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In my first personal interview with Mr. Jay in private, between him and me alone, that minister opened and related to me in detail, the transactions which had passed after his arrival at Paris, from Madrid, and before my arrival on the 26th of October. Mr. Jay informed me, that after the arrival of Mr. Fitzherbert’s latin commission, which you have already published, the Comte de Vergennes...
The singular hardship of my situation, & the great Interests which I have at Stake, will I flatter myself excuse this deviation from the regular course of my communications to you, which considerations of delicacy towards the Secretary of War imposes on me; for it would be as indecorous to wound his feelings, as it would be unjust to myself, to leave you in the dark, touching the result of the...
I have recd. your favor of containing the requested extract from Armstrong’s letter relating to Warden. A. has entangled himself in such gross inconsistencies, that he may perhaps not execute this threat to vindicate his removal of W. agst. my reinstatement of him. This consideration alone will restrain his enmity agst. both of us. You will see the conflict in which he is engaged with Fulton....
Since I had the honor of writing you last on the 8th February I have been informed that a commission has been sent to Count Pahlen for a temporary mission to the court of Brazil and that an optional authority is given him to go there immediately if he thinks proper. He is not however recalled from his mission to the United States and during his absence he is to leave Mr. Politico as chargé des...
It appears doubtful whether the contemplated light house near Presquisle on Lake Erie can be erected under the act of cession of the State of Pennsylvania passed on 2d instt. The act has an express provision that neither the jurisdiction or right of soil is ceded, but only the occupancy and use thereof for the purpose of erecting the light house. The acts of Congress of March 2d 1795 & August...
Your favor of the 12th. reached me on the 16th. The preceding day was that of our Election, on which the District turned & I am sorry to say the Federal Candidate obtained a majority of 102 votes—he is elected. Mr. McKinley never was here before & his coming ruined our hopes, as his manners &c are unpopular, & here the People vote for men more than principles. On the morning of the election I...
A little before the reciept of your favor of Feb. 25. the inclosed letter had come to my hands, and not knowing your residence I had forwarded it to judge Stuart at Staunton with a request that he would enquire for you & send it. as soon as I recieved yours of Feb. I wrote to mr Stuart to return the other letter to me. his absence from home delayed my recieving it, & my answering your letter...
Your Esteemed favors of the 3 d & 4 Ulto came with their Enclosurs safe to hand I called on Mess rs Conrad & c o Booksellers Capitol Hill , to pay them the 12 Dollars agreeable to your request. on Examining their Books they found the Am t of their bill $12.50 had been paid by you in the month of Feb y 1808— That Business has been carried on for some time past by M
Your favors of the 11 th & 15 th were both rec d yesterday, we have procured and sent you by the Stage driver 1 p e ¹⁰⁄₄ Cotton diaper containing 26½ y ds at 9/. we could not send the precise quantity wanted of one pattern, nor is there at present but one Store, where it is retailed and there they ask 12/. for similar quality; Mess rs Tompkins & Murray of whom we purchased this piece, have...
I have rec d your favor of containing the requested extract from Armstrong’s letter relating to Warden . A. has entangled himself in such gross inconsistencies, that he may perhaps not execute this threat to vindicate his removal of W. ag st my reinstatement of him. This consideration alone will restrain his enmity ag st both of us. You will see the conflict in which he is engaged with Fulton
So much time has elapsed since the date of my letter in February, that I have dismissed all expectations of an answer. Of the destruction of Babylon, and the birth of Cyrus, considering how much the evidence of a system of Religion is depending on that event and on that character, I may have spoken more at random than a due regard to prevailing sentiments will allow. The whoredoms of Babylon...
I write you a few lines just to say that I send your mother a century Sermon, preached in this town when your Grandfather was about four years old. He says he recollects the day—as his mother carried him to meeting and pointed out to him the old lady Penniman mentioned in the Sermon said to be near an hundred years old—The Sermon had got out of print—A number of persons who wished to preserve...
I just learned, that a vacancy has occurred in the office of Commissioner of loans, by the death of General Moylan, and take the liberty to suggest to you, that the office would be acceptable to me. My political pursuits, at the expence of my profession, as you will readily imagine, have not improved my fortune; and after a long time spent in the public service, I am compelled to look about...
Your Letter of the 1 st Instant was handed to me Three dayes ago, I immedeately indevored to Procure the Bohemian Glass as you mentioned, but there is none of the kind in Richmond lorger than 8 by 10 I. and none of aney quallity that is 12 I. Square, I tooke a box of Crown Glass 12 by 14 I. and had them cut to 12 I. Square packed them up very snug and delivered them to Gibson & Jefferson as...
The Accountant of the Navy has requested me to transmit to you the accompanying papers, which are intended to vindicate him from the Charges alledged against him in the Memorial of Mr. Hanson. An actual inspection of the Documents in the Office of Mr. Turner, which I made immediately after you left the Memorial of Mr. Hanson with me, authorizes me to say that, the Memorialist is altogether in...
A few days ago I had the pleasure to receive your esteemed lines of the 3 d Ins t — Mess s Gibson & Jefferson have as you desired, remitted me the eighty six dollars in payment for the plaister last sent you, which settles that transaction All our friends, that I have had an opportunity of conversing with, have expressed their regret at the late changes, & doings at Washington , indeed they do...
In consequence of my temporary residence in this place, during the present spring, and approaching fall, summer, in order to superintend the printing of the History of Virginia , which in no long time will go to press, I did not receive your polite and liberal answer, to my letter of the 15 th of Jan y until within a few days. I return you my sincere thanks for the frank and friendly manner,...
1811. Apr. 17. a survey of the line between Lego & Pantops from the stump of the old line tree near the river up to the clearing on the mountain, called Pantops , with a view to mark the line accurately from the river to the public road. every line tree now standing is herein marked, as far as we went. Beginning at the old fore & aft a little way from the river, the stump of which is still...
Yours of the 15 in reply to mine of the 10 th inst. has been brought to me from the office this instant. The copy of your letter to D. has been shewn to one person only— W m H. Cabell . The effect of it was to dispose him to lend D. $500. And I wrote my letter in a persuasion produced by that incident, as well as by its effect on my own feelings, that with the use of that letter, something...
16 April 1811, Long’s Hotel, Washington. “I have this moment arrived here and request the favor of an interview with you that I may communicate some matters of importance. I however particularly request the favor of its being in private with you only, and that you will not let any person know of this letter or of my being here, until you see me.” RC ( NN ). 1 p. Signed “Charles Hall / of the...
16 April 1811, Washington. “The Memorial of S. Hanson of Saml, Purser, begs leave respectfully to represent That, for the last 7 years past, he has been uniformly oppressed by the official conduct of Thomas Turner, the Accountant of the Navy,… [who] has prevented the settlement of his Accounts to this moment.” Finds himself constrained to trouble the president, since there is no other officer...
I felicitate you sincerely on your destination to Paris , because I believe it will contribute both to your happiness and the public good. yet it is not unmixed with regret. what is to become of the history of the our Post-revolutionary history ? of the antidotes of truth to the misrepresentations of Marshal ? this example proves the wisdom of the maxim never to put off to tomorrow what can be...
My last letter to you was of the 26 th of February of the last year. knowing of no particular conveyance, I confided it to the department of State, to be put under the cover of their public despatches to Gen l Armstrong or mr Warden . not having been able to learn whether it ever got to hand, I now inclose a duplicate. knowing your affections to this country, and the interest you take in...
The minister of Russia , Count Pahlen & his brother , having intimated their intention to make you a visit at Monticello , I have taken the liberty to give them this introduction. The publick character of these respectable foreigners, would, I well know, secure them your kind reception, & friendly attention, but you will be gratified to know that they have high claims from personal merit. RC (...
15 April 1811, Jonesborough, North Carolina. “My health is so precarious that it is with great difficulty I can continue in the land of the living, & that must be done by the greater part of my time travelling about in search of health,… & it takes more than the profits of my little estate to defray these expences.” Seeks a post in the Mediterranean that would “barely afford a sustenance.”...
I have now the pleasure to inclose you, sett of ex. 1 t 2 d & 3 d — Mess rs Bowie & Kurtz . dated 13 th Ins t a 60 days sight on M r W m
I have to acknolege the reciept of your letters of Jan. 20. & Sep. 14. 1810. and, with the latter, your Observations on the subject of taxes. they bear the stamps of logic & eloquence which mark every thing coming from you, & place the doctrines of the Economists in their strongest points of view. my present retirement & unmeddling disposition make of this une question oiseuse pour moi . but...
I return you the note signed, and filled up with the former sum supposing it not best not to change it till the next renewal, by which time mr Harrison’s note for the tob o will be in hand and due. Griffin wrote me on the 5 th that he had then delivered 24. hhds to mr Harrison , and that 6. more were ready & would be opened in a few days, when
I have duly recieved your favor of Aug. 10. and, with it, your beautiful account of the pines & firs of our country, for which be pleased to accept my thanks. I sincerely wish the work may be prosecuted, & that the citizens of the US. may not be wanting in due encouragement to it. nothing should be spared which I could do to befriend it. accept my best wishes that you may enjoy health to...
I recieved through mr Warden the copy of your valuable work on the French revolution, for which I pray you to accept my thanks. that it’s sale should have been suppressed is no matter of wonder with me. the friend of liberty is too feelingly manifested, not to give umbrage to it’s enemies. we read in it, and weep over, the fatal errors which have lost to nations the present hope of liberty,...
Your favor of the 4 th did not arrive here till yesterday, owing to the late rains which have rendered the waters and roads nearly impassable for the mail. I hasten to acknolege it’s reciept, and to express a due sense of the honor of the visit you give me the hope of recieving here, and the value I set on the double gratification it will afford of manifesting to the representative of the...
Your favor of the 10 th was recieved yesterday. I should be unwilling that any use should be made of my letter which would shew my interference in the case in question, because I know how gladly the dogs of federalism would turn from Duane upon me and tranquility is now become the summum bonum with me. should Duane push his state-partyism against mr Gallatin to an opposition to the President ,...
Though your Letters give me great Pleasure, I Should regret the Receipt even of your favour of the 8th of this month if I could think it had diverted your Attention a moment from the Duties of your office or even from the practice and profits of your Profession. Your Office, is one of the most necessary and important in Society. A public Accuser is the Guardian of the Morals as well as...
Since my Acknowledgment of the Reciept of your Letter I have perused it with Care & great Satisfaction. I see in it the strong Mind & clear Conception of my old & valued Friend, unaffected by any Decline which afflicts our mortal Frame. The Arguments on the Subject, independent of the Proof of the Fact happily known to you, are sufficient to convince candid Men. But alas! these do not compose...
Domestic affliction will, I hope, be admitted as an apology for my not having written to you for so long a time. I mention an apology, because I feel guilty of a negle c t, whenever I allow several months to pass without giving you some indication of my friendship & gratitude. the recollection of having enjoyed a share of your friendship will I trust never cease to Afford me peculiar...
The interruption of our intercourse with France , for some time past, has prevented my writing to you. a conveyance now occurs, by mr Barlow or mr Warden , both of them going in a public capacity. it is the first safe opportunity offered of acknoleging your favor of Sep. 23. and the reciept at different times of the III d part of your valuable work , 2 d 3 d 4 th
I feel much concern that suggestions stated in your letter of the 5 th inst. should, at this distance of time, be the subject of uneasiness to you, and I regret it the more as they make appeals to memory, a faculty never strong in me, & now too sensibly impaired to be relied on. it retains no trace of the particular conversations alluded to, nor enables me to say that they are, or are not,...
I am induced, by a sense of duty, to inclose for your perusal, a copy of my defence with regard to the insinuation made against me, before my appointment, by a secret enemy, and to which, I understand, General armstrong has lately referred—as he has not furnished his objections to my consular appointment, I trust that the President will soon allow me to embark. The suspension of my departure...
I Sent yesterday to the Post Office one of Mr Hancocks Century Sermons under cover to you and I thought the foregoing Letter written for the Purpos was wrapped in it. By Some inadvertence, of myself or another, it was omitted: and I am not Sorry for it as it now gives me an opportunity to add Somewhat relative to your Ancestor. John Alden, a Magistrate of Plymouth Colony, was one of the first...
It is with great reluctance that I intrude upon your valuable time, but the occasion seems to demand it of me. The Patriotism of Mr. B. McClenachan during the revolution is I believe well known to you, & you are probably as well acquainted with his history since that period. He wishes me to state to you my opinion respecting his health, & capability of attention to the office which he solicits...
13 April 1811, New York. “As the annexation of the hanseatic towns to the French Empire may have given the finishing stroke to the official duties of my Brother John M. Forbes, the Consul at Hamburg during a period of nine fruitless Years of unprecedented interruption to neutral Commerce —may I hope, that the President … will Consider my Brothers Conduct and afford him such continued marks of...
Permit me to request your name as a Subscriber to a work which will be of essential service to which M r Gallatin , M r Paul Hamilton & others have subscribed & which M r Gallatin has promised to aid by correcting the Statistical account—should you be dissatisfied I will take it— The translator is a very worthy man, whom I esteem, & whom I assist as much as lays in my power for the rising...
Some Gentlemen in this Town have lately caused to be printed a Sermon of Mr Hancock the Father of the late President of Congress and Governor of Massachusetts; which although I heard it delivered from the Pulpit and was familiar with it afterwards in print in my Childhood; I had not seen for I know not how great a Number of Years. Knowing your taste for Antiquities and believing that it...
I recd. at the same time your two letters of the 1st. & 5th. It was found that the appt. of a Judge to succeed Mr. Nelson, had taken place a week or two before. Your name had been brought into view under high auspices, but it does not appear that your willingness to accept the office (or the sufficiency perhaps of your health) was counted on. You say nothing on the subject of Merinoes; which...
The zenith Sector which I used on the southern boundary of the United States, is principally owned by this commonwealth: the claim of the U. S. amounts to about 25 guineas. On my return home in the year 1800, I had it deposited in one of the public stores, but do not recollect which. Being lately appointed to determine the boundary between the States of Georgia, and N. Carolina, on which the...
12 April 1811, Lancaster. Transmits “an exemplified copy of an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, ‘An Act to cede the occupancy and use of certain lands near Presque Isle, to the United States, for the purpose therein mentioned.’” RC ( DNA : RG 26, Early Light House Correspondence, Misc. Letters Received). 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by Snyder. The...
Dr Thomas Jefferson Esq r In account with Morris & Dunnington Cr 1811 March 25 th To Balance due M&D £277. 4.6½ 〃 Interest on £263.17 from
With this is a Copy of the letter I had the honour to write to you on the 14th November, since which I have not received any instructions about your Tobacco ⅌ Adeline. No part of it has been sold. It now is more than twelve months since the commencement of the Unparalleled distresses to which the Trading Interest of this Country has been subjected. They still are so great that Government offer...
Having seen in the Aurora of the 5th. inst: & since copied into other Gazettes, an explanation which the Editor says he was authorized to make “of the rupture which has taken place between Mr. Madison, and Mr. R. Smith” I have thought it proper, whilst the circumstances are fresh in remembrance, to preserve them in the following memorandum: On the day of March Mr. S. called on me, as was...
I rec’d yours of the 4 h Ins t & observt the Contents which will be Sattisfactory & If you Should want any fish this season—you may hav it—as i well Know the payment of farmers & only pay once a year—i Generaly P Charge a Littel more for the articul my fish will arive next mont they are of Good Quallity pleas Infor me how many you want & i can Sent them from time to time flour 9.25 Brisk hemp—...