Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours, 11 August 1800

To Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours

Monticello Aug. 11. 1800.

Dear Sir

In my letter by the last post I omitted to answer the question proposed in a former & repeated in your letter of July 26. whether your manuscript on education can be forwarded by post? it may; and will come safer through that than any other channel. accept in advance my grateful thanks for it; and my effort will not be wanting to avail my country of your ideas. success rests with the gods.—I had anticipated your question about the height of the thermometer. 86.° of Farenheit has been the maximum of the season at Monticello, & 88.° of course in it’s vicinities. I rejoice to hear that you will stay chiefly at Alexandria. I shall then consider you within visiting distance. for tho’ I suffered myself to consider as possible your meditated visit from N. York; in soberer moments I viewed the undertaking as too great for the object. be this as it may I shall be happy to see you & to hear from you at all times and places. present my respectful salutations to your family and accept assurances of my great & constant esteem.

Th: Jefferson

PrC (DLC); edge frayed; at foot of text: “M. Dupont de Nemours”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso.

Proposed in a former: Du Pont de Nemours to TJ, 15 June.

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