Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from James Thomson Callender, 16 November 1799

From James Thomson Callender

Richmond Nov. 16. 1799.


I Gave Mr. Jefferson, Some days ago, from p. 9 to p. 48 inclusive of The Prospect, to be Sent to you. Having the opportunity of a private hand, I now Send forward 16 additional pages. There is much bad print in it.

I inclose the Copy of a plan which has ocurred here to Mr. James Lyon, and which if conducted with taste and perseverance, bids fairer than any other which I have yet seen, to shed the necessary rays of light over our political Atmosphere, at a trifling expence.

I am Sir with respect Your very obliged humble Servt

Jas. T. Callender.

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ. Recorded in SJL as received 30 Nov. Enclosure not found, but see below.

The plan by James Lyon was probably that for the Friend of the People, which the editor envisioned as a political

newspaper to be published inexpensively in Richmond for general distribution by Republicans throughout the United States (Pasley, Tyranny of Printers, description begins Jeffrey L. Pasley, “The Tyranny of Printers”: Newspaper Politics in the Early American Republic, Charlottesville, 2001 description ends 172–3). For Lyon’s description of the paper and its purpose, see the New London Bee, 12 Feb. 1800.

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