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Results 27131-27140 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have received your orders dated 14th Jany respecting quarters at Fleming Town—previous to removing from hence I was desirous of informing myself whether this place might not be made suitable for us, but every one agrees that neither forage nor any other necessaries can be had in sufficient quantities for our use—on this account I am obliged to give Your Excellency notice that the Cavalry...
The Brigadiers and officers commanding Brigades in the Virginia line, having met in Consiquence of your Excellency’s directions of the 18th Instant to determine on Some fix’d system as a line to go by in the dismission of those Virginia Troops, whose time of Enlistment will shortly expire: Report as follows, Viz. They give it as their opinion; that the men whose time of service, is nearly out,...
Francis Lightfoot Lee Esquirs Letter for the Committee on the Subject of provisions filled me with Concern & astonishment. I applied to the Deputy Commissary General to furnish some Active persons for throwing an instant Supply of Provisions to the Army to answer the present Exigency. I was told by him that he could get none such immediately but he would write to his Deputy to do the Business....
Whereas by the acts constituting the High court of Chancery and General court, the said courts are to be holden at such place as the legislature shall direct, and no place hath as yet been appointed for that purpose: Be it therefore enacted by the General assembly that for the term of one year after the end of this present session of assembly, and from thence to the end of the session then...
I acknowledge your favors of the 19th. and 24th. Ultimo, and with great pleasure find you obey the call of your Country. May it prove her advantage and your honor, of which I have not the least doubt, notwithstanding the deficiency you mention. I shall highly esteem a constant correspondence with you, which I shall endeavour to encourage and improve a friendship I so greatly value. A lex...
Copy: Connecticut Historical Society We wrote you the 12 inst. on the Subject of the Letter returned to Mr. Beaumarchais since which we are without any of your favours, except of the 12 inst. which relates to the Sales of the Cargo of the Amphitrite, the acct. of which sales you will please to favour us with a Copy of for our Settlement with that Gentleman. It is a little surprizing that Capt....
AL : Bibliothèque municipale, Mantes Mr. Franklin presents his Compliments respectfully to M. le Duc de Rochefoucauld. He will read and return as soon as possible the Papers mentioned. News is received this Morning from England, that a Vessel arrived from New York, which Place she left the 16th of December, brings Advice, that General Howe march’d out of Philadelphia the 5th, drove in G....
Copies: American Philosophical Society, Library of Congress, National Archives (two) We mean in this letter to give you a succint view of the state of our military affairs. You must long before this reaches you have been made acquainted with the signal success of the american arms in the northern department, particularly the several Engagements in that quarter previous to the surrender of...
LS : American Philosophical Society In Consequence of your letter of 12th: Instant we have acquainted Mr. Beaumarchais we were ready to account with him for the whole Proceeds of the Cargo of the amphitrite of which we have already remitted to him part of the amount and Shall continue. If our accounts of disbursements for the two frigattes have exceeded your expectations you cannot with any...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, January 21, [1778? ], in French: Your virtues make me overcome the delicacy of my sex and write to ask your help. I am an orphan of eighteen, daughter of an infantry captain, and have no resources except a good education and the hope of a pension from the ministry of war. A court lady has interceded with the prince de Montbarey, but the times are...