27151To Thomas Jefferson from John Callier and Ranson Harwell, 27 November 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
Chozen from the different parts of the District of Washington and now assembled togather in a committee for the purpose of making our Grevenses Known we beg leave to inclose a petition subscribed by the most Respectable Citizen in the District afore said we are well acquainted with the carracter of the Gentleman recommended in that Petition and Sereously believe him to be a Republican in heart...
27152To Thomas Jefferson from John Callier , 17 December 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
Conscious of the Rectitude of my Intentions and being well asured, they are supported by a majority of my Felow Citizens, and am well convinced that you at all times are willing to hear the statement of a Citizen of the United States however remote they may be—I came to the Tombigbee in the year 97, in the year 98. I mov’d, a large famaly white and black to this country, where I have continud...
27153Enclosure: Memorial from Washington County, Mississippi Territory, 8 November 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
We Your Petitioners whose names are under writen respectfully represent, That being divided from the populous part of the united states of America, and in fact being but a recent acquisition, we are not surprised altho our Situation has not appeared an object of the highest magnitude to Government, Yet we trust that this our petition will not Escape the guardian attention of the president of...
27154To Benjamin Franklin from Calliez(?), 17 February 1779 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’apprens par M Le Ray de Chaumont, que vous etes nommé pour resider seul et en qualité de ministre plenipotentiaire a notre cour; cette nouvelle me fait un trop sensible plaisir pour differer d’un instant a vous le temoigner, Daignez donc Monsieur, agreer mon compliment a cet egard et etre persuadé de toute sa sincerité. Le Congres ne pouvoit assurement...
27155To James Madison from the Calliopean Society of Transylvania University, 10 May 1819 (Madison Papers)
We the undersigned having been appointed by the members of the Calliopean Society, to inform you of your being unanimously elected an honorary member of said Society, deem it essentially necessary to inform you of our motives, and intentions. They are purely literary and are designed exclusively for the promulgation of useful knowledge, uniting its members in the indissoluble bands of unity,...
27156To Thomas Jefferson from James Callis, 13 July 1807 (Jefferson Papers)
To Thomas Jefferson Esqr. President of the United States or the Honorable the Executive thereof Whereas from the proceedings of the British Armiment on our commerce and Ships of War which appears to be unjustifiable by the Existing treaties the Law of Nations and the usage of men from hence it is proable a war may ensue. And Whereas I am seized of a piece containing about six acres of land on...
27157To James Madison from William O. Callis, 20 December 1790 (Madison Papers)
In the year 1778 at the White Plains I was as a Lieutenant of 4th Va Regt. deranged: some previous or subsequent to that period, the Congress promised the Officers of the American Army so deranged, one Years Pay: this compensation I have never received; the design of this then is to beg the favour of you to make the proper application to the present Congress to obtain it. On reference to the...
27158To Thomas Jefferson from William O. Callis, 2 July 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
I have a son upwards of Eighteen years old, stout, healthy and strong; he is well calculated for, and wishes to embrace a Maratime life, provided he could be placed in a proper situation on board some Ship belonging to the United States.—This is intended to request of your Excellency some such appointment for him.— Unhackneied in the ways of solicitation (this being my first effort) your...
27159To James Madison from William Overton Callis, 2 December 1792 (Madison Papers)
Your favor of the 25 Ult. came to hand last evening: I have to acknowledge the polite attention to the request contained in my last. If I should be fortunate enough to succeed in my claim, your own prudance will dictate to you to the proper channel to transmit the proceeds. I have now to retu[r]n you my particular thanks for your communications, relative to the Competitors for the Vice...
27160To James Madison from William Overton Callis, 9 December 1792 (Madison Papers)
I received your favor 27th last Month in due time: and now inclose you my own affadavit and a certificate from Genl. Wood, who commanded the Regiment at the time of my derangement; which (the Paymaster, Benjn Lawson, being dead) is I conceive the best evidence that the nature of the case will admit of. This compensation having been allowed by congress in lieu of all others subsequent to the...
27161To James Madison from William Overton Callis, 18 November 1791 (Madison Papers)
I received yours of the 10th Instant yesterday, am particularly obliged to you for the trouble you have already taken to serve me, but am infinitely more so, for your own propositions to increase it: to avoid pestering you I was induced to request the Sale of my Land Warrant on the terms mentioned in my last; if you can not dispose of it readily and for a Price you think it ought to command, I...
27162To James Madison from William Overton Callis, 19 November 1792 (Madison Papers)
I observe by an Act of the last session of Congress, that the Door for claimants for Personal Service against the U. States, is again open: I have taken the liberty therefore to inclose you a Power of attorney to settle my claim with any Person authorised to do it. In the year 1778 I retired from the Army as a supernumerary Luent. of the 4th. Virginia Regiment, under an arangment of the Army...
27163To James Madison from William Overton Callis, 29 October 1791 (Madison Papers)
I never received you[r] favor respecting my claim against the U. States un[t]il congress had adjourned which will account to you for my not giving it that attention which my own interest, and deceant deportment to you required. I now inclose you a Power of Attorney to Draw a Warrant for my Land; of which if it is not too troublesom I will be particularly obliged to you to dispose, upon the...
27164To James Madison from William Overton Callis, 9 August 1784 (Madison Papers)
Mrs. Carr was informed by Mr Jefferson, previous to his departure to Europe, that he had requested the favor of you, to direct the Studies of her two sons Peter & Dabney in his absence. Should it be convenient for you to comply with Mr Jeffersons request, Mrs. Carr will be much obliged to you to inform her, when, and in what manner you would wish them disposed of. I am with great respect, Sir,...
27165To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Call, 29 March 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
I have received ⅌ Express from Lieut. Colo. Washington one Horseman’s sword taken in the late action at Guilford Court House, which he directs me to send Mr. Hunter as a pattern and have swords made for the men. But the great injury every Mechanic who has done work for the Cavalry sustained by being kept out of his money I am afraid will prevent Mr. Hunter from undertaking to make them unless...
27166To Thomas Jefferson from William Call, 14 April 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
Your Excellencys Proposition of the 12th Inst. to me in behalf of this county I received yesterday where I had assembled the greater part of the People together to make out the relief going down to Genl. Muhlenbergs head Quarters, which gave me at once an oppertunity of making it known. The one fourth of those who are able to do Militia Service are now going down, and one third being already...
27167To Thomas Jefferson from William Call, 6 April 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
Richmond, 6 Apr. 1781 . Transmits a request from the militia of Prince George co. now in service to be relieved “by the 15th Inst. from the county with the other divisions, which will then be a tour of Six weeks, and they be enabled to plant their Corn.” About one third of the effective men in the county are now in service; if this proportion can be reduced to one fourth, Col. Starke will...
27168To Thomas Jefferson from William Call, 21 January 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
The very great demand for Arms for the Army has heitherto Prevented my making any application for any for this county. Probably there may be spare Arms out of order, if so, on having your approbation I will endeavour to get them repair’d at the Publick expence, could they be Sent over, in any of the publick Waggons, unless they could sooner be done in the hands of the publick artificer’s....
27169To Thomas Jefferson from William Call, 4 March 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
Prince George, 4 Mch. 1781 . In spite of numerous applications for negroes to work at Hood’s, has secured the promise of only two; fears he cannot secure them unless he engages tradesmen and pays accordingly. “Those who do not spare their Labourers from principle will not for hire.” RC ( Vi ); addressed and endorsed. See TJ to Turner Southall and others, 15 Feb. 1781 .
27170To Thomas Jefferson from Calonne, 22 October 1786 (Jefferson Papers)
L’intention du Roi etant, [Monsieur,] de favoriser autant qu’il est possible le commerce des Etats unis, j’ai l’honneur de vous faire part de quelques dispositions prises a cet egard. Par ma Lettre du 9 Janvier 1784 a M. Le Marquis de la Fayette, je lui annonçois qu’au lieu de deux ports francs promis par le traité aux Etats unis, le Roi s’etoit determiné a leur en accorder quatre, [ce qui...
27171No. 8., 22 October 1786 (Jefferson Papers)
[Text of Calonne to TJ, 22 Oct. 1786, here omitted (see Vol. 10: 474–6). In addition to texts cited there, an English translation is in DLC: TJ Papers, 60: 10441–6 (PrC in Blackwell’s hand except for “No. 8.” inserted by TJ at head of text) and also in DNA: RG 59, Record of Reports of Thomas Jefferson.]
27172Enclosure: Thomas Mann Randolph (1792–1848) to Thomas Mann Randolph, 17 March [1819] (Jefferson Papers)
The bearer of this M r Calverley is by profession a painter, he has done a great deal of painting for me at Tuckahoe , & I can recommend him as an excellent workman, surpassed by none in Richmond , & is withall one of the most industrious, steady, & deserving tradesmen that I know any where—he is desirous to get employment at the Central college ; & feeling convinced that no man can be...
27173To George Washington from Benedict Calvert, 8 April 1773 (Washington Papers)
I Received the favour of yours of the 3d Instant by Mr Custis which I feel myself highly honoured by, and am truly happy in your Approbation of that young Gentlemans future Union with my Second Daughter. I should be dead to Parental feelings, were I untouched with the polite manner in which you are pleased to compliment Nellys Qualifications; Being her father, it would illy become me to sound...
27174To George Washington from Benedict Calvert, 25 August 1773 (Washington Papers)
I Received yours by Major Jennifer at Annapolis and have given Orders to my Deputy to look out for such a person as you want. He tells me that Tradesmen well recommended sell very high. I have desired him to buy none but such. I was in hopes to have had the pleasure of attending the Governor to Mount Vernon, but some business at my Office on the Eastern Shore obliges me to set off on Sunday. I...
27175To George Washington from Benedict Calvert, 4 November 1779 (Washington Papers)
I have taken the Liberty to Inclose you a Letter for Sr Robert Eden in which we Inclosed one for the Lords of the Treasury which I have left open for your perusal. You will see upon the reading of them, the necessity I was under of writing, acquainting them, with the final Settlement of an Affair, in which, I was considerably concerned and at the same time to apprise them of Bills of Exchange...
27176From Christopher Calvert, with a Note by Jefferson to the Attorney General, 25 February–21 March 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
South Quay, 25 Feb. 1781 . “Agreeable to the within information,” Calvert has seized the trunk and has found no letters in it, but rather a quantity of “valuable dry Goods”; wishes to know what is to be done with them. By law the Naval Office is open from ten to three; this prevents Calvert from attending muster; and, on account of his feet, he believes himself entitled to exemption from...
27177To Benjamin Franklin from Pierre du Calvet, 14 September 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai eu l’honneur il y [ a ] Six Semaines d’envoyer á vôtre Excellence, par la voie de Mr. L’ambassadeur de france, un exemplaire imprimé de mon appel á la justice de l’êtat, (l’angleterre), c’est l’histoire lamentable de la tirannie la plus horrible, déployeé contre moi, par le général haldimand, parce qu’il me, Soupgonnoit un ami des americains....
27178To Benjamin Franklin from Du Calvet, 24 September 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’apprends de Mr. lambert, Banquier á paris, que pour être payé de la dette dont les êtats unis me Sont redevables, depuis la retraite de leurs généraux du canada, il ne me reste plus, que la voie de m’addresser personnellement au Congrés, par l’envoi des piéces originales qui la justifient. J’ai des idées trop relevées de la probité et de la justice de Mr....
27179To Benjamin Franklin from Du Calvet, 4 January 1785 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçue le 28 de decembre par penny post la lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 14 d’octobre dernier. Si cette lettre est partie de passy par la voie directe de la poste, il n’est pas difficile de deviner la cause, qui la prolongeé Si ong tems Sur la route, avant de parvenir jusqu’a moi; les Soupçons et la malice du despotisme...
27180To James Madison from A. Calvin, 17 February 1813 (Madison Papers)
I understand that there is a Bill With the Committee of Foreign Relations and that it is Expected that they Will Report in favour of taking off the Non-Importation act. This is, and what the Federals, Wants, and I hope they may be Dispointed, for if that Should be the Case the Country is done, and the War Will Continue or We must give up, a Rigid Embargo ought to be Laid, and Every thing but...