Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Andrew Dunscomb, 17 January 1794

To Andrew Dunscomb1

[Philadelphia, January 17, 1794. On January 26, 1794, Dunscomb wrote to Hamilton: “Your friendly favor of the 17th Inst. I recd. ⅌ last post.” Letter not found.]

1Dunscomb, a former resident of New York City, had moved to Richmond in the winter of 1791. He had served the government in several clerical capacities during the American Revolution. After the Revolution he was a clerk in the office of the commissioner of Army accounts, an agent to settle certain claims of Virginia soldiers of the Revolution, and an agent to settle the accounts between Virginia and the United States until that office was abolished at the end of 1786 (Dunscomb to George Washington, November 1, 1789 [AD, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress]).

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