permettés moi, Monsieur, de Vous troubler un instant pour Vous prier de me faire l’honneur de...
Chateau de Villers aux Erables, 29 Sep. 1788 . Wrote about two months ago to ask TJ to attest...
Château de Villers aux Erables, 16 July 1786 . Has just returned from a journey and received TJ’s...
The Same Reasons that induced me Sometime ago to make an application to Your Excellency for a...
I have the honour to lay under Your Excellency’s eyes the different motives that induce me to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay l’honneur de Vous écrire pour le même sujet qui fit une...
AL : American Philosophical Society Colo. Cambray’s most Respectful Compliments to Doctor...
I have the honour to inform Your Excellency that in consequence of your permission the Honourable...
Having heard of a Resolution of the Honble the Congress for exchanging the Officers of the...
I announce myself to your Excellency as a French man whose greatest desire is that of bearing his...
It gives me great pleasure to be the medium of conveying to you a gold medal, commemorating the...
The petition of John Cambridge Serjt Colo: Henry Sherburne’s Regiment, in your Execellency’s Army...
5 October 1811, Cambridge, South Carolina. The subscribers, citizens of Cambridge and vicinity,...
The object of the third article is connected with that of the second. The surrender of the posts...
The point next to be examined is the right of confiscation or sequestration, as depending on the...
The foregoing analysis of the third article, by fixing its true meaning, enables us to detect...
It is now time to fulfil my promise of an examination of the constitutionality of the Treaty. Of...
The analogy of the stipulation in the 10th article with stipulations in our other treaties and in...
[ It is the business of the seventh article of the treaty, to provide for two objects: one,...
27232The Defence No. I, [22 July 1795] (Hamilton Papers)
IT was to have been foreseen, that the treaty which Mr. Jay was charged to negociate with Great...
An accurate enumeration of the breaches of the Treaty of peace on our part would require a...
It shall now be shewn, that the objections to the Treaty founded on its pretended interference...
The VIII article provides merely that the Commissioners to be appointed in the three preceding...
There is one more objection to the Treaty for what it does not do, which requires to be noticed....
It is provided by The tenth article of the Treaty that “Neither Debts due from individuals of the...
The opposers of the Treaty seem to have put invention on the rack, to accumulate charges against...
The objects protected by the 10th. article are classed under four heads,   1   debts of...
It was my intention to have comprised in two numbers the examination of the second article; but...
Since the closing of my last number, I have accidentally turned to a passage of Vatel , which is...
The remaining allegations in disparagement of the 3 article are to this effect 1 That the...
I resume the subject of the two last papers for the sake of a few supplementary observations. The...
The 18th Article of the Treaty, which regulates the subject of contraband, has been grievously...
The 4th and 5th articles of the Treaty from similarity of object will naturally be considered...
The second object of the seventh article, as stated in my last number, is “compensation to...
27247The Defence No. II, [25 July 1795] (Hamilton Papers)
Previous to a more particular discussion of the merits of the Treaty, it may be useful to advert...
The manner in which the power of Treaty as it exists in the Constitution was understood by the...
The sixth article stipulates compensation to British Creditors for losses and damages which may...
ADf , in the handwriting of Rufus King, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress; The [New York]...