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Results 27181-27210 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Permit me to introduce to you Mr. Ducher a French Gentleman who is appointed to reside as Vice...
New York, December 27, 1785. “Please … deliver all the papers … [respecting] my father to the...
The step lately taken by the Legislature of Pensylvania in repealing the act by which the...
Previous to the meeting of the Stock Holders of the Bank, I had several conf⟨erences⟩ with Mr R...
Philadelphia, January 15, 1786. Encloses documents necessary for instituting a suit to recover...
Poughkeepsie [ New York ] January 17, 1786 . Sends information concerning a litigation about...
Philadelphia, January 21, 1786. Informs Hamilton of progress in various litigations in which...
[ Philadelphia ] January 22, 1786 . Requests Hamilton’s opinion on money due on “Middletons...
To The Honorable The Legislature of the State of New York The Petition of the Subscribers...
[ New York, February 1, 1786. On April 5, 1786, Church wrote to Hamilton : “I am in your Debt and...
[ New York, February 4, 1786. On February 18, 1786, Milligan wrote to Hamilton : “I am much...
Philadelphia, February 18, 1786. “I am much obliged by your polite favour of the 4th. instant....
New York, February 24, 1786. “… I wish to have you my principal attorney for what I may have...
I inclose you a letter to Mr. Wilcox which after reading and noting the contents please to...
[ New York, March 1, 1786. On March 5, 1786, Wilcocks wrote to Hamilton : “I have your favor of...
[ New York ] March 2, 1786 . States that Upton’s title to lands in New York is clear and advises...
I have your favor of the 1st. handed me by Mr. Chaloner. As you have not full & clear information...
On the subject of the Ships I am to request you will sell them on the best Terms you can. I would...
Your favour of the fith Inst. duly came to hand. I assure you Sir though the business does not...
New York, March 13, 1786. On this date, H and other memorialists signed a petition to the New...
[ New York ] March 14, 1786 . Reports with other members of a committee to the regents of the...
March 16th. The above is copy of mine which went by a private hand inclosing the original of a...
New York, March 22, 1786. Encloses a bond and requests Forman to send “a receipt for it as a...
[ New York ] March 23, 1786 . Plans to bring the cause of Benjamin Paine, et al. v. Peter Mesier,...
Philadelphia, March 24, 1786. Sends an account of the cargo of the St. Anne and a statement of...
New York, March 28, 1786. Signs, with 136 other petitioners, a memorial asking that the “Mayor...
[ New York ] April 3, 1786 . “In your affair with Brothers Coste & Co. I have received a...
I am in your Debt and have to thank you for your Letters of the 24 Novr. 6 Decr. & 1st Feby. I...
I imagine you had not received my letter of the 10th. of March when yours of the 24th. was...
Mr Wilcox has agreed to take the Vessels say two of them the one which saild lately from...